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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 557
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The guard looked at the middle-aged man, and the latter felt that he had no time to waste, as his

master was breathing more and

more rapidly. He gritted his teeth and decided to make an attempt. "Please, sir."

Harper handed the dagger to one of the guards. "Take it, please. My lady gave it to me. If I lose it, her

fury will be terrible."

"Please rest assured, sir."

Harper stepped forward and felt the young man's pulse. She found that his heart was beating

irregularly, so she took out a

needle bag and said, "Unbutton his clothes. I must give him an acupuncture treatment."

The middle-aged man saw the silver needle in Harper's hand and quickly undid his master's clothing.

Harper promptly put the

needle into the young man's body. His breathing soon improved, becoming smoother, but his face was

still pale.

"How curious. It's not a heart condition, so why does he have symptoms of heart disease? Has he been

poisoned?" Harper

murmured to herself. The middle-aged man was surprised by her comment, but he said nothing.

"Sir, will my master be all right?"

"He is fine now. I estimate he has been like this for almost ten years," replied Harper, as she withdrew

the needle.

"That's right. Do you have any cure for him, sir?" the middle-aged man asked hopefully. "My master

has spent all year looking for

physicians. We have inquired of many famous physicians, but they were unable to help him. So all

these years he keeps taking

medicine to alleviate his pain."

Without saying anything, Harper suddenly pinched the young man on his chin. The middle-aged man

felt his master was

offended and quickly slapped the back of her hand, which turned red in an instant.

Harper rubbed the back of her hand and asked him, "Why did you do that?"

"How dare you!" the servant reprimanded her. It seemed to him that Harper was trying to be flirtatious.

"Ahem." The patient coughed and looked at the middle-aged man in disapproval. "Samuel, he just

wanted to confirm my

condition. Sir, please forgive my servant's rudeness."

Harper massaged the back of her aching hand, and it felt as if this servant had almost broken her bone.

But since his master had

made such a good apology, she said, "It doesn't matter. It was my fault. I did it too abruptly."

"You should recuperate in a good environment. Why don't you stay at home to rest? How can you think

of travelling now? Aren't

you suffering?" Harper asked, feeling perplexed, as she extended her hand to the young man again.

There was a strange bluish

mark near his chin. This mark was concerning, so she had pinched his chin to check it just now, but

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she had been slapped.

"I am weary of my long suffering from this disease. All my family have been seeking a physician

everywhere for me, and this time

I also came out to search for one." A moment ago the young man seemed like an invalid, but now his

voice had become full of


Harper was bewildered by the man's condition and thus, felt his pulse again. Her face darkened as she

found that the man had

no indication of a pulse. She blinked in disbelief. When she checked his other hand, she still couldn't

feel his pulse. Just a

moment ago, she had felt his pulse clearly.

"Astonishing." Harper leaned closer to him in curiosity and extended her hand to the artery of his neck.

His loyal servant Samuel

wanted to slap her hand again, but the young man prevented him in time. He detected no malevolence

in Harper. He felt familiar

with her, and her faint aroma of medicine told him that she was indeed a physician.

Harper touched the man's neck and smiled. "It's the first time I've encountered such a strange pulse.

When you're unwell, I can

feel your pulse, but when your condition is alleviated, your pulse fades away and I can't even feel it.

That's fascinating." Samuel's face darkened instantly. 'My master has such a terrible disease. How can

this person call it "fascinating"? I'd like to pinch his thin neck and kill him.' "You look so young. How

long have you studied medicine?" "I've studied it since I was born. You suffer from a disease," Harper

said without any doubt. "Yes, I do," the man affirmed. He suffered from a disease, not poison, but it was

a very rare one. When he was feeling well, even the best physicians couldn't diagnose him, and they

just said he had little time left to live. Harper rummaged through her briefcase for something. After a

long search, she took out a green china bottle and said, "I have this medicine here. It's better than

yours. Take one pill each time you suffer a relapse. Will you dare to take it?" "Thank you very much, my

friend." The man accepted it without hesitation. "By the way, I haven't asked your name." "My surname

is Qin, and my given name is Harrell." Harper used this secret alias when she disguised herself in

men's clothes.

"Your family name is Qin?" The man was surprised, but he quickly smiled. "What an interesting

coincidence. My surname is also Qin, and my given name is Felton." "It seems that we are destined to

meet. Your carriage's wheel is broken. Repairing it will be a challenge. Wait a moment. My men are on

their way and will arrive soon. I'll ask them to give our carriage to you." Harper smiled. "You are not

alone?" Felton Qin asked in astonishment. He had assumed that Harper was a young man from a rich

family and was just hanging out, but the case turned out to be otherwise. Harper shook her head and

saw a horse approaching rapidly from a distance on the snowy road. Several guards surrounded Felton

Qin in the blink of an eye. Harper waved at the comer and said, "Don't worry. It's all right. He's my

brother." Matthew stopped in front of Harper, glanced at her, and then threw a white fox fur cloak over

her shoulders, saying, "Put it on." Harper put it on obediently, and right away she felt much warmer.

"Their carriage is damaged, so we must lend them our carriage."

"That's none of our business! We don't have time to pick up stray cats and dogs from the roadside!"

Matthew said coldly and

looked at Felton Qin.

"How dare you!" Samuel roared. Felton Qin reached out his hand to stop his servant from saying

another word. Then he turned

to look at Matthew.

"Harrell, thank you for your help. I will be in grave danger without it. If I would disturb you to borrow..."

"Yes, you will disturb us!" Matthew cut him off immediately. They only had one carriage, and if it was

given to them, how could he

continue to stay next to Harper?

Harper squinted at him and said, "Brother, you seem to be depressed. Would you like me to give you

an acupuncture


Looking at Harper intimidating him with that innocent smile on her face, Matthew thought, 'Damn it! I

can surrender in front of her,

but not in front of outsiders.'

"The carriage is for you. If we have to give it to them, where will we put you? You are weak and not as

strong as these warriors,

who won't suffer from the cold weather. Besides, I don't care about anyone else's survival," Matthew

said crossly. Then, he

turned to Felton Qin and added, "And you! The thing in your hand seems not to belong to you!"

Harper turned around and took the dagger from the man. "I asked him to hold it," she said, putting it in

her pocket. "Come on. Let's mind our own business." Then Matthew extended his hand to Harper.

These strangers were not common

people, and he didn't want to have any trouble at this critical time. Putting her hands in her cloak,

Harper stared at him stubbornly. She was determined to lend them her carriage, and had no intention

of taking it herself. Being cold outside on the horse was preferable to her now. Seeing that Harper was

going to be stubborn, Matthew had a headache. He knew her personality, and that he would not be

able to win this argument. "Fine. I'll give it to them. We can give them the carriage after our other

people arrive here." He was helpless and frustrated, but he couldn't knock Harper unconscious and

carry her away by force. So he just sent up a signal flare to remind his men to hurry up.

Seeing his master's signal flare, Barry drover the carriage quickly and soon met with his master. Then

he saw his master

standing by the roadside with a long face and his mistress talking and laughing merrily with another

man. Apparently, his master

was unhappy to see that.

"Barry, we are lending them our carriage. Theirs is damaged." Seeing that Barry and his companions

had arrived, Harper was

happy and paid no mind to Matthew's gloominess.

Barry glanced at Matthew, but the latter said nothing, so he gave away the carriage promptly.

Harper entered the carriage and only took out Matthew's favorite white jade board and warm jade

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stones. The rest were still

untouched. Samuel observed her carriage, feeling impressed. The carriage looked simple and

unadorned on the outside. Yet,

inside, it was decorated with a thick fur carpet on the floor and warm cushions on the stools and all

kinds of necessities were in

it. One could even sleep in it.

"Well, since your own carriage is useless, this carriage is yours now. We must go now."

"Thank you very much."

Harper grinned joyfully, feeling happy that she had finally given the flamboyant carriage to somebody

else. Unexpectedly,

Matthew reached out to take her by the waist, lift her onto his horse, put her in his arms, and wrapped

her tightly in his cloak.

"Let's go."

Seeing Harper being wrapped up like that and led away, Felton Qin's subordinates looked at each other

speechlessly. "Are those

two handsome men gays?"

"I guess they must be gays, from the way they hugged each other so closely."

"Ahem. Don't gossip about anyone behind their backs." Felton Qin coughed.

"Yes, master." Samuel helped his master into the carriage, and drove it outside. The carriage moved

along quickly, but Felton

Qin didn't feel any jolts or bumps.

"Harrell Qin, Barry Jun..." He muttered these two names. The surname of Jun belonged to the royal

family in the Bright Dynasty.

Were these two people from the royal family? But the surname Qin had nothing to do with the imperial

family. Who was that


Leaning against the wall of the carriage in silence, Felton Qin thought about the emperor's sons and

brothers. The crown prince

Felix had to be in the imperial capital city now and wouldn't leave the city except under compulsion.

The second prince, Walden,

on the other hand, didn't have that imposing manner. The man he just saw now was very imposing and

had a malicious aura that

made him feel very uncomfortable.

Felton Qin had met the third prince Jason several times. The sixth prince, Francis was bed-ridden and

was surely still in the

imperial capital. The seventh prince, Hoffman was disowned, and the eighth prince Lucas was of a

different age. Thus, that

person could only be one man.

'He is Prince Matthew, the emperor's brother.' Felton really couldn't imagine running into the prince at

that time. Who was the

man next to him? It was said that the prince loved his wife very much, but now he was flirting with

another man. Felton Qin

wondered if his wife would be heartbroken to learn this.