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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 544
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"I always know that you treat me the best, darling," Harper said. A bright smile bloomed on her face,

giving out tender light on

that cold night.

A few moments after then, it began to snow again. The whole River City was covered in white, casting

a magical glow all over

the place.

When Harper woke up the next morning, Matthew wasn't by her side. Instead, Forsythia was standing

by the bed. Seeing that

Harper was finally awake, she asked, "Your Highness, you're awake. It's snowing outside very heavily.

Would you like to go out

and have a look?"

"Help me freshen up," Harper stated, ignoring Forsythias' question. Harper got up, got dressed, and

freshened up. Only after

then did she asked, "Where is Matthew?"

"His Highness went out when it began snowing last night and hasn't come back yet. He said that he

was going to deal with

something. He took Fred with him and left Barry here in the official inn to protect you." Forsythia

promptly explained the situation.

"What is Alexander doing right now?" Harper asked.

"He's reading. He said that he had been skipping a lot of courses these days, so he wants to take this

opportunity to catch up.

He's actually very focused and determined about his studies." Forsythia couldn't help but praise

Alexander. She then added,

"Earlier, I cooked ginseng soup for him in order to build up his immune system so that his health won't

be affected with all the

studying that he's doing. Just rest your heart at ease, Your Highness."

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"Has Alexander had his breakfast yet?"

"Not yet, I'll have someone send breakfast to his room later."

"No, just let him go downstairs for breakfast. If he stays in his room all day long, he may feel

miserable," Harper commanded.

Studying hard was a good thing, but he shouldn't let it affect his own health because of it.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Soon after, Harper went downstairs to the dining hall for breakfast. After a few moments, Alexander

joined her. He greeted her

politely, "Good morning, Harper."

"Come and sit down for breakfast."

"Yes, thank you so much." Alexander sat down in a well-behaved manner, looking like an adult. Harper

couldn't help but burst into loud laughter and lightly pinched his face with her fingers, saying, "You don't

have to be overcautious and formal in front of your sister." Feeling a little embarrassed, Alexander

scratched his head and said, "My teacher says that a man cannot become independent if he doesn't

behave properly and with dignity. I just want to let you know that I'm trying my best to live up to your

expectations." "Oh you don't need to worry about that. I just want you to be happy." Harper smiled while

she handed him a bowl of porridge. "Have your breakfast first. It's getting cold." "Thank you!" Alexander

said while he took the bowl with both of his hands. He couldn't help but be curious when he looked

around and didn't see his brother-in-law. So he asked, "Where is Matthew?" "He went out for business,"

Harper answered plainly. In a more lively tone, she asked, "Are you going out for a walk after

breakfast?" "No, I am not. I have missed a lot of courses recently and I can't even go to school in the

near future, so I'm afraid that I'll be way behind my classmates when I finally go back. If I don't seize

this opportunity to make up for the lost time, by then, it will be impossible for me to catch up to them."

Harper picked up a steamed stuffed bun and put it in his bowl. She then reminded, "Don't study too

hard. Your health is important

as well."

"You have nothing to worry about, Harper. I am very healthy right now. Forsythia cooks ginseng soup

for me every day. I almost

have a nosebleed because of it," Alexander said in embarrassment.

"That's very considerate of Forsythia," Harper commented.

"Your Highness, I have to take good care of his health, or else, you will get worried about him,"

Forsythia explained.

"You naughty girl. You're young but sly. I can see through you," Harper playfully said.

Forsythia had a smug smile on her face. Then, she caught sight of Matthew, who was walking into the

dining hall. In a hurry, she

walked up to him and greeted, "Your Highness, welcome back."

Harper turned around and saw Matthew walking in. She quickly asked, "You're back. Have you had


"Not yet," Matthew briefly responded. He then took off his cloak and handed it to Fred who was closely

following him. Forsythia

quickly fetched one more pair of chopsticks and one more bowl. Matthew sat down next to Harper and

ate his breakfast with them. "Has the matter been settled?" Harper casually asked. Although Matthew

had meticulously cleaned himself on the way back, she could still smell a faint scent of blood from him.

With a steamed bun in his hand, Matthew nodded and said, "All is done." "Are you all right?" Harper

asked while she carefully looked at every part of Matthew's body. It was as if she wanted to see if he

was injured anywhere, even though she couldn't see through his clothes.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Pearce asked me to tell you that they are ready to formally accept Alexander as

their sworn son," Matthew

softly said, changing the subject.



"That's great." Immediately, Harper ordered the servants to prepare some gifts. Since Alexander was

going to take Pearce and

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Allie as his sworn parents, he had to give them gifts. However, Alexander was still very young, so

Harper had to prepare the gifts

on his behalf.

"Harper, Matthew, I'm already full. If you may excuse me, I'm going back to my room to study."

"Okay, go ahead."

After watching Alexander as he made his way upstairs, Harper turned to Matthew and asked, "Did you

destroy the Scarlet Devils'

stronghold last night?"

"Yes, but it's a pity that Marquis Scarlet had already escaped when we got there. He is very clever and

cunning. When he

realized that something was wrong, he abandoned all the others and fled by himself. Except for him, all

the members of the

Scarlet Devils were completely annihilated," Matthew stated while he squinted his eyes at the thought

of Marquis Scarlet.

"Have you gathered any useful information?" Harper curiously asked.

"Nothing at all." Matthew shook his head.

"Did you find any money in that place?" Harper asked. Since Scarlet Devils had been operating as an

organization of contract

killers for so many years, she thought that they must have made a fortune.

"Not really, there was only a small amount of treasures and some lists left at their stronghold. Nothing

else was there."

"Where is the money that the Scarlet Devils have earned over the years?" Harper asked in confusion.

After all, the Scarlet Devils

had high rates for their services. And their business didn't actually require too much cost. Their profit

from a single deal could

amount to the annual profit of one of Harper and Matthew's shops. Due to the high profitability, they

must have earned a lot of

money. Harper wondered where all of that money went on earth.