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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 543
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Turning to Harper in surprise, Marquis Scarlet said, "I heard that Prince Matthew's wife is arrogant and

overbearing. It wasn't

until now that I found out they were telling the truth, though they forgot to mention that you're also a liar

who makes irresponsible

remarks and accuses others of hasty slanderous charges."

Harper laughed sarcastically before responding, "Oh, really? I did hear some things about you too, you

know. I wonder what the

face behind that mask really looks like."

She stretched out her hand to remove the mask from Marquis Scarlet's face. But as soon as her hand

touched the mask, a silver

needle was shot at her wrist. In a second, Matthew hastily pulled Harper away to protect her. Marquis

Scarlet took the chance to

get rid of Matthew's grip on him and quickly stepped away from them.

"I admire your agility, Prince Matthew. But next time we meet, I won't lose to you." After that, Marquis

Scarlet looked at Harper

with eyes full of complex emotions. At that, he was finally ready to leave.

As a glimmer of light flashed through her eyes, Harper shot three silver needles from the bracelet

around her wrist towards

Marquis Scarlet. The man quickly turned around to avoid the attack. But, unfortunately for him, one of

the silver needles found its

way into his body.

Marquis Scarlet spat out a mouthful of blood. He turned around one more time and gave a ferocious

glance at Harper. Wiping off

the blood from the corner of his mouth, he quickly disappeared in the darkness. All the other assassins

had already fled away in

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different directions even before their leader could. Matthew made a gesture with his hand, ordering the

secret guards who were

in hiding to chase them.

When they were sure that every member of the Scarlet Devils had fled, Harper finally had the time to

worry about the situation in

the imperial capital. If it was true that someone had deliberately lured them away from the imperial

capital, their family there

would have been in great danger by then. After thinking about it for a little more while, Harper suddenly

breathed a sigh of relief

and looked at Matthew out of concern. "What's wrong?" Matthew asked with worry since he could feel

the obvious change in Harper's mood. "I just couldn't help but think that if our enemy deliberately lured

us away from the imperial capital, our family would be in danger right now. However, the next moment I

realized that my actual family is together with me right now," Harper softly said with a small smile. She

looked at Matthew, wanting him to know that by "actual family," she meant him. She then added, "Also,

Gianna is in Allen's mansion and is being taken good care of by him and his wife, so I don't need to

worry about her safety. The Bu Clan

members have the ability to protect themselves, and Alexander is with us. There is nobody in the

imperial capital that we need to worry about." "But your father is there," Matthew reminded her. Even

though Harper did not consider Charles as her father anymore, there was no denying that they were

still bonded by blood. "He is not my father," Harper said firmly, emphasizing each word. Her father was

not a frantic bastard like Charles. In her previous life, her father was actually stricter with her than with

her elder brother because he thought that a female should be independent and self-reliant. Even so, he

didn't love her any less than her elder brother. In fact, her father took care of her more carefully than he

did to her elder brother.

"If you say so. I guess he doesn't deserve to be called like that," Matthew agreed with her.

"How are we going to deal with the Scarlet Devils?" Despite the assurance that her family would be

fine, Harper was still worried

about the Scarlet Devils. After all, she knew that these people were merciless and desperate. If they

were determined to get rid

of someone, no one knew the limit that they would be willing to take. Moreover, Scarlet Devils had been

associated with Alban's

death. For just that fact, Harper was reluctant to let them go that easily.

"Don't worry. Once my secret guards find the Scarlet Devils' location, it will be easy to capture all of

them. Of course, I won't let

those gangsters go free and go about doing what they want. What's more, they even dared to think of

going after me. How can I

not do something to them in return?" Matthew confidently stated with conviction in his eyes. He knew

that at whichever cost, he

would find them. "When you've finally caught the Scarlet Devils, you should tell Pearce before killing

them. I'm sure he'll immediately come. After all, you're going to kill the murderer who killed his son.

Since Pearce and Allie are willing to accept Alexander as their sworn son, I believe they are sensible

enough to tell what is right and wrong. Now that they have a legitimate reason to hold a grudge against

them, they would regret it very much if they weren't there at the very least," Harper stated softly. "As a

matter of fact, Pearce's clan has a reputation for being humble and dignified. Not everyone has the

courage to fade in the

background at the height of their prosperity. But that was exactly what Pearce's clan did in the past,"

Matthew stated in

consensus with Harper.

"You seem to have a very high opinion of Pearce," Harper commented. It was rare for her to see

Matthew praise someone this

much. In fact, he was a very proud man who regarded himself and the people around him with high

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standards. Therefore, he

would praise only a few people from time to time. Even when it came to Franklin, Matthew merely

described him as an old fox. In

comparison, he spoke extremely highly of Pearce.

"I praise you very often, don't I?" Matthew said teasingly with a playful smile and twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh honey, did you ever praise me?" Harper went along with his playful mood.

"Don't be like that! I have praised you multiple times. I said that you're clever, sweet, gentle,

considerate, and exceedingly

beautiful," Matthew said, almost like a boy whining.

"Oh, you're such a smooth talker!" Harper exclaimed. Even though she was usually confident and

proud, she couldn't help but

blush at his words. To hide her embarrassment, she retorted at him, "Why don't you say that I'm always

jealous, savage, and

wild? You can even call me disgusting for daring to dissect corpses."

"So what? Dissecting corpses doesn't bother me at all. Even if you want to dissect living people, I'll

support you. And you have

my word. I would still look at you the same way," Matthew said in a sincere tone. Back then, Harper had

operated Nicole and

done an emergency caesarean section on her. She had to cut open Nicole's belly to take out Gianna.

By doing so, she not only

saved Gianna but also fulfilled Nicole's last wish. Besides, at that time, Allen didn't blame Harper for

cutting Nicole's belly open

and taking the baby out. However, what Harper had done was too shocking for common people to bear.

Therefore, in order to

keep it a secret, Matthew had meticulously tracked down everybody who knew about it. He then

threatened them to take the

secret to their graves, or else, he was going to be the one to take them there.