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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 539
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"Are you going to sit face to face with Marquis Pearce and look at each other silently?" Harper asked

teasingly. Jack had told her

about how Matthew sat in Pearce's mansion silently for two hours, thereby putting Pearce under

pressure and forcing him to go

to the government office to facilitate the release of Alexander. Harper was of the opinion that Pearce

might still be angry with

Matthew. So, if Matthew were to go to the mansion again, Pearce would expel him out. Therefore, she

thought it would be better

if she would accompany Alexander to Pearce's mansion.

"I'll take him there tomorrow," she said.

"I'll go with you," Matthew said immediately. He was not going to let his wife, who was feeble and soft-

spoken, face the two who

had just lost their only son. If the situation went out of control, he knew that Harper might not be able to

deal with them.

"We will just pay a visit," said Harper, trying to discourage Matthew.

"He is an irritable man and he is likely to hurt others."

"We are not going there to fight. We just want to apologize to them," Harper argued back.

"He has lost his only son. It would be hard for him to control his emotions, and he's very likely to use

violence against you,"

Matthew said, not giving up.

"He is not an unreasonable man." Harper once again tried to counter him.

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"You can't expect him to be reasonable when he has just lost his only son. He will use violence and

wouldn't mind to hurt you."

Harper thought that it was simply impossible to stop her husband. If she continued to refuse him, he

wouldn't mind doing

something way out of the box. So, she simply nodded, "Okay, but remember that we are not going for a

fight. You can't conflict

with them."

"Okay." Matthew was quick to agree this time. Early next morning, Harper instructed the maids to

prepare some gifts for Pearce and Allie. Then they went to Pearce's mansion. The steward of the

mansion was puzzled seeing Harper and Alexander. But when he saw Matthew, who was behind the

sister and brother, he immediately swallowed his saliva awkwardly. The sight of Pearce breaking his

favorite coral, right after Matthew leaving the mansion yesterday, suddenly came to his mind. The

steward wondered why Matthew would come again today.

"Please report to Marquis Pearce that Harper Chu has come to visit him," Harper said with a smile.

They hadn't informed Pearce of their visit in advance, so now they had to wait outside the gate of the

mansion. "Please wait for a while," the steward requested as he went inside to inform Pearce. At the

moment, Pearce was in his son's room. While looking at Alban's personal belongings, he couldn't

control his grieve and felt a deep sense of loneliness. When he saw the copybook in Alban's

handwriting, he couldn't control his outburst. "My Lord." Wiping his eyes, Pearce asked in a trembling

voice, "What's the matter?" "Someone is here to visit you. She said her name is Harper Chu, and she

also brings a child," the steward reported. Since he had never seen Alexander before, and only knew

the boy's name, he had no idea who Harper was.

However, Pearce did know the name of Matthew's wife. He asked the steward, "Just two of them?"

"They are with the guest who visited you yesterday, My Lord." The steward looked at Pearce cautiously.

He knew very well that

Matthew was someone who was difficult to deal with. He guessed that if he were to refuse seeing

them, Matthew might go crazy

and wouldn't even mind breaking in.

"Tell them to wait in the main hall." Of course, Pearce was aware that he couldn't refuse Matthew to

enter his mansion, but he

could still give him a cold shoulder for a while. If it weren't for Matthew, his clan would not have been

involved in the partisan

strife. Because of her son's death, Allie had been muddled until a couple of days ago. Recently, she got

better of herself, and now subconsciously walked into her son's room. There, she found that Pearce

was also present in the room, holding some personal stuff of Alban. "Pearce." "Darling why are you

here?" Pearce asked in a tone of disagreement. He walked to her and stopped her. "I will have some

people put Alban's things away. You'd better not come here always, or we will only feel sad."

Allie's eyes were red and swollen, as she had wept a lot lately. Pearce felt so sorry for her. He gripped

her shoulders and said in

a soft tone, "Don't cry anymore. My heart breaks when I see you like this. If Alban knew how you are

now, he would not rest in


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"I..." Allie burst into tears. Alban was their only son. In order to take good care of him wholeheartedly,

they decided not to have

another child. However, this decision turned out to make them without an offspring. She not only cried

for the loss of her son, but

also felt sorry for her husband.

Pearce understood what his wife was thinking. He too was in deep sorrow due to their loss. However,

what had happened had

happened, and there was no turning back. He thought he had to try to cheer up, since it was useless to

live in sorrow.

"Prince Matthew and his wife have brought Alexander Chu here. Would you like to see them?" Pearce

asked. He wanted to

divert his wife's attention, as this was the only way to bring her out of her deep sorrow.

She was confused to hear that. "Prince Matthew and his wife?"

"Alexander Chu is the younger brother of Prince Matthew's wife. Alexander is here with them."

She wiped her tears. Earlier, she had been of the thought that Alexander was behind Alban's death.

She was so much enraged

that she wished to kill Alexander with her bare hands and wanted to drink his blood. However, after

knowing there were other

hidden secrets behind her son's death, she stopped being angry with Alexander.

"Let's go and see them. I owe the boy an apology," she said. In an attempt to seek revenge for her

son's death, she had been to

the prison to hit and curse Alexander. Now that she knew he was not the real murderer, she thought

she had to apologize to him.

Pearce nodded and supported her as they walked to the main hall.