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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 538
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"Well, so when your teacher's son was down and in trouble, you didn't hesitate to hit him," Matthew

said in a flat tone, but Hollis

trembled with fear at his words.

"Your Highness, you are scaring me. I didn't hit him when he was down, nor do I have the nerve to do

such a thing. As for this

case, after the post-mortem examination of the corpse, Marquis Pearce pressurized me to bring justice

to his son. I did

everything according to what the law prescribes."

"Really?" Matthew sneered. "Are you trying to fool me thinking that I know nothing about the law?"

"Please forgive me, Your Highness! I never meant to offend you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me!" Hollis

could not help but curse

his assistant in his heart, because it was the latter who had advised him to visit Matthew and get some

information about the

murderer. But now, it turned out that he came to dig his own grave.

"All right, I don't intend to call you to account for this. I will be going back to the imperial capital in a

couple of days. You may

leave now." After taking a cold glance at Hollis, Matthew stood up and walked upstairs as he saw

Harper coming out of the room

fresh after her bath.

"Your Highness, the murderer...?" Hollis tried to ask once again.

"It's the government's duty to arrest the murderer. What is it that you want? Do you want me to arrest

the murderer for you?"

Matthew asked, as he paused and turned around to cast a sinister look at Hollis.

Hollis felt so terrorized that his heart almost stopped pounding. He bid goodbye and left as soon as

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possible, fearing that he

would be killed by Matthew then and there.

Harper saw Hollis moving out in a hurry. She asked Matthew silently with her eyes what was going on.

"It's nothing serious. He came in an attempt to sound out my opinion and get some information from

me," Matthew explained with a smile. The fact that Hollis made his visit as soon as they arrived at the

official inn was an indication that they were always under constant surveillance. However, someone like

Hollis was incapable of doing such a thing. Chances were that, someone working for the murderer was

in the government office, or the murderer himself was in the government office. A flicker of light flashed

across Harper's eyes. "It seems that many people are uneasy due to Alexander's release from prison,"

she said.

"If they know that I'm going back to the imperial capital, their uneasiness would only increase. I'm sure

they will react," Matthew said, playing with his wife's long hair. "Darling, do you think I have stirred the

grass well enough to alert the snake?" "Not bad. But, I'm not sure if the people hiding behind would

take the bait." Harper feared that the aim of their opponent would have been to make them leave the

imperial capital. If so, now that they were in the River City, the opponent was successful in achieving

their aim. So she was afraid that they wouldn't be hooked easily. "Even if they want to keep me out of

the imperial capital, I still don't think it would be easy for them to do what they want. They will have to

keep me in the River City by all means, at least till they achieve their target," Matthew analyzed. He

had his doubts that there was another hidden force in the imperial capital. But it was only that the force

had hidden itself too well, making it

difficult for him to find a trace.

"Are you suspecting anyone?"

Matthew shook his head and said, "It's difficult for me to make a wild guess, especially with minimal

evidence. Otherwise, I will

be misled by my impression, which will only satisfy our enemy."

Harper nodded in agreement. At that time, she saw Alexander coming out after freshening up. She

went to check on him, and

tried to find out if he was injured. Fortunately for him, Hollis hadn't tortured him. Moreover, since

Alexander believed that it was

he who killed Alban, he signed his confession without offering any resistance. In this way, he had also

avoided suffering

inquisition by torture. However, as the food in prison was gross, he hadn't eaten well and thus suffered

from malnutrition. Although hungry, Alexander was careful to keep his manners. Harper picked up food

for him and served with her own hands. "Harper, can I go back to the school tomorrow?" Alexander

asked curiously. "I don't want to miss any more courses." "No way," Matthew answered firmly, even

before Harper could say something. "You can't go back to the school until the murderer is

apprehended." Alexander was also aware of the fact that the people hiding behind were targeting him.

If he were to go back to the school, he

might be in danger once again. So, he didn't resist Matthew's decision. "Then, at least can you have

someone bring my books

here? I would be able to read and write in the official inn."

"No problem. That I can arrange," Matthew said without hesitation. Immediately, he then looked in a

certain direction. Although

Harper couldn't see anyone there, she knew that there would be secret guards hiding there. Matthew

always had a unique way

to communicate with his secret guards.

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"Harper, can I go to visit Marquis Pearce and his wife tomorrow?" Alexander asked with caution, after

finishing his lunch. Though

he was innocent, Alban's death was related to him anyway. He wanted to console Pearce and his wife


"What are you saying? We can't tell how they would react upon seeing you. They might even vent their

anger on you physically.

Aren't you afraid?" Harper stared at Alexander for a moment and asked back, without answering yes or


"Yes, I am," Alexander answered frankly. "But I am more afraid about my conscience. I know I didn't kill

Alban, but if I would have

put up with him without much arguments, maybe he wouldn't have died. I think I am obliged to

apologize to his parents."

Harper stretched her hand to touch Alexander's head with affection. "Alexander, you've grown up. You

know how to consider


"Marquis Pearce and his wife are good people," Alexander said with embarrassment. "Although Alban

was a bully, he never did

anything evil. He just liked to make fun of us occasionally. He shouldn't have died. Marquis Pearce and

his wife would have been

heartbroken as he was their only son. My apology is insignificant and can't change what happened, but

I hope they would see

my sincerity."

"Good! Don't be afraid. I will take you tomorrow to Marquis Pearce's mansion," Matthew praised him for

his attitude and

volunteered to go along with him.