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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 50
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Chapter 50


I woke to the strange feel of a heavy object pinningdown and a warm breath

drawing a stripe down my n*eck. Groaning. I opened my eyes. It was breaking

dawn. The soft light from the outside illuminated Damian’s handsface,


above mine

“Hi” He smiled, his eyes alight with a fondness I hadn’t seen before. I was so

used to seeing him rough and intimidating. smartas s at times, mostly when he’s

around Candice. This version of his is new, and I like it. I liked it so much that I

had to bite my l*p to suppress a smile.

“Hm hey” My eyes squinted, forcing the sleep away. As the aftereffect of my

slumber wore off, I realized how crazy my hair must’ve been and how disarrayed

I might have looked. The urge to push him offand run towards the bathroom

was the first thing that cto my mind.

Damian tucked my messy hair behind my ears, his green eyes traipsing over my

face as if I were an artwork he couldn’t take his eyes off. So I stayed where I was,

enjoying his undivided attention.

“So_” Damian said, nudging my nose with his, planting a soft k*ss on my l*ps. He

chuckled as I chased his mouth, frowning when he pecked at my l*ps again

I groaned, palming the back of his head, and forced our mouths together.

Damian smiled, k*ssingthe way I wanted him to k*ssuntil we were both

in dire need of filling our chests with air.

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So what?” I asked, sliding my hand down his chest, feeling the ridges of his

muscles. A squeal fell from my l*ps when he rolled over takingwith him

Giggling. I wiggled on top of him until I was comfortable. Damian offering his

b*dy as my new bed. This was probably the best bed lever laid on.

“Last night really happened,” he said, his hand sliding slowly down my spine.

My brows arched. The squestion had been on the tip of my tongue, but the

soreness between my thighs was enough to

answer mine

“I think so.” I said coyly, tracing his jaw with my forefinger, his day-old stubble

tricking my fingertips. “Are you regretting it?

It was a stu pid question, but after I saw that photo of him and Sonja, I prepared

myself for the inevitable. I chwith him to end this agreement, but the

opposite happened. This relationship was a freight train destined to break my

heart, but after last night, I don’t know what this was between us anymore.

“What?” His hand on my spine froze, his eyes going wide. “Why would you even-”

I shook my head. “It’s okay, Damian,” I said honestly. “What happened last night

was consensual. I won’t force you to stay withif you want to fix things with


The fondness in his eyes I was enjoying earlier quickly morphed into anger. He

palmed the back of my head and a ss, rolling us over, pinningdown with his

weight. My world spun. It tookfive seconds to witness the anger blazing in

his eyes. It was burning hot. Belching a low growl, he smashed his l*ps down to

mine. The k*ss was rough, forceful, and possessive. Palming my breast, he

pinched my n*pples and rolled them until they were stiff peaks. Then he nudged

my legs apart. The tangled sheets were the only barrier between us, but that

didn’t conceal how hard Damian was,

“Last night wasn’t a f u cking mistake, Millicent. He tore the sheet between us.

Then h ooked an arm under my left leg. held it up, and impaled himself inside


“Ah!” Without a preamble, he moved with precision; his hips started snapping,

puncturingwith his hard c ock. “Damian!”

I clawed at his shoulder, feeling each determined thrust of his d ick inside me.

Each the pulled out, I heaved a breath and whimpered at the force of his


09:29 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 50

“You feel that?” Damiarr grunted between each punch of his hips, “I will f ck you

every tyou doubt my words, Millicent.”

“Oh, f uck!” I wept. He lowered his mouth on my breast, biting down on my

n*pple, tugging on it with his teeth.

I hissed, my teeth gritting together as he continued to f uck me. His nand a

few pleading words in my vocabulary were the only thoughts swirling in my


My legs were shaking, my b*dy arching off the bed as Damian kept a steady

pace; his breath was becoming labored as 1 tipped off the edge. He could feel

every contraction of my walls, but each tI was close to coming, he’d change

position, change his pace. I’d curse him each time, and he’d answer with a

sinister chuckle.

“Im sorry! F uck! Please, just letcome!” I screamed; the sheets under me

were already drenched with my sweat.

“Better f ucking remember that, he groaned, pulling out of me, my pu ssy gaping

at his absence. He fi*ppedonto my hands and knees, lifte d my as s, and slid

his co ck insideagain, takingfrom behind. This position meant he could

reach that sweet spot insidewith ease, and he knew it.

Circling a hand around my waist, he quickly found my c lit, rubbing circles on my

sensitive bud. Bending over my b*dy, he guided my face to the side and claimed

my l*ps. He f ucked my mouth with his tongue at the space his c ock went

in and out of me. My b*dy was his instrument, and he playedlike an expert,

humming approval each tI’d cry out in cuphoria.

With his ch*st pressed on my back, I felt his muscles tensing. He was rearing

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close to his release.

“I’m coming.” I said when he took a breath, my toes curling as 1 st the sheet. I

threw my head back, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as black dots

danced around me. “Damian!”

“Givewhat I want” He bit my earlobes, his finger moving frantically over my

cli t as his c ock thickened and pulsed inside


“Oh, f uck!” I cried out, my b*dy shivering as I exploded around him. My moans

of pleasure and his grunt of satisfaction filled the walls of our room.

“Good girl,” Damian rasped, swearing and jerking so hard the bell frame

screeched with his frantic movements.

I felt him spill himself deep insideas I spasmed around him. The aftershock

of my release made my knees and arms give out, falling face-first on the

mattress. Damian chased me, his b*dy quaking behind mine as 1 helplessly

called out his


“Take it, Millicent,” he commanded hotly in my ears. “You’ve been a very bad


A wave of emotions takes over me. I sobbed as he growled in pleasure, my p

ussy milking every drop of his release.