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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 49
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Chapter 49


I should be scared of Damian’s declaration, but I’m not. Even when the fury

vibrated off of him, I felt no fear. I was light- headed from the desire glinimer in

his eyes, like a lighthouse in the middle of a turbulent sea. His touch kindled

wildfire under my skin, turningto writhing and heated mess before him.

He heldhostage on his lap, his big hand guiding my face to get better access

to my mouth. Kissingroughly, he forcibly ground my center over his rigid

member. He was as hard as steel, twitching each the’d rubback and

forth over his length.

His roughness sent my pulse skyrocketing. It drummed against my ch*st cavity,

singing nothing but Damian’s name.

He drank deep from my mouth, growling each tI’d resist and bite his l*p. My

mind toldto push Damian away and hold on to my resolve longer, but my

b*dy had already made the decision. As Damian’s k*sses turned passionate,

almost desperate, he forced his tongue between my l*ps as though he was

asking for permission.

My b*dy won the war against my head. This explosive attraction I had for

Damian f uckedup again. I gave in and k*ssed him back, parting my l*ps, and

granted him entry. The bas ta rd smiled against my mouth, inviting my tongue

for a playful duet.

It was dizzy, I lost my mind in the bliss of passion until breathing became


Damian pulled away and growled. “Permission to f uck you.”

The need in his heavy, lidded eyes leftspeechless. I swallowed hard,

processing what he just said. Even when every muscle in his b*dy toldhe

wanted to get rough and dominate me, he still asked for my consent.

Why does that looked so hot?

“I want you, Millicent.” He pushed my hair out of my face and traced my cheek

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tenderly, his dark eyes dilating. “Why can’t you f ucking get that through your

thick, stubborn head?”

For the lack of response, I could only giggle nervously. Was this his way of f

ucking his way through my stubborn head? He madebelieve that he’d f uck

that make any


He’s actual intent was to sweet talk his way to get what he wanted. Maybe I’ve

taken his statement out of context?

“And now she’s laughing at me,” he groaned, grabbing my as s , rubbing my pu

ssy over his ramrod c ock.

I moaned, my eyes fiuttering shut. “Please letf uck you. I’d go insane if I go

another night without marking you.”

“Marking me?” I scoffed. “I’m not a property you can own.”

“See? Any woman would say yes toin a heartbeat, but you…” He chuckled,

shaking his head. “Only you, Millicent.” He pushedon my back, stretching

above me. “Marking you meant the end of our contract.

“And what’s gonna happen, then?” I whimpered. Damian chose that moment and

buried his face in my throat, biting down on my collarbone.

“You’d be mine.” He traced the low-cut n*eckline of my top with his tongue,

lavishing my heated skin. “Mine to protect.” He nuzzled my left breast, my

n*pples turning to stiff points. “Mine to care for.” He licked my right n*pple.

“Mine to pleasure.” He bit down on it.

Like a lightning bolt, pleasure shot through my entire b*dy, my back arching off

the bed. “Yes.”

“Yes?” He circled my n*pples with the tip of his tongue, leaving a wet patch on

the fabric of my sleepwear.

“Yes, f uck me.” As though my answer surprised him, he lifted his head from my

chest, questioning eyes locking with mine. I

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Chapter 49

cupped his face and pulled him up so I could k*ss him. “Yes to being yours,


The sound that cfrom him was inhumane. Gone was the gentle Damian. He

dragged my top

op over my head, diving forward to take an aching n*pple between his l*ps. I

sighed, burying my fingers in his hair, his mouth drivingcrazy.

“Damian.” I moaned, pushing my ch*st for his attention. He cupped my breasts

and pushed them together, licking my n*pples back and forth. “Oh sh it, that

feels so good.”


“So f ucking good,” he murmured, licking a stripe down my stomach. He ripped

my bottoms off and buried his face between my thighs. “But this is f ucking

better,” he groaned, I cry out. He grabbed my a ss cheeks, his fingers digging into

my fiesh. “I’d never get tired of eating you out, Millicent.”

His tongue lashed onto my cl it, licking, biting and nipping as if it was a third

n*pple. Then he shoved his tongue inside me, wiggling the tip, makinggasp.

“Hm.. yes.”

A toe curling sensation spiraled down my spine when he pushed a finger at my

entrance and suckled my c lit. The sensation was mind-blowing. I dig my hands

into his hair and start pulling my b*dy squirming at the command of his hand

and tongue on my p ussy, my legs falling wider as stars dance on the back of my


When I shuddered. tipping over my release, he stopped all ministration,

laughing darkly when I cursed his name.

“Patience, baby.” He sat up, removed his shirt and boxers, his co ck slapping

against his stomach. “The only tyou’re allowed to cis when I’m buried

balls deep inside you,” he said, fi sting that monster between his legs.

I swallowed, calculating his size compared to Hunter’s. It must be all the

romance s I’ve read, but I’ve never actually seen one that would fit all the

author’s description, until now. Hunter wasn’t average, but Damian was bigger

on girth and size. Like freaking porn star worthy girth and size.

“The look on your face is a f ucking compliment,” he sounded smug.

I couldn’t form a reply. My heart strummed in my ch*st as Damian settled

between my parted legs, k*ssinguntil I was breathless. Holding his weight in

one arm, he guides his c ock up and down my center, coating the head with my

wetness. I held on to his shoulder as our eyes locked. Slowly, Damian embedded

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himself inside me, allowingto feel every inch until there was no more of


“Oh my G od.” I winced, my pu ssy had never been stretched like this before. A

pleasurable pain coursed through my b*dy I wiggled, searching for a

comfortable position beneath him.

Damian groaned with each move I made, but stayed as still as he could.

“I knew you’d f ucking feel like heaven,” he snarled, eyes fiaring as his jaw


Once my b*dy got accustomed to his side, Damian dragged out and pushed back

in, all the air leaving my chest. passed out.

His first thrust madegroan. His second madecry, and when he started to

move on top of me, gaining a stea of push and pull, I lost the ability to make

coherent sounds.

All I could feel was Damian. His ch*st pressed mine, his scent mingling with S**

and lust, and the sounds he made each he’d hit that magical spot inside me

that madescream his name. Everywhere his hand would touch me, wildfire

spr beneath my skin.

I hear a beseeching chant of ‘please, please, please, in my head. soon realized it

wasbegging Damian to givemore

“Please, what?” Damian squeezed my breast, pinching my n*pples

“Makecome!” I couldn’t recognize the sound of my own voice.


“Not yet,” Damian chuckled, sitting on his ankles, sliding one hand under my a

ss, and lifting my lower b*dy off the bed. My shoulders dug into the mattress,

my head spinning at the sudden change in our position. Damian reached where

our bodies joined, seeking my c lit. He stroked the engrossed bud with his

thumb, his co ck going in and out of me. I was so wet a squelching sound

followed each the buried himself and withdrew from my b*dy.

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