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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 51
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Chapter 51


Every morning, I woke up next to Damian, and I recounted all the twe

shared. It had been two weeks since he ended our contract, and I bechis.

That was the new clause of our agreement, if I could even call it that.

I go back to that night he f ucked his way through my stubborn head again and

again whenever doubts clouded my mind. But no matter how many times I

recall everything, I can’t seem to comprehend that someone like Damian would

want to be with me. That’s just not plausible in my world, or so I thought. I’m

happy, don’t getwrong, but the young Millicent insidehad been

screaming at the top of her lungs, banging the cage where she’d been locked up

as she yelled, “Oh my G od: Damian has finally noticed me!”

Despite all these doubts and overthinking. Damian had been good to me, better

than Hunter had been. He was kind and caring, and he’d go out of his way to

showwhat being his meant. He droveto work and pickedup after. If

he’s out of town. Riggs would be my personal chauffeur. He’d taketo fancy

restaurants, but most nights, he’d cook dinner while I freshened up.

Don’t even getstarted on our setting behind closed doors at night. One or

gasm wasn’t enough, and he never got satisfied until my legs were shaking in

pleasure. Once I was sated, he’d tuckas close to his b*dy as possible. I love

everything he’s done and still doing for me. I love it so much that it scared me

to wake up one day and realize that everything was just a dream.

I’m still reeling from the aftermath of my breakup with Hunter. Back then, being

with Hunter felt like a dream. History was repeating itself with Damian. Although

this one with Damian was more than a dream, it’s a fantasy I built since I was a

teenager. And if there was one thing my relationship with Hunter taught me, it’s

that despite all the effort, love, and care you shower them with, they won’t stay

in your life because you’re only a stopover in their journey, a mere bump on the

road. Destiny will play its course.

And if Damian was only here for a mere stopover. I’d try to enjoy my twith

him. At least that’s what I wanted to do, but it’s hard to keep my feelings in

ch*ck because Damian never failed to top what he did yesterday, and I’d fall

deeper each


“What’s on your mind?” Damian reached over the console, lacing our fingers

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together. He lifted it to his mouth. k*ssing my knuckles.

For me, it was these small gestures that mattered the most. I couldn’t hide my

smile. He could be really sweet when he wanted to, and that smile, Go d, he

could melt my heart like butter tossed in a hot pan.

“What?” he chuckled, setting our joined hands on top of his thigh, focusing back

on the road.

“Nothing,” I said, brushing the hair out of my face.

Damian loved driving with his windows down. I used to hate it. The wind ruined

my hair, but if I could see happy, I don’t mind combing my hair again and again.

“Uh-huh. Did something good happen today?” He asked, driving over to the exit

to his place. We’d have dinner mansion tonight. Nancy wanted us over to plan

our engagement party. Yep. Despite our busy schedule and Candi pregnancy,

Nancy hasn’t forgotten about our engagement party. She’s a persistent one, and

Mom was her personal cheerleader.

“Work was okay. I’ve been busy with the interview.” With Candice nurturing a

baby in her tummy, we decided it would best to hitre a new employee to lessen

her traveling outside the city.

“Did you find an eligible candidate?”

I hummed a yes. “Three applicants passed our initial interview. We’ll be doing a

background on them, and the final interview will be on Monday.”

Damian let go of my hand, shifting gears, then grabbed it again. Givetheir


09:29 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 51

“Why?” I asked, genuinely confused by his request..

“I will do a thorough background on them,” he murmured nonchalantly, as

though it was only natural for him to have a say in our company.

“And why do you need to do that?” My brows arched, unsure why we were even

having this conversation.

“Just…” He glanced at me, sighing. “Just letdo it. I just want to be sure

whoever you’re hiring is not a threat to your safety.

Bewildered, I slowly caught up with his intentions, Between Rand Sonja,

already have enough to worry about, and I refuse to let this hinder how I do my


“You don’t have to do that,” I said, my voice taking a business-like tone. “We

know how things work in this field. Besides, this person we’re hiring will be

more of a liaison. She will rarely be staying at the office with us.”

The space between his eyebrows crinkled, his l*ps thinning. “I’m not

questioning your ability to run your business, Millicent. I know how good you

are at what you do, but taking precautions isn’t a bad thing.”

Nibbling my lower l*p. I stared at the window and considered his suggestion. I

could fight him and make him understand that this situation cannot dictate my

life, but I also know Damian’s persistence. Nancy might not be his biological

mother, but he sure inherited her determined streak.

“Please!” Damian squeezed my hand.

I blew out a breath, caving. “Fine. But Candice has to agree to it, and if she does,

we’re paying you.” it Candice has to agree to it, and if she does, we’re paying


He shook his head, ready to bid an argument. I stared at him, eyes narrowed to

slits. “That’s not up for negotiation. The bill goes to Effortless Events.”

Amused, he chuckled. “Fine. I was thinking of different ways you could pay me.”

His voice took that husky edge.

Horrified, I gasped. “Damian!” I pulled my hand from his hold, but he didn’t let


“What?” He asked, fiashinga fake innocent smile.

As soon as he pouted, I giggled, my heart turning to a pile of g od. “Stop that

He laughed, turning towards the street of the Black Mansion. “Stop what?”

“That… I groaned. “Stop teasing me. And don’t you dare do that thing you did

last twe were here.”

Last weekend, his hand wandered where it shouldn’t. He madeor gasm

while having dinner with our fan we were discreet, but Candice knew what we

were doing. She wouldn’t let go of the topic until I pleaded guil a family dinner.

She was horrified, disgusted, and happy forat the stand insisted

she knew this w eventually.

“I promise I won’t do it again,” Damian said. I knew him too well to know that a

“but would follow that sentence. him, a tingling sensation spread on my ch*st as

that knowing smirk stretched his l*ps. “But I promise nothing a bo

you come.”

“Oh my Go d, Damian!” I breathe, slapping his shoulder. We were still laughing

about that topic when the mansion cal into view.

My shoulders went rigid when I saw a very familiar car parked in front of the



The first thought that cto mind was an update about Rome. We were

waiting for his trial schedule, but isn’t this too late for a business visit? And why


Our parents were speaking with Hunter and a lady officer. She wore the same

fitted jeans and a black tee as Hunter; her gaze

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09:29 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 51

turning razor sharp as Damian and I slid out of the car.

“Officer Lean,” Damian put a hand on the small of my back as we approached

their small cluster on the walk path. “I can’t say it’s a pleasure to see you


“You andboth. Mr. Black,” Hunter said, his gaze sweeping over Damian and

me, his jaw fiuttering.

Like an agile predator, Hunter’s associate approached us, her hands resting on

her sidearm hanging by her belt as she spoke.

“Damian Black?”

“I suppose you know that already.” Damian nodded at her co oly.

“Detective Fraser,” the woman replied, her l*ps thinning, but she did an excellent

job hiding her annoyance at Damian’s hostile response.

Behind Hunter and Fraser, Erik threw an arm around Nancy’s shoulder, drawing

her to his side. Nancy’s l*ps quivered as she blinked the mist from her eyes.

Mom wore that sworried look when I told her I’d be residing in New York for


“You’re under arrest for the attempted murder of Sonja Blanchet-”

“What?” I gasped, looking back at Hunter.

Damian’s hand on my back clenched. He was the epitof calm and collected

as Detective Fraser read him his rights.

“You have the right to remain silent-” Detective Fraser continued

Damian.” I held his hand, holding on to him as though he’d vanish into thin air if

I didn’t hold him tight.

“It’s fine. Millicent” He k*ssed my forehead. Not an ounce of resistance from him

as Detective Fraser secured his hands with handcuffs.

My heart lodged in my throat, I watched as the lady detective took him away

and guided him towards the back of Hunter’s car. Before my ex-fiance hopped

on the driver’s side, he looked at me; my ch*st got heavy as he smirked
