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Facade of Love

Chapter 474
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Idris was askingwhy.

| did not know how to tell him about the Youngs, but | knew deep down that one day, he would find out.

| took a shallow breath and said, "In addition to the reasons | just mentioned, | also don't want him to go crazy and harm people in

Lake City."

"Harm people?" He raised an eyebrow, squinting slightly. "Are you afraid he'll harm me?"

| wanted to deny it, but | did not know how to respond when | met his gaze.

Seeing this, he furrowed his brow slightly and said, "Yvette, what are you hiding from me?"

| hesitated for a moment, then instinctively said, "What could | possibly hide from you? I'm just worried..."

"Yvette, don't takefor a fool tand tagain, will you?" He walked up to me, looking atand continued, "When Officer

Jackson died, you knew that Charlie was Lucas, but you toldyou loved him and wanted to leave Lake City to marry him. Now,

what excuse do you want to use to makelet you go?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| was at a loss for words, and my heart sank.

He grabbed my arm and looked at me, saying, "Yvette, tell me, what are you really afraid of?"

| should not be the one to bring up the Youngs' matter. | looked at him, took a deep breath and said, "Idris, Lucas can't stay in Lake

City for too long. The police can't touch him here. If he stays in Lake City, he's like a bomb ready to explode at any moment. Do

you understand?"

"So, what do you want to do? Deceive him into taking you away and let this bomb return to the border to do as he pleases?" He

looked at me, his face darkening slightly. "Yvette, do you think that by following him and being by his side, you can find an

opportunity to kill him? Where did you find the confidence to believe that a powerless woman like you can seduce and kill a devil

with that much blood on his hands? Hmm?"

His questioning leftspeechless. He was right. Maybe Lucas had feelings for me, but he only sawas a pet that had caught

his eye. When he clooking for me, it was only with the persistence of a man pursuing his prey. Once tpassed, he would

naturally grow tired of me. If | followed him to the border, the most likely outcforwould be the sOllibery men.

However, there was another possibility. | could kill Lucas before he grew tired of me, but | would probably end up dead too,

knowing my strength.

| knew all of these outcomes well. Nevertheless, | wanted to take that risk even if there was only a one-in-a-million chance of

succeeding. My life should have ended five years ago, anyway.

Looking at Idris, | becmore resolute in my decision. | said, "Idris, even if there's only a one in a million chance, | will still

choose this path. Both you and | are aware that as long as Lucas remains in Lake City and as long as he's alive, we can't live


Lucas would eventually cafter Idris. He had been humiliated in Macamer’s open sea, and he would not let it slide. His return

had a purpose, and it involved all of us. Not just Officer Jackson, but everyone!

"But what if he dies?" Idris spoke, his handsface taking on a darker, almost bloodthirsty, expression.

| hesitated, momentarily not grasping the meaning of his words, and stared at him blankly.

He looked at me, his black eyes deep, and said, "You're right, no one can touch him. But Yvette, killing him doesn't necessarily

require going to the border. People can die in Lake City too."

| furrowed my brow, frozen with confusion. | simply could not fathom his words.

Ring, ring, ring... At that moment, Idris's phone suddenly vibrated.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He releasedand turned to answer the call, presumably from Ensio. | was too far away to hear what they were saying, and my

mind was still occupied with his earlier words.

Killing him did not. necessarily require going to the border. People could die in Lake City too.

Suddenly, it clicked in my mind, and | widened my eyes, staring at him.

Idris was still on the phone when he noticedlooking at him. He had a calm expression and told the person on the other end,

"Just wait for now. We'll find an opportunity later."

Then, he hung up the phone.

| gazed at him, my voice slightly hoarse as | said, "Idris, murder is illegal, and you know it. We all want him dead, but even so, the

police can't touch him. If something happens to him in Lake City, it will be even more complicated than we imagine."

Lucas had another identity as a prominent Silvana billionaire. If something were to happen to him, it would escalate into an

international issue.

Idris raised his hand and gently ruffled my hair, smiling faintly. He said, "Don't worry. | know what to do."

| wanted to say something more, but he looked atand added, "Yvette, you still haven't toldwhat your concerns really are."