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Facade of Love

Chapter 475
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| was left speechless, not expecting Idris to abruptly steer the conversation back to the topic at the beginning. | found myself at a

loss for words, and this time, he was being clever, not pressing further on other matters but instead gazing at me, waiting for my


It seemed like there was no escaping it. Still, | should not be the one to reveal the events caused by the Youngs ten years ago.

| took a deep breath and looked at him. | said, "Yes, Lucas has indeed been using things to threaten me, and I've been concerned.

This matter is related to you as well. But Idris, there are things you shouldn't find out from me. Perhaps you should go back to the

Youngs' Old Manor and ask Grandma what the Youngs did ten years ago."

He furrowed his brow, which formed a deep crease between his eyebrows. He looked atwith confusion and asked, "Ten years


I nodded.

He seemed disturbed, his voice growing somewhat urgent as he said, "Ten years ago..."

| did not know if Madam Young would tell him, but | believed there would ca day when he would find out. Rather than

passively accepting those sins, it might be better for him to know sooner rather than later.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

His phone rang again. Perhaps due to the doubts in his head, he hastily left after answering the call and givinga brief


As | watched the door close once more, | could not help but feel a headache coming on. Clearly, the purpose of all that back-and-

forth with him was to convince him to letleave, but unexpectedly, | still ended up being confined by him.

| did not know how to describe my miserable situation. Either | was under Lucas's watchful eye, or | was being locked up by Idris.

Even though it was the 21st century, my life felt no different from that of a prisoner. | could not seem to escape it.

Honestly, it was frustrating.

With no freedom of movement, | could only wander around Idris’ house. Thankfully, he had money. Although it was merely a large

flat, it was no worse than a villa. While exploring, | caught sight of the box | had brought back from the auction yesterday.

Inside of it was the pearl.

| took them out and examined them closely, inadvertently recalling the biography | had read before—The Legend of Jumaroshan. It

was about a high-ranking priest born into a royal family.

| found it in Maxwell's study. Initially, | was just curious, so | wanted to flip through and take a look. However, the more | read it, the

more fascinating it became. Juma was born into royalty, spent his childhood with his mother's family, and was remarkably bright.

He started studying scriptures and classics early on, demonstrating exceptional wisdom.

As a precocious young boy, he witnessed the suffering in the world and developed noble aspirations by the age of 14 or 15. For

someone like me, who had no faith, | honestly could not comprehend the concept of saving all sentient beings.

God said all beings would suffer and need salvation, but what did salvation mean?

As | rubbed the smooth pearl in my hand, | could not help but think of the Youngs and Madam Young. She was vegan and prayed

devoutly to seek forgiveness from God. Was this salvation?

The act of repenting before God, seeking forgiveness, and whatnot. Nonetheless, things that were wrong were simply wrong. Would

this kind of repentance even work?

Idris cback in the middle of the night when | had already fallen asleep. | vaguely sensed someone on top of me, and | tried to

push him away when | opened my eyes.

Probably due to my weak effort, he did not move and instead lay on top of me. His voice was hoarse as he asked, "Did | wake you


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| was too sleepy to keep my eyes open, so | merely mumbled at him vaguely. | wanted to ask him about the situation outside, but |

was too exhausted. Before | could say anything, | drifted back to sleep.

| slept deeply through the night.

When | woke up the next day, it was already bright outside. As | opened my eyes, | met Idris's gaze beside me. He must have been

awake for a while and was just lying still. When he noticed | was awake, he raised the corner of his handslips and said,

"Awake? Are you hungry?"

| shook my head and yawned, my voice hoarse from having just woken up. | looked at him and asked, "How long do you plan to


Seeingask this question immediately upon waking up, he furrowed his brow slightly and looked at me. He asked, "Yvette, are

you unhappy being with me?"

| shook my head. Perhaps it was because | had just woken up, but my throat was raspy as | replied, "Am | going to be kept under

house arrest like this? If Lucas doesn't leave, do you plan to keephere forever?"

He reached out and gently touched my nose, then got up and put on his pajamas. He said, "He can't leave now."