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Facade of Love

Chapter 473
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What the hell was going on here?

"Do you still want to look for him?" A low voice cfrom behind me. It was Idris.

| turned around and saw him in a different robe, looking atwith a slightly cold expression.

| pursed my lips. After going through so much, | was no longer the emotionally unstable Yvette | used to be. | looked at him and

said, "You know what | want to do, and you also know that you can't stop me, right?"

Since he spoke toat the Clearwater Residence and said those things, he understood what | wanted to do.

He looked atwith a calm expression, devoid of any emotions. "What if | insist on stopping you?"

| furrowed my brow. "Idris, | have my own path in life. | can't be the sYvette Scott | was before, who could love you and marry

you like any ordinary woman. Maybe in an alternate reality we could have children and grow old together."

"Why not?" He took a few steps toward me, gripping my shoulders and looking into my eyes. "Yvette, we can start over. | won't

marry Alice, and | won't let her affect our relationship. Lucas, the border... None of that is our concern. We just need to be


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Listening to his voice, which had becurgent to the point of trembling, | remained unusually calm. | looked at him and said, "It

won't affect anything? Officer Jackson's death, your father's death, and the deaths of those innocent people—none of that will

affect us?"

His thin lips trembled, and he did not speak for a long time. | knew he could not easily let go of these matters, just like me. He had

witnessed Kobe being blown to pieces, the father he had searched and yearned for for over ten years. In the end, he could not

even say a proper goodbye or fulfill his duty as a son by collecting his father's complete remains.

As a son, how could he let go so easily? Even if it seemed like nothing had happened, the pain was not something that could be

seen with the naked eye. It was something that ran deeper.

Oftentimes, the more painful something was, the calmer the affected person would seem.

Two people who could love each other often shared a deep connection. He knew what | wanted to do, and | naturally understood

the hatred in his heart. He did not wantto take risks, and he had his own plans. Still, how could | sit still and do nothing?

As we faced each other for a while, he pulledinto his arms tightly as if he wanted to meldinto his flesh and bones.

Sometimes, silence spoke louder than words.

After a long while, he suddenly spoke. "Yvette, | won't stop you from going your own way, but | won't let you leave this place."

| was stunned and pushed him away, frowning. Confused, | asked him, "Are you lockingup in here?"

He pursed his lips. "I'll be with you all the time. And I'll follow you wherever you want to go."

| frowned. How could he say he would not stopbut then proceed to restrict my movements?

"Idris, | can't stay here. |..." Before | could finish speaking, he interrupted me, saying, "I'm going to change my clothes. What do

you want to eat later?"

Without waiting for my answer, he went to the bedroom to change.

| could not leave, and | did not even know where he had put my phone. | could not help but feel a headache coming on. How could

this man go back on his word like that?

| was really afraid of what Lucas might do with the information he had in his hands. Maxwell was investigating the events from that

year, and if he found out the Youngs were involved, | had no idea what he would do. People often held grudges, especially when it

involved the gruesdeaths of their own parents. How could he simply let it go?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The situation with the border was already giving us enough headaches. If we added another enemy into the mix, everything would


| could not let Idris handle things this way. | rushed into the bedroom, intending to persuade him to letleave.

"Idris..." As soon as | entered and opened my mouth to speak, | quickly covered my eyes and turned away from him. | said in

disbelief, "Why didn't you close the door if you were changing clothes?"

It was notbeing overly tic. If he truly had nothing on, even in the most private places...

When he heard my words, he chuckled softly. "Why are you blaming me? You barged in without knocking. Besides, what are you

shy about? You've touched every part of my body, haven't you?"

| was rendered speechless by his words and did not know how to respond. | pursed my lips and said, "Hurry up and put on your

clothes. | have something to tell you."

| heard the sound of fabric rustling behind me. After a while, | figured he should have finished dressing by now, so | said, "Idris, you

have to letleave this place."

There was no movement behind me, so | waited for a while, furrowing my brow. | turned around to look and saw that he had

already dressed and was staring atwithout moving. He asked, "Why?"