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Class Teacher System

Ch162 - Our World (1)
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In the moment when Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao locked eyes, Ren Zhu noticed that the surrounding space seemed to be collapsing bit by bit, just like in a movie scene where everything slowly turned into nothingness, eventually disappearing. Throughout this, Ren Zhu's gaze never

left Yi Xiao, and similarly, Yi Xiao didn't divert his eyes despite the collapsing space.

In fact, he almost greedily stared at Ren Zhu, as if trying to etch his appearance into his mind and remember him forever.

However, ultimately, everything returned to the purest darkness. Before losing consciousness, Ren Zhu heard Yi Xiao's familiar and resolute, yet somewhat fierce voice, "I will see you again."

I will, see you, again.

Amidst a chorus of exclamations, Yi Xiao abruptly opened his eyes.

Those narrow, hawk-like eyes opened, and then they surveyed everyone. After a moment, the owner of those eyes revealed a mocking expression. Without hiding it, he even snorted in conjunction with that expression.

With an indifferent expression, he sat up from the top-grade nutrient tank of the Federation. Even though he was completely naked at the moment, he showed no hint of embarrassment. He flexed his muscular, well-proportioned legs and directly stepped out of the nutrient tank. With a swift motion of his arm, he effortlessly put on a long black leather coat. The whole movement was fluid and imposing, coupled with his impeccable facial features and physique, it left many people around staring in awe and amazement.

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However, as he was about to stride away, a gentle middle-aged woman wearing glasses finally reacted. She hurriedly stepped forward and said, "General! You can't leave now!"

Yi Xiao didn't even pause his steps upon hearing this. There was nothing in this world that could command him. From start to finish, there wouldn't be.

"General! If you leave, his consciousness will quickly dissipate! He can't fully exist in your spiritual sea!!" The middle-aged woman shouted anxiously, and the next moment, she saw the most cold-hearted and powerful young general in the past century suddenly halt his steps.

His expression turned icy as he turned around and addressed the middle-aged woman, "Why?"

Only at this moment did the atmosphere in the highest-grade medical research institute of the Federation slightly ease, but the young researchers still looked timidly at the general, not daring to even breathe loudly.

The middle-aged woman didn't beat around the bush, she just looked at Yi Xiao, her eyes reddening slightly before hurriedly explaining, "Because even though his consciousness matches yours almost perfectly, almost reaching a hundred percent, it still belongs to another person's mental consciousness. Perhaps you don't mind him existing in your mind for now, but a person's brain can only accommodate one mental consciousness. Right now, you two aren't repelling each other, but over time, when you're unaware, these two thoughts and consciousnesses will slowly merge or devour each other. By then... he won't be able to exist in this world anymore."

Yi Xiao listened to these words in silence, his face becoming increasingly grim. When several people around couldn't bear the pressure and wanted to turn and run, he uttered two words from his mouth: "So what?"

"So, you still need to stay here. We will do our utmost to quickly produce a container capable of containing his mental consciousness. Because your spiritual sea is the most suitable place for him to exist, the outer wall of this container can directly utilize your spiritual power. This way, we can ensure his near-permanent existence. However..." The female dean paused. "Because he was captured and directly entered your brain due to an accident, we haven't conducted any tests on his consciousness. I don't know if his consciousness is powerful. If he is not someone with a firm enough will, even with the best incubator, his existence won't last long."

Everyone initially thought General Yi would be very dissatisfied after hearing this, or would urge them to solve the problem diligently. However, after the dean finished speaking, they saw this Federal General, who usually wore only a disdainful expression, reveal a smile that was particularly, particularly difficult to describe.

This smile was like pride for someone he admired, while also carrying a slight toothache and headache.

The Federal General smiled and said, "You don't have to worry at all. He is the most determined person I have ever seen." If not, why would I fall into his hands? Even when I realized in the end that he was just a strand of consciousness, I decided to use all means, at any cost, to revive him. See him again.

Although everyone was startled by this smile, since the General was willing to stay, they needed to quickly make the container that could accommodate "his consciousness." Of course, now that he had stayed, they could notify the Grand Commander and other representatives of the major families and federations to cover.

After all, the person in front of them was the only true savior of the Federation who had ever touched the core of the abyss black hole within a thousand years, possessing both S-level mental and physical strength. Now that he had awakened, there was hope for the Federation to eliminate the black hole!

However, even though this was the case, they couldn't have any hint of coercion or forcefulness. Otherwise, the consequences might be extremely dire, because he was Yi Xiao, Yi Xiao of the Yi Family-

Yi Xiao, the ninth generation eldest son of the Yi Family. When he was young, he witnessed his parents entering the abyss black hole and going crazy after coming out seven days later, causing a mental riot and awakening his "incurable" mental disorder after sleeping for ten days. When his mental disorder erupted, it would destroy the spirits of all nearby psychic individuals and conshis own spirit and life. Even the most outstanding medical expert in the Federation, Dean Wang, couldn't alleviate his mental disorder, and sclaimed he wouldn't live past eighteen.

However, this eldest son of the Yi Family slapped everyone in the face with his actions. Even though he was unilaterally cut off from all economic and social ties by his uncle after being sent to the Stellar Academy, even though every battle he fought triggered post-battle mental exhaustion and various assassination attempts, and even though no Federal legion was willing to accept him as a ticking tbomb, he still carved out a bloody path with his terrifying willpower.

From entering the Stellar Academy at the age of eight to his current age of twenty-eight, he never experienced defeat in any battle. He faced countless assassination attempts, with the most severe one leaving a gaping hole in his chest, yet he still killed the top assassins and troops sent to assassinate him and laughed as he survived. Unable to enter the top ten legions of the Federation, he built his own undefeated "Night Owl Legion," recruiting rejects and lunatics rejected by the top ten legions. However, under his leadership, this group of people beca formidable army, renowned throughout the Federation. And now, at twenty-eight years old, he had far surpassed the prophecy of his death at eighteen.

It can be said that Yi Xiao is the most admired and aspiring figure among all the hot-blooded young men in the Federation. His life is full of obstacles and impossibilities, but he forcefully shatters all these barriers and impossibilities, becoming the most dazzling star in the Federation for a thousand years. He is a living legend.

So, facing such an overwhelmingly powerful Federal savior who cannot be offended in any way, neither the Grand Commander nor anyone in the Federation can force him to do anything. For this person, everything must be prefixed with a "please."

A young assistant who had just turned eighteen and entered youth at the research institute gleamed as he looked at this living legend for quite stime, then got a slap on the head from his professor: "What are you daydreaming about here? If the General catches you staring, he'll kick you to death."

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The young man held his chin, sighed, and said, "If the General is willing to kick me, I won't bathe for a year!" After saying this, he smirked and whispered to his professor, "I bet those lackeys of the Grand Commander have already informed the Grand Commander and the Yi Family, right? Hmph, shameless! Last time, they forced General Yi into the abyss black hole, let him be corroded by the black hole and fall into a deep sleep. How long has it been? Now that there are no relics of the Yi family parents, I wonder what they can do now?!"

Then, he was finally slapped on the mouth by the professor, who couldn't stand it anymore. There was clearly something transparent on the palm of that slap, sticking to the young man's mouth, effectively shutting him up. The professor looked at his student, who couldn't speak, with satisfaction, chuckling twice. You idiotic child, even if you lower your voice, the General can still hear you! Aren't you afraid of death?! And when did it becyour turn to worry about the General's affairs? He has a legion, you know!

The old professor snorted and dragged his student away to continue their research. They hadn't been gone long before the doors of the research institute were forcefully opened by several people, yes, "forcefully" opened. They punched the doors open with such force. After the doors were opened, four people of different heights, sizes, and even genders rushed in. When these four appeared, everyone in the research institute gasped in shock, holding onto their most precious research instruments, afraid that these individuals might destroy them if they got upset.

However, this time, these four people seemed different from their previous behavior when they cto the research institute. They rushed to Yi Xiao like starving mad dogs seeing their master, and then, bang, bang, bang, bang, four consecutive loud noises as all four knelt down.

Everyone in the research institute: "..."

Yi Xiao looked at the four people with disdain, propping his chin up: "Are Zack and Wen Quan dead that they released you four? Also, the floor is about to break, so don't damage public property."

So the four men and women stood up happily, the floor cracked, but their knees were intact.

"Boss, boss, boss, boss! You're finally awake! You actually woke up! My God, you woke up! I'm so happy! After you woke up, I finally don't have to be squeezed for food expenses by the deputy commander and the staff officer! They keep saying I eat too much and that now that you're not here, we have no backing, we should tighten our belts and save food. I haven't had a full meal in six months! Fortunately, fortunately, Boss, you woke up!" It was a burly man who spoke, resembling a small mountain, waving his huge hand like a fan, making the researchers tremble in fear.

Then he was kicked by a slender young man next to him, who looked like a bamboo pole: "Shut up! Are you happy just because the boss woke up and you can eat your fill? Your heart isn't sincere! Now that the boss is awake, we can go beat up all those legions we don't like! The deputy commander and the staff officer keep tellingto cultivate myself every day. Cultivate myself! Damn it, if I keep cultivating like this, I'll beca monk on Buddha Star! I don't need to cultivate anymore! Boss, you're awake! Let's go to war!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two people next to him, who were close, sneered in unison, "Indeed, all you fools think about is fighting and eating. The boss woke up, and the deputy commander and the staff officer finally paid us the wages they owed us for half a year on time. Honestly, boss, if you still can't handle it, I plan to rebel with Hong Lian. We strongly suspect that the deputy commander and the staff officer embezzled our funds. They buy all sorts of machinery and precious medicinal materials every day, but they only pay us one- tenth of our wages! This is intolerable! Boss, let's jointly demand justice from the deputy commander and the staff officer! Also, look, now that you're awake, they didn't even cto kneel before you. They must have rebellious intentions. Let's take care of them!"

Yi Xiao watched them impassively throughout. After all, as the sole commander of the "Night Owl Legion," one of the most powerful forces in the Federation, he almost saw these four guys act foolishly every day. Anyway, as long as they were strong enough and behaved decently, it was fine. Under his command, even the lowest-ranking soldiers of the Night Owl Legion were terrifying fighting machines who could take on ten opponents alone. When the ten major legions of the Federation faced the Night Owl Legion, they couldn't even last three hours. So, with such strength, a little craziness could be forgiven.

But since all four of them had come, where were Zack and Wen Quan? These two didn't seem like they would miss the chance to see him.

Ah, forget it, they would ceventually. Now he wanted to quietly be alone with his partner, even if his partner was just a lump of light now.

He still looked incredibly handsome, charming, and cute, very charming indeed. Want to eat.