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Class Teacher System

Ch163 - Our World (2)
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As General Yi Xiao remained immersed in his own mind, attempting to find that unique cluster of light within his spiritual sea, the doors of the research institute were once again pushed open. This time, the people entering seemed much more normal than the previous four, and most importantly, each of them wore very expensive or finely crafted clothing that made them look unapproachable.

Leading this group, dressed in a black uniform and holding a black featherwood cane, exuding a strong aura of authority with each step, was none other than the current President of the Federation, Howard. He was also the leader of the resolute radicals who aspired to completely eradicate the Abyss Black Hole within his lifetime. Behind him were several generals from various legions and the heads of the top families in the Federation. Among these family heads, a middle-aged man bore sresemblance to Yi Xiao in appearance and stature. Although he looked very unwell at the moment, just by looking at his appearance, one could guess that he was the current head of the Yi family, Yi Zhongding.

Yi Xiao still kept his eyes closed, not intending to open them or say anything to them even when he heard the footsteps approaching him. He had nothing to say to this group of people, let them go to hell. At this moment, his four legion commanders had just positioned themselves around Yi Xiao in the four cardinal directions. Despite how abnormal these four people had seemed earlier, they now exuded extremely strong aggressive intent, naturally directed towards the President and his entourage.

As long as there was any movement from the President and his group, these four would be able to attack and protect their general at the fastest speed.

Seeing this situation, President Howard couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile tinged with embarrassment, even though he had good self-control. Perhaps there was only one person in the entire Federation who dared to disregard him like this. If it were anyone else, he would have left long ago, but facing this man who had truly touched the core of the black hole, he had to continue the conversation with him, no matter how uncomfortable he felt.

Moreover, setting aside the safety and righteousness of the entire federation, what they had done to Yi Xiao was indeed not something to be pleased or happy about. Even holding a grudge was justified. But now, nothing was more important than the safety of the entire federation..

"Alright, you four don't need to act as if we're sterrifying monsters," the President said, letting out a mild smile. He addressed Shi Lei, Hong Xiao, and the other two, "We sincerely and seriously want to discuss matters with General Yi. So, please step aside."

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Shi Lei, with his massive stature, remained unmoved. Regardless of whether the person before him was the President of the Federation or even the Emperor himself, as long as it wasn't his elder, no one could command him. Shi Lei's steadfastness made the situation somewhat awkward. The guards behind the President becvisibly tense, ready to force their way past these four, but one of them who attempted a sneak attack was promptly whipped away by Hong Xiao, crashing heavily to the ground, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

At this point, the President began to narrow his eyes slightly. He turned to Yi Zhongding beside him, gesturing with his eyes for him to do something. The situation couldn't continue like this. If it did, who knew how long it would take before they could formally discuss the issue of the black hole.

Yi Zhongding's expression was very unpleasant at this moment. He felt that both the face of the Yi family and his own face had been completely lost by the shameless person in front of him wearing nothing but a leather coat. So he directly shouted in anger, "Look at yourself now! What's with the leather coat from head to toe?! Hurry up and find sproper clothes to wear!"

Yi Xiao didn't even lift an eyelid.

But Hong Xiao beside him heard this and chuckled twice directly, making everyone around shiver with a chill before saying, "You're obviously an unromantic fool! The boss looks absolutely bursting with hormones and oozing with sensuality in this outfit! Just one glance and both men and women will drool at the stime. With such a great physique, does he still need to wear those shabby black coats like yours? Are you jealous of our boss's size? Hehehe, our boss's future wife will definitely be very happy!"

"You dead freak! Shut up! You have no right to speak here!" Yi Zhongding was so angry that steam seemed to be coming out of his seven orifices, but Hong Xiao just chuckled twice, his mocking expression evident. Yi Zhongding barely managed to restrain himself. He looked coldly at Yi Xiao and said directly, "Yi Xiao, do you still want your parents' belongings? If you want them, start talking to us immediately."

Upon hearing this, General Yi, who had kept his eyes closed all along, slowly opened his eyes. Yi Zhongding and the others thought that their threat had worked, but after Yi Xiao opened his eyes, he simply sneered openly, "Yi Zhongding, did you store my parents' belongings in batches? Like depositing money in a bank? Just leave them there most of the time, and when you urgently need them, you ctoto withdraw them? I wonder if others think you have nothing better to do at hthan count my parents' belongings every day?" "What do you mean?! You don't want your parents' things anymore?!" Yi Zhongding was red-faced and furious at Yi Xiao's sarcasm but still rebuked him sternly. Yet, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yi Xiao nodding directly, "Yeah, I don't want them anymore."

This time, even the President and others looked at him with shock in their eyes. After all, for Yi Xiao at this moment, the most important thing should be his parents' belongings. The reason why this undefeated and arrogant general could enter the Abyss Black Hole last twas because Yi Zhongding brought out the audiovisual materials and terminal of Yi's parents. At that time, Yi Zhongding didn't directly give all those things to Yi Xiao. They agreed that the remaining half would be given to Yi Xiao after he cout, but Yi Xiao fell into a coma directly after coming out due to being infected by the black mist, so the remaining half of Yi's parents' belongings were still in Yi Zhongding's hands.

Although using this half of the things to threaten Yi Xiao at this tseemed very shameless, everyone here felt that they were doing it for the righteousness of the federation, for every person in the federation. So they couldn't afford to lose sight of the big picture. But the fact that they felt very confident about it was directly vetoed by Yi Xiao, leaving everyone stunned.

"How could you, how could you refuse your parents' things? This is unfilial!" an elder reproached Yi Xiao with a heavy heart.

Yi Xiao chuckled, "Are you getting too old to use your brain? Would my parents let you use these things to threatenif they were alive? Last time, agreeing to do so was already a kick in the head by a donkey. If I agree to it again this time, I guess it might piss off my parents' spirits, right? If they were alive, they would have beaten you half to death long ago."

"So you should be grateful that I'm a poor child without parents. But no matter how pitiful I am, I won't do whatever you wantto do."

"Irrational! Arrogant!! Who do you think you are?!" shouted the general of the Fourth Army of the federation at Yi Xiao. However, the next moment, he felt a gust of wind coming at him, and before he could react, he was kicked in the abdomen and sent flying. When the loud crashing sound subsided, everyone looked at Yi Xiao, who was now slowly wiggling his toes. He looked at his big feet and said, "If I wore shoes, Mr. President, and generals of the Fourth Army of the Federation, you would have to find someone else."

At this point, the President and others who had chere full of confidence and momentum were shocked and helpless to find out how crazy and powerful this man in front of them was. Perhaps the previous victory had subconsciously made them overlook Yi Xiao's strength, but now, after being beaten up so badly by him, the President realized that he couldn't surpass control over this man in any aspect.

"Maybe you all don't like to use your brains when doing things, so I'll just lay it out for you directly. To save you the trouble of not understanding," Yi Xiao said casually, putting on the slippers that Hong Xiao had brought him, propping his chin on his hands, elbows on his knees and speaking bluntly to the President, "Howard, if I want to rebel now, I can establish my own empire within a day and wipe out the entire federation's army within a month. Many people want to supportin overthrowing you and the federation. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I think being the President of the federation is a very troublesthing, and I'm too lazy to bother. But, Howard, don't think that I will obey you. Just now, that idiot said who did I think I was? Now I can tell him, and I can tell all of you, I am Yi Xiao. I am a person who can directly destroy your families and start a federation war just because I don't like you."

"Moreover, sometimes my brain doesn't work well."

Yi Xiao said with a hint of a strange smile on his face, "I don't understand. Why are you all so afraid of the Abyss Black Hole, but not afraid of me? Clearly, every person who has been infected by the evil thoughts of the Abyss Black Hole was caught by me. How could you think I am harmless?"

At this moment, the entire research institute was so quiet that not even the sound of breathing could be heard. As a result, everyone was chilled to the bone by his flat tone. They stared at this handsman as if they were looking at a terrifying monster.

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It was unknown how long had passed before the hoarse and dry voice of President Howard was heard in the research institute:

"So, General Yi, are you prepared to watch the Abyss Black Hole explode and bring another nightmare battle to the federation?"

Yi Xiao blinked slowly and indifferently said, "So what..."

Yi Xiao was about to say it in a very cool way when suddenly he felt a piercing pain in his brain, as if it had been gnawed by a dog. He originally thought there was something wrong with his mental power again, but when he put his consciousness into his spiritual sea, he saw a golden, very bright light, like a little sun in his mind.

At this moment, the little sun was raging, moving frantically up, down, left, and right, as if it suddenly felt his consciousness. The little sun rushed towards him directly, and then Yi Xiao felt a buzzing in his ears. After a moment, he heard a voice that he had never heard before but had already echoed in his ears thousands of times:

"Shut up! Did I give you a brain just to kick around like a ball? Can you say such things even if you're unwilling?! What if he's recording the whole thing or broadcasting it live?! Go! Tell him now that your head hurts, you need to rest for a few days, and then you'll give him an answer!!"

So, the President and others saw the once arrogant man suddenly cover his head with his hands, shaking for a while. When he lifted his head, his expression seemed happy and somewhat hesitant?! Then he frowned and spoke:

"My head hurts now, just woke up. Need to wait ten days before giving you an answer. Now, wherever you go, go far away. I'm going to sleep."

Then, everyone watched as Yi Xiao, wearing his big leather coat, shuffled back into the luxurious nutrient pod to sleep?!

The President: "..." My cameras are on, your pants are off, and now you're tellingyour head hurts?! You're not having a headache, you probably have a mental problem!!!