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Class Teacher System

Ch161 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (40)
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Dean Wang, who is also the daughter of Professor Wang and the current head of the Education Alliance, is highly respected and admired by Ren Zhu. She herself is a very powerful data analyst and medical master, with an S-level spiritual power, responsible for the research and analysis of many crucial events.

Facing the Commander's inquiry, Dean Wang remained composed, without a hint of panic on her face. She simply adjusted her hair slightly and softly said, "Although I believe that thing cannot change our current predicament, or may bring about many variables, since Yun Lian has mentioned it, I will introduce it to everyone."

After Dean Wang finished speaking, she gently pointed her finger in the air, and a beautifully crafted jade white lotus platform, composed of lasers, appeared in front of everyone. On the lotus platform, there were shimmering balls of various colors, large and small, which looked gorgeous and dreamy at first glance, something that girls would adore.

At this moment, Professor Wang's voice sounded: "This is something that our Education Alliance explorer, Tu Long, found or bought when exploring the Asto people's winged pla year and a half ago. At that time, there were already other races living on that planet. They found this white jade lotus platform in the Asto people's chieftain's treasure room, but they thought it was just a very beautiful decoration, so they sent it to the auction."

"Tu Long didn't hesitate to bid a high price for this thing when he saw it at the auction. It's quite a coincidence. If it were anyone else at that time, they probably wouldn't have hesitated like Tu Long did. Because others would be unable to detect the difference in this lotus platform like the locals. But Tu Long, with his keen sense of human feelings and thoughts, could even directly sense what kind of genes this person carries. Therefore, at first sight of the lotus platform, he felt that it was related to human thoughts. When he cback, he directly handed this thing over to the Education Alliance's research institute."

Professor Wang glanced at the woman whose hair covered her eyes just now and continued, "After a year of research, we can confirm that this lotus platform is indeed a great invention of the Asto people. It can capture the thoughts and intentions of people or things around us that are invisible and imperceptible. Everyone should have seen the colorful balls of light in this lotus platform, right? After our analysis, we found that these thoughts include animals, humans, and even splants. They reflect different images and memories. For a while, I even thought this machine was a divine tool, not only because we haven't found a way to dismantle it yet, it seems that it's really just a white jade carved lotus platform, but also because if you can capture a certain thought and inject it into the simulated body of a person, does that mean the person who possesses that thought is reborn?! It's like continuing the soul's way of existence after death."

As the conversation reached this point, everyone who heard her words couldn't help but jump in their hearts. Suddenly, everyone's eyes becfiery. They never imagined that this jade-like lotus platform would be so powerful, like a treasure that could grant eternal life. However, before they could even imagine how they would use this lotus platform to ensure their immortality, Dean Wang's voice rang out again.

"Seeing your expressions, I know that you must be thinking the sthing as me. But I can assure you that whatever you're imagining is wrong. I specifically conducted an experiment on this matter. It involved a very intelligent dog on the brink of death. It had earned merits in battle and was very attached to its owner. With the owner's consent, I prepared a mechanical simulated dog body for it after its death and installed a biologically suitable artificial brain in its brain. I wanted to see if we could bring this dog back using the lotus platform." "However, the fact is, no one or nothing can defy the laws of life and death that have existed in this world since ancient times. The white jade lotus platform indeed captured the thoughts belonging to that dog. Its thoughts were the brightest and most dazzling among all the thought orbs at the time. I still remember it was a bright orange, very warm thought orb. It even responded to its owner's calls and its name. Then, with a devout heart, we placed this thought orb into the mechanical dog's brain. However, we failed. The thought orb, once separated from the white jade lotus platform, began to weaken gradually. Originally, the mechanical dog happily rushed towards its owner, a scene I think I may never forget. It was very touching. However, within a short period of less than three hours, we monitored the thought orb in the simulated brain gradually weakening. Eventually, this orange thought orb only lasted for four hours before bidding farewell to its owner once again."

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Dean Wang sighed as she spoke, looking at everyone's still skeptical expressions, she shook her head with a smile. "I know you may still harbor hopes, but letshare sdata with you. Over the past year, we have tried various methods to preserve those thought orbs and bring them back to life, but we failed over a hundred million times. So far, not a single thought orb has been able to exist for a long tafter leaving the white jade lotus platform. The longest one lasted only six months within the special psychic energy shield we created, and after six months, it disappeared without a trace. Among all the test subjects, only one thought orb persisted for six months, while the others lasted at most three months."

"So, I said that this discovery doesn't have much significance for our current situation. But based on your conversation just now, I do need to admit one thing: if we want to create a machine to eradicate the evil thoughts of the black hole, then those bright and warm thoughts captured by the white jade lotus platform should be the best counterforce against those evil thoughts."

At this point, Dean Wang's brow twitched slightly. She smiled and shook her head. "It's ironic. What kind of race were the Asto people? They were easily annihilated by us, yet the things they left behind have caused the Federation to experience over eight hundred years of fear Now, it seems like they've prophesied the end of fear with this lotus platform. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, this white jade lotus platform seems to only capture those warm and bright good thoughts. It has never captured any evil or dark, gloomy thoughts."

The hall of the research center fell into silence. The heads of the families, who had previously had fiery eyes, felt a jump in their hearts. If the white jade lotus platform only captured good thoughts, that wouldn't be good at all. After all, how could someone who becthe head of a clan have a soul without a hint of darkness? Unsure of how to respond, but each person felt the strong ridicule and disdain. Eight hundred years later, as the Federation continued to develop, they still felt the huge gap when looking back at the race from eight hundred years ago. Whether it was scientifically or spiritually.

After the silence, the Grand Commander took a deep breath. "Dean Wang, in the future, you should inform us of such matters earlier instead of letting the Education Alliance enjoy the sole privilege of such important discoveries. Regardless of what the Asto people, who invented the black hole core and the white jade lotus platform, were thinking, for us, the Federation, the only thing to do now is to eliminate the Abyss Black Hole. Since there is a possibility of creating a benevolent machine that can destroy the black hole without sacrificing lives, the entire Federation must now exert its utmost efforts to manufacture such a machine. Let's keep this information under wraps for now, and when we have results, we'll inform the people of the Federation. It will also reduce pressure on everyone."

The Grand Commander had spoken, and there were no further questions from the people in the research institute. Everyone quickly dispersed and began to attend to their respective tasks. At this moment, Ren Zhu had already watched Yi Xiao wreak havoc on a large numbe of rare plants on Baiyu Star. The security guards who followed them to protect them and prevent Yi Xiao from suddenly going berserk couldn't help but grimace one by one. They thought to themselves that just the rare plants destroyed by Yi Xiao were worth their annual salary.

Indeed, to beca high-status, wealthy, and handsfigure, one first needed to beca genius or an elite.

As they walked, the two arrived at the side of a building with a starry sky dome. Ren Zhu looked at the building and sighed softly. He had just missed the message from Dean Wang to go to the Federation Research Institute because he was out picking spirit grass with Yi Xiao. Now that they were here, they might as well go and see.

Baiyu Star was one of the top three ranked planets in importance in the Federation. Apart from being the best medical planet, it also housed various important Federation research institutes. Among them was the "Federation Research Institute," a top-level research institute. The reason why the research institute was also placed on this planet, besides its strict security, was because the people who could enter the research institute were generally important talents of the Federation. The Federation had to ensure their physical health to the greatest extent possible. Coincidentally, most of these researchers were older in age and often needed various medical treatments, so the research institute was adjacent to the hospital.

"Why are you staring at this research institute? Is there something you're interested in inside?" Yi Xiao had already gathered the spirit grass he needed by this time. Anyway, as long as he didn't cause trouble, everyone would let him go wherever he wanted.

Ren Zhu nodded. "Aunt Dean askedto attend a meeting here earlier, but they've probably already finished by now."

Yi Xiao raised an eyebrow. "What's the big deal? Just go in and take a look. Then, have them tell you about the contents of the meeting." After saying this, Yi Xiao directly pulled Ren Zhu towards the research institute, and the guards at the institute spotted them immediately and reacted very quickly. They promptly informed the person in charge of the institute, so there was no one to stop them at this moment.

Naturally, the person in charge, Dean Wang, would not stop these two geniuses and heroes of the Federation.

Neither Ren Zhu nor Yi Xiao were visiting the research institute for the first time. Even Yi Xiao's current personality had been here several times within the past ten years. However, this time, the atmosphere seemed very different. Ren Zhu walked directly to Dean Wang's side, and when Dean Wang saw him, she smiled directly, as if she had seen her beloved student. "Xiao Zhu, you're here."

Ren Zhu nodded. "I feel like the atmosphere here is a bit... heavy and tense. Did something happen?"

Dean Wang smiled faintly when she heard this and glanced at Yi Xiao beside her, gesturing for the two of them to follow her to the reception room. Once there, she informed Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao of what had been discussed in the meeting room.

"The white jade lotus platform?" Yi Xiao spoke before Ren Zhu could react. Rarely did he show such a keen interest, with a hint of skepticism and anticipation in his tone. "If it's convenient, could I go take a look? Maybe that thing is a natural treasure formed over millions of years, not something created by the Asto people at all. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense for so many of you to study it for a year and a half without making any sense of it, right? So, it must be skind of treasure."

"For people like you who don't understand anything about spiritual abilities, you definitely won't be able to fully comprehend it. You're absolutely wasting its potential by using it to extract human thoughts or whatever. If you lettake a look, maybe I can discover smore important, miraculous functions of it that you've overlooked! So, letgo take a look, okay?"

Dean Wang was slightly intrigued by his words. Indeed, the white jade lotus platform seemed peculiarly miraculous to her. Even though it was said to be made of white jade, the white jade itself, after material analysis, was vastly different from what people understood as white jade. Its hardness alone surpassed all known jade stones. She had always been thinking in terms of unattainable high technology. Could it be that she had been thinking wrong all this time? Should she be thinking in terms of mythology and legends instead? Thinking this, Dean Wang and Yi Xiao discussed for a while. In the end, they decided to go directly to the Education Alliance's research center to take a look at the white jade lotus platform. After they had finished their conversation with sdifficulty and turned their heads, they noticed that Ren Zhu had been frowning and silent since earlier.

Yi Xiao's heart inexplicably skipped a beat. He reached out and grabbed Ren Zhu's hand directly. "What are you thinking?" His expression seemed a bit fierce, but Ren Zhu wasn't afraid. He just felt... puzzled.

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"...I thought of something quite important. Maybe I need stto think. Why don't you go ahead and..."

"I won't." Before Ren Zhu could finish, Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows and refused outright. "I can stay quietly by your side without speaking, but you must letwatch you. I won't disturb you, but I absolutely won't leave you."

Dean Wang couldn't help but feel that this child was really something when she listened to Yi Xiao's words. Although Yi Xiao was a bit fierce and had a split personality, according to the importance he attached to Ren Zhu, entrusting Ren Zhu to him was actually reassuring. And when Ren Zhu was suddenly spoken to like this, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered. He blushed slightly and clicked his tongue, giving Yi Xiao a sideways glance. "Alright, alright, alright. Are you satisfied with being so fierce? Let's go take a look at the white jade lotus platform together later. Then I'll think about my own matters. Is that okay with you?"

Only then did Yi Xiao nod in satisfaction. So, the three of them stood up together and walked towards the Education Alliance's research institute. Along with them were Professor Wang and several other professors, as well as their assistants. Since the Grand Commander had spoken, they would investigate together what kind of miraculous existence the white jade lotus platform was.

When Ren Zhu saw the white jade lotus platform, even though he had experienced several worlds, he was instantly mesmerized by its extrbeauty. When he cto his senses, he, like everyone else, stood beside the white jade lotus platform, looking at it through the spiritual energy barrier, emitting a shimmering brilliance, incomparably beautiful.

And compared to the pure praises of its beauty from others, Ren Zhu felt his heart suddenly race. He seemed to have a natural affinity for this white jade lotus platform. He seemed very familiar with this thing. This inexplicable familiarity made him subconsciously feel a bit panicked, coupled with what he had thought of in the reception room earlier. Ren Zhu felt that the imagination he had cup with was simply absurd to the extrbut inexplicably persuasive.

He slowly stepped back. He thought he couldn't wait any longer. He needed a quiet place to think about sthings-such as the system that had existed since the first world, why he could traverse worlds one after another, why he could have almost eternal life, and most importantly, why the system told him he could discover the truth here.

Ren Zhu sat on the chair, staring fixedly at the white jade lotus platform. He thought to himself, everything the system said was right. He should have truly discovered the truth he had been seeking for these lifetimes.

He slowly raised his left hand and looked at the delicate terminal on his wrist, which was equivalent to a miniaturized high-end computer with many functions, and spoke, "System, shouldn't you tellsomething at this point?" However, he received no response.

Ren Zhu's expression remained unchanged, he just sighed deeply and continued, "Well, then letchange the topic."

"System, am I just a consciousness? A consciousness captured by the white jade lotus platform, used to purify evil thoughts? And my main target for purification is Yi Xiao? So, is that why I can meet him in every lifetime?"

As Ren Zhu uttered the second sentence, a piercing, almost ear-penetrating high-frequency noise suddenly rang in his ears, making him dizzy. As he rubbed his head and lifted his eyes, he saw Yi Xiao staring at him with wide eyes, incredibly shocked, as if he had heard Ren Zhu's murmurs just now.