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Class Teacher System

Ch160 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (39)
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When Yi Xiao said to Ren Zhu with a lecherous look, "I'll take care of you," the last glimmer of hope that the medical professors clung to finally vanished. Even Ren Zhu, who had the closest relationship with him, no longer recognized him. Who else could they expect him to recognize?

Sure enough, over the next ten years, medical professors and experts exhausted various methods to try to treat Yi Xiao, the new hero of the Federation, with his black hole-type schizophrenia, but to no avail. Even though Yi Feng's madness had improved a lot, and Zack's cousin had awakened six times in the past ten years, Yi Xiao, like his character, remained resolute in not turning back on anything. After his split, he absolutely refused to integrate.

In these ten years, these personalities coexisted peacefully. Although they emerged differently, each retained basic common sense and cognition. As tpassed, they gradually gained an understanding of the entire Federation and the world. If not for one of his personalities being too impulsive, wreaking havoc whenever something happened, even at the risk of disregarding others' lives, the Federation's medical professors would have bound him to a medical bed every day to study his brain.

Another astonishing thing for the Federation's medical researchers was that regardless of how Yi Xiao's personalities changed, he always seemed to remember Ren Zhu. Or rather, each of his personalities would decide to take care of or fall in love with Ren Zhu upon seeing him. No matter how Ren Zhu treated Yi Xiao, he was always willing, but if Ren Zhu were replaced by someone else, Yi Xiao's personalities would becindifferent or dismissive. This was a point that the Federation's medical professors were very eager to thoroughly investigate.

In short, to sum it up-over the past ten years, the Federation's military had gained nothing except for capturing and studying the escaped Yi Ming and his companions who had been contaminated by evil intentions. On the contrary, the Abyss Black Hole had expanded to a terrifying extent. If it hadn't been for the Great Commander's decision to inform the people of everything about the Abyss Black Hole since "Abyss Noon" and for the Education Alliance to mobilize the top mind mentors to explain the situation of the Abyss Black Hole and provide mental counseling to the people, so that they weren't afraid of the black hole to death in these ten years, who knew how the Abyss Black Hole would have expanded.

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However, despite various explanations about the Abyss Black Hole and many mental mentors' counseling, the Abyss Black Hole still expanded visibly over these ten years.

While Ren Zhu was out with the master version of Yi Xiao, scouring the world for herbs to refine pills, the Great Commander in the Federation Research Institute looked at the data in front of him with an uncertain expression.

The Great Commander looked much older now compared to ten years ago. Ten years ago, his eyes were filled with ambition and determination, but now, the sharpness had gradually faded, leaving behind doubt and hesitation.

But when he saw the data in front of him, his expression changed somewhat. At this moment, within the research institute, the most outstanding talents of the Federation were gathered, including masters and peak figures from various planets, as well as geniuses from the Education Alliance. If almost all the elite geniuses of the Federation were gathered here and hadn't produced anything in the past ten years, then there would be no need to look at the Federation's future. Fortunately, the reason they were called elite, geniuses, and masters was that they had their extraordinary qualities.

On the data handed over to the Great Commander by Professor Wang, they finally arrived at a somewhat heartening conclusion based on past data, the fragmented words of Yi Xiao and his companions, and the testimonies of the three of them.

"So, you speculate that at the deepest part of the Abyss Black Hole, there exists a core, and that core is a sophisticated device created by the Asto people, capable of extracting people's evil intentions and materializing them?" The Great Commander looked at the data, then looked up at Professor Wang and the others for confirmation.

Professor Wang and the others nodded together. He pondered for a moment before saying, "Based on our speculation, in fact, for the past few hundred years, the ancestors of the Yi family were almost on the verge of finding that core of the black hole. Because according to Yi Feng's account, when he was about to collapse, he wanted to grab a bunch of black mist, but he found that he couldn't grab it. Instead, he felt his spiritual power being fiercely attacked after reaching out, and then he didn't know what happened next."

"So, being able to grasp that substantial mass of evil intentions should mean that they were very close to the core of the black hole, so they could catch those evil intentions. It's just that we've been studying in the wrong direction. Otherwise, why would the heroes of the Yi family have to sacrifice their lives generation after generation?" At the end, Professor Wang's voice was trembling. His age allowed him to watch Yi Xiao's grandfather, father, and Yi Xiao himself enter the Abyss Black Hole one after another, which he found extremely difficult to bear. What made it even more unbearable and heartbreaking was that Yi Xiao's parents were also determined and powerful people who were about to reach the end, bringing out that black evil intention.

But in the end, they still died.

"According to the tthey entered the black hole, have you calculated how long it would take to reach that core position? I remember, Yi Xiao's parents went in for eight days." After saying this, the Great Commander's brow furrowed slightly. "This doesn't seem right. It appears that the length of tspent in the black hole doesn't necessarily represent how far they went. Different generations of the Yi family entered at different times."

Professor Wang nodded and looked at a young man with peculiar glasses, who pushed up his glasses and said, "The space inside the black hole is distorted and folded, and there are many other unknown factors. But according to my calculations, whether one can truly approach the core of the Abyss Black Hole is not only related to the tspent inside the black hole, but the key lies in the strength of one's mental power, willpower, and physical strength, that is, the 'strength' of the person entering."

"If one's mental power and willpower are strong enough, then they can avoid traps without the five senses and proceed to the core of the black hole at the fastest speed. The further they go into the core, the more attacks they will face, so they must have strong physical stamina. Then, they can find the core."

The Great Commander fell silent upon hearing this. If that's the case, then who in the Federation now can go as the "almost certain dead hero" when everyone believes that the Abyss Black Hole is unbeatable?

The Great Commander didn't speak, but the others beside him quickly spoke up: "Based on the comprehensive strength we detect now, although Yi Xiao has split into different personalities, he is still the most qualified person..."

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The Great Commander raised his hand and shook his head, "No. Even if there's no one now to force him to do anything, his current state alone is not enough forto choose him. Who knows when he might change personalities after entering the black hole? Or encounter other unforeseen circumstances? I'd rather train death soldiers; the Federation can't afford another failure."

Listening to the Great Commander's words, everyone in the room fell into silence. After a long while, suddenly a voice spoke up:

"Then perhaps there's still another way."

All eyes turned to him. "Can't we create a machine to eliminate evil intentions? Then we can deploy the machine into the Abyss Black Hole, and it can gradually diminish it."

Immediately, someone countered him: "Your idea sounds easy to say, but how do we build this machine? What can eliminate evil intentions? Evil intentions are almost inherent in humans. Besides humans themselves, is there any other way to eliminate them?"

The speaker was a young woman with bangs almost covering her entire eyes. Seemingly agitated by the question, she suddenly raised her head and exclaimed:

"You don't know, so don't say there isn't! We found a machine in the Asto people's retreat that can capture residual thoughts. Do you understand what this means?!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present widened their eyes in astonishment. Then, the Dean of the Education Alliance lightly cleared his throat and said, "Yun Lian! Don't speak casually."

The Great Commander turned his head and stared at the Dean, asking firmly, "What is it?"