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Class Teacher System

Ch159 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (38)
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The sunlight was just right. Inside the top-tier rehabilitation center on the Federation's highest-grade medical planet, "White Feather Star," a 23-year-old youth sat quietly on the stone steps of a flower bed, swiftly reviewing data. The sunlight illuminated his hair tips and side profile, giving him a bright appearance. Coupled with his gentle demeanor and handsface, he looked like a painting from afar.

However, this painting was quickly destroyed by someone.

A slender and powerful hand suddenly grabbed the wrist of the youth from the side, and the next second, a tall figure with a black outfit and a cold expression appeared in the picture. He coldly said, "Who allowed you to cout? Even if you want to sunbathe, you should be by my side."

Upon hearing this, Ren Zhu's mouth twitched. He glanced sideways at the handsface, which was almost identical to his memories from before, concluding that this guy should be the trickster stage of Yi Xiao. Possessive and inflexible, he becmore detestable as he grew older.

"Have you taken your medicine today?" Ren Zhu didn't respond to his words, just calmly asked. Upon hearing this, Yi Xiao's expression changed. "How can I take that mess? Let's quickly go out and find susable spirit grass materials. I'll refine a pill for myself." Ren Zhu nodded, "Alright, I'll submit the report first. After all, I have a legitimate job and a family to support."

Yi Xiao's brows furrowed tightly upon hearing this, seemingly wanting to say something but having sconcerns. In the end, he didn't say anything, but his expression beceven more forbidding, making the researchers around them observe them closely.

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It has been ten years since the "Panic of the Haste" incident. During these ten years, there were significant fluctuations, and even in small-scale, underground, or remote areas that the Federation could not fully attend to, continuous wars occurred. People's terror and fear of the "Abyss Black Hole" reached its peak. If, at the tof "Abyss Noon," the onlookers of the Federation people were unable to react to how heavy the outcwas, when the fifty-eight former Federation heroes, the pride of the heavens, unhesitatingly aimed their guns at their compatriots and wantonly slaughtered them, the evil and terrifying will of the Abyss Black Hole was truly revealed, revealing its hideousness to the people.

Miserable, hasty, helpless, and regretful negative emotions filled the hearts of every Federation citizen, and this dark negative emotion gave the Abyss Black Hole great nourishment. For a while, it expanded significantly, almost affecting the Federation's soldiers.

When the Federation soldiers finally managed to kill the fifty-five of the fifty-eight heroes who had becdemons, looking at the scattered bodies of mechas, swords, and even human bodies floating in the pitch-black space, the Federation fell into silence.

At that time, Ren Zhu was staring at the Abyss Black Hole with dead eyes. He checked the numbers. Apart from the forty-one self-detonations and the fifty-eight infected, there were still three people who hadn't appeared among the one hundred and two. He didn't know who the other two were, but he could be sure that Yi Xiao hadn't cout yet!

"Soldiers of the First Legion of the Federation, listen up! Block the area around the black hole and activate the barrier at the fastest speed. No one is allowed to enter the possible range of the black hole's expansion!"

"Soldiers of the Second Legion of the Federation, listen up! Escort the professors and VIPs out of the black hole area at the fastest speed and make sure to safely send them back to the capital star!"

"Soldiers of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Legions of the Federation, listen up! From today onwards, at all costs and at the fastest speed, pursue the three individuals who have just escaped and have been infected by evil intentions, 'Yi Ming, Ke Lu Shan, and Tu Tan.' Absolutely cannot allow these three to grow and pose future threats to the entire Federation!"

After being deeply shocked and saddened by this tragic situation, the Federal Grand Marshal, despite supporting his shaky body, immediately began to issue orders and devised the best response plan. While the military began to act rapidly according to the Grand Marshal's orders, Ren Zhu remained motionless in place. Soon, his own aircraft appeared conspicuously out of place, and a military officer piloting a mech cto his side, intending to ask him to leave the area. However, he received an unexpected response from Ren Zhu: "Tell the Grand Marshal that Yi Xiao hasn't cout yet. I'm waiting here for him."

The Federal officer was momentarily stunned, but he quickly, somewhat excitedly, relayed this message to the Grand Marshal. Even in the midst of chaos, many Federation citizens watching through satellite broadcasts heard this conversation. At this moment, it seemed like they finally remembered and recalled something they had long forgotten and disregarded-Yi Xiao hasn't cout yet. Yi Xiao! Isn't he the eldest son of the Yi family? The eldest son of the Yi family who has always used his life to stabilize the entire Federation?

The Grand Marshal obviously also realized this point, so he looked steadily at Ren Zhu's figure but ultimately did not ask him to leave. And an hour later, the Abyss Black Hole violently fluctuated again. Under the gaze of the public, three damaged mechas stumbled out of the black hole. The Federation's army stood ready, but after seeing the condition of these three mechas, they understood that they didn't need to be so vigilant-two of the mechas were being carried by the black mecha in the middle.

Ren Zhu swiftly piloted the airship to meet them, and the Federal people heard Yi Xiao's unique, somewhat cold voice.

"One is unconscious, one is insane. Tell Zack, he owesa villa."

After saying this, Yi Xiao collapsed straight to the ground, and Ren Zhu piloted the airship to catch all three mechas.

At this moment, the panic-stricken Federation people collectively cheered in excitement in their hearts. Their heroes were not completely lost! They still had three heroes returning! Even if one was unconscious and one was somewhat crazy, all three of them were the victors of this expedition! Especially Yi Xiao! The contemporary eldest son of the Yi family! After coming out, he could still speak normally! In so many years, perhaps he is the first person in the Federation to do so?!

He truly lived up to being a member of the Yi family and a genius with both mental and physical prowess!

Even the Grand Marshal couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If all one hundred and two people had been lost in this expedition, it would have been a huge blow to the hearts of all Federation people. But now there was still hope. As long as Yi Xiao was awake, this operation was worth it, and this difficulty would eventually be overcome!

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Everyone thought Yi Xiao was normal.

However, when they went back to perform checks on these three individuals, they were all taken aback.

Yi Xiao brought back two people. Yi Feng, true to his name, was now insane. He kept muttering about his deepest feelings and memories. Occasionally, sinformation about the black hole might be gleaned from his mouth, but normal communication was impossible. The other person was Zack's cousin, who had no injuries on his body. After examination, it was determined that he was suffering from mental chaos due to an attack on his mental power, but it couldn't be said that he had no hope of waking up. So, even though he was unconscious, his situation was much better than the fate of others. Zack's uncle was very grateful to Yi Xiao for this and directly announced that their family would ensure Yi Xiao's safety.

But when Yi Xiao was examined, this previously normal guy suddenly woke up from his coma. His first words upon waking up were, "Damn, what cosplay are you guys playing? Why are there octopus tentacles and cat ears? How much did it cost? I'll get one too." These chaotic and nonsensical words stunned everyone present, and then the leading medical professors were all somewhat worried. They almost forcibly performed a brain examination on Yi Xiao and then found, to their extrastonishment, that after experiencing the Abyss Black Hole, Yi Xiao's mental power eruption seemed to have been cured. However, his brain and spirit were in a state of self-awareness and consciousness confusion. After examination, it seemed like there were several personalities within him.

Therefore, Yi Xiao did not cout of the voice black hole intact. After entering, he directly experienced a split personality disorder. In this situation, unless it happened to be the original personality's turn to appear, in the state of other personalities, he was unrecognizable and lacked common sense. It was completely impossible for him to explore the Abyss Black Hole again.

The people of the Federation sighed at this.

Meanwhile, Ren Zhu, who had watched the whole thing, twitched at the corner of his mouth as he watched the guy who seemed like he had just stepped into a new world, marveling at everything and saying things like "How much did it cost? I'll buy one too." It was as if he had returned to the era of sarrogant rich young master.

Finally, this young master strolled up to Ren Zhu and abruptly stopped, staring at him up and down for a while before clapping his hands suddenly:

"So pleasing to the eye! Little brother, cfollowfrom now on! I'll support you!"

Ren Zhu: "... Your scandals are enough to fill a dictionary. After being braindead, now you're mentally challenged."