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Class Teacher System

Ch158 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (37)
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When Ren Zhu voiced his speculation, the expressions of Yi Xiao in the room and the over twenty individuals in the virtual meeting room instantly beceerie and subtle, and the atmosphere becheavy.

After a while, Yi Xiao, beside himself in disbelief, blurted out, "Wow, what's this? Are we witnessing tech geeks saving the world?"

Hearing Yi Xiao's words, Ren Zhu's lips twitched slightly, then he raised his eyebrows. "This isn't about tech geeks saving the world; it's about tech geeks destroying the world. Just think about it, the things they created eight hundred years ago are still beyond our decryption capabilities to this day, or at best, we've only just scratched the surface. But how many people have died over the years because of the Abyss Black Hole? At least several times the total number of Asto people, right?"

"So, regardless of the Asto people's intentions, I think they've succeeded. And they've left us with a mess to deal with," Ren Zhu couldn't help but sigh.

Upon hearing this, the others also sighed inwardly. If Ren Zhu's speculation was correct, then the origin of this Abyss Black Hole was truly ironic, even somewhat deserved. They hoped this speculation was false, but after carefully studying the Asto people's creative talents and astonishing intellect, these over twenty top intelligence analysts in the "Education Alliance" basically all cto the conclusion that Ren Zhu's speculation was correct.

Although they had found the most plausible explanation for the origin of the Abyss Black Hole within ten days, after looking at each other for a while, they all saw the slightly helpless and conflicted expressions on each other's faces. It was an unspoken agreement among them that even though they had found the cause of the Abyss Black Hole's formation, solving it was not going to be easy. Just like what Yi Zhongding had said when persuading the Grand Commander - no matter what, someone had to venture into the Abyss Black Hole again. Whether the outcwas good or bad, this sacrifice was necessary.

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After realizing this, everyone couldn't help but turn their heads to look at Yi Xiao beside Ren Zhu. They all knew Yi Xiao's identity and understood what Yi Zhongding might do to him. However, what made them feel pity for him was that even though Star Network headlines had already exposed Yi Xiao's midnight theft from the ancestral hof the Yi family, and Yi Zhongding had rebuked him as a disgrace to the family, Yi Xiao would not back down from the possibility of entering the Abyss Black Hole because of this incident. Yi Zhongding was never a fool; he knew very well how to use public opinion and how to effectively maximize his interests. So, after reprimanding Yi Xiao, Yi Zhongding released another shocking yet somewhat expected announcement -

【Since the ancestors of the Yi family started more than eight hundred years ago, every generation has spared no effort to fight against the Abyss Black Hole for the safety of the Federation. For this, the Yi family has paid an extremely painful price. However, we will not retreat. On the contrary, we will strive to fight the Abyss Black Hole to the end! Even if there is only one person left! Although Yi Xiao is the most unworthy descendant of the Yi family in this generation, he is still a member of the Yi family and should also bear the responsibility and honor of the Yi family for generations to come! Therefore, in this exploration of the Abyss Black Hole, Yi Xiao will enter the Abyss Black Hole together with another hero of the Yi family, Yi Feng, to contribute to the future of the Federation!]

When this news cout, many people in the Federation praised the Yi family for their great selflessness and perseverance. However, despite the extravagant praise online, Yi Xiao couldn't feel any joy. His expression becsomewhat gloomy, with a mocking smile on his face. Clearly, he hadn't said or indicated anything, yet these people already assumed he must participate in the exploration of the Abyss Black Hole, as if he would do whatever they said. It was... truly naive and ridiculous.

Yi Xiao closed his wrist terminal, his face turning stern as he was about to turn away. Ren Zhu quickly closed his terminal as well; after all, he had already identified the problem. Figuring out how to crack the Asto people's technology was no longer his concern; technical issues needed technical geeks to solve them. He needed to address the psychological issues of his edgy teenager.

"Where are you going? Taking a spaceship to get a sack for Yi Zhongding?"

Yi Xiao, already matured in body, halted at the sound of Ren Zhu's words. He turned around and kicked the door with a ferocious expression, asking grumpily, "Can't I?"

Ren Zhu glanced at the door, now dented from his kick, and silently sympathized with it before nodding. "Sure, you can. I can provide you with pepper spray and a baton out of friendship. But, after you sack him, can you avoid going to the black hole? You still have to go, while he only gets a beating from you. I don't think it's worth it."

The edgy teenager pondered for a moment, then turned back, striding towards Ren Zhu. "Tell me, I'm listening."

Yi Xiao firmly believed that if there were skills to make others uncomfortable or to make them suffer silently, Ren Zhu would surely be the number one.

Ren Zhu smiled. "Your reputation is already tarnished; throwing a tantrum won't make much difference now. So, what are you still worried about? A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Even if Yi Zhongding wants you dead, you can send his son to die in your place."

Six days later, under the anticipation of billions of people in the Federation, the Grand Commander selected one hundred Federation warriors who had endured the longest in the Abyss Black Hole simulation field over the past five years. Almost every one of them was a well- known young talent in the Federation. Regardless of their spiritual and physical talents, they all had one quality that surpassed everyone else's.

The people of the Federation called these one hundred warriors "Abyss Explorers," and their reputation soared to its peak.

However, aside from these warriors, there was one Abyss Explorer who couldn't be called a hero. Although people thought poorly of his character, they still praised his courage. However, just as people finally praised him, after ten days of training and various explanations, under the watchful eyes of the Grand Commander, amid the fervor of everyone cheering on the warriors, he publicly dropped out.

The expressions of everyone shouting words of encouragement froze on their faces.

What's happening? Desertion on the brink of battle?! As people began to question and even disdain in their hearts, Yi Xiao pointed at Yi Ming, who had been appearing in front of him from tto tfor the past ten days, seeking attention and mocking him: "Cousin, didn't you say that as a member of the Yi family, you really wanted to explore the Abyss Black Hole with me, armor-clad? Before, I thought you were the only child of Second Uncle, so I didn't agree with your idea. But now that I think about it, I'm also my parents' only child, so we're not so different. Besides, your parents are still alive while mine are not. Relatively speaking, you should have more concerns and your will should be firmer. Finally, Second Uncle also said that exploring the Abyss Black Hole is the honor and duty of the Yi family. While other families have at least one person participating in this exploration, our Yi family only sends two people, which seems insufficiently sincere. So, Cousin, hurry up and bring your mech over here. We're all waiting for you. Don't waste time."

The moment Yi Xiao uttered these words, Yi Zhongding sensed something was wrong, but no matter how fast he reacted, he couldn't stop Yi Xiao from speaking out on live broadcast. So, upon hearing this, his heart seethed with hatred, but he couldn't speak at this moment. Turning to his son, Yi Ming, he saw him trembling all over, his face pale as a sheet.

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At this moment, the cameras of the Star Network were all focused on Yi Ming, just like how Yi Zhongding manipulated the psychology of the masses. Yi Xiao also applied this "It's none of my business, so I'll just ignore it" mentality to the extreme. After all, it was the Yi family members who were going, not them, so what was there to be afraid of? Just let him go; he wanted to go anyway.

"Ah, because my cousin Yi Ming and I have a good relationship, I must go on this mission with him. If he feels unwell and faints now, I might also have a psychic outburst and faint. He hasn't undergone training for the Abyss Black Hole, and neither have I. We're the same, so naturally, we should go in and out together, sharing joy and sorrow. Letsay it again, cousin, we're all waiting for you. Hurry up and cover. This is the path of honor for the heroes of the Federation, not sending you to your death."

Yi Xiao's voice remained indifferent, but sensitive people detected the sarcasm in his last sentence. Yi Ming's stiff body didn't know what to do at this point. He had originally intended to faint, but Yi Xiao's statement about having a psychic outburst if he dared to faint, coupled with the fact that Yi Ming hadn't undergone training for the Abyss Black Hole, left him at a loss for what to do under everyone's watchful gaze!

So, he looked to his father for help, only to see his father's face turn ashen. After remaining stiff for a while, his father closed his eyes and nodded slowly. Yi Ming felt a bone-chilling coldness at that moment. Suddenly, he understood why Yi Xiao always looked at him with such indifferent and cold eyes.

He was abandoned.

Yi Ming was practically escorted into the mech by Federation soldiers. By the the entered the mech, he had calmed down. He knew that there was no escaping this time. If he wanted to survive the Abyss Black Hole, he had to give it his all. He had to make it out, make it ou alive...

Thus, on the morning of March 30, 2739, one hundred and two Federation warriors entered the Abyss Black Hole, aiming to break the sword of Damocles hanging over the Federation. However, things did not go as planned. Starting from noon, the Abyss Black Hole began to violently fluctuate. The one hundred and two warriors rushed out of the black hole one after another, seeming to be in a frenzy. Forty-one of them self-destructed upon exiting, fifty-eight were contaminated by evil thoughts and went on a rampage, attacking others, while three managed to escape. This brought great devastation to the surrounding Federation troops and the Federation itself. It took the Federation ten years to successfully kill the three fugitives, and during this decade, the mental panic among the Federation citizens regarding the Abyss Black Hole reached its peak, making it almost impossible for the Federation to control the spread of the Abyss Black Hole.

This event was later known as the "Panic of Haste."

Also known as the "Abyss Noon."