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Class Teacher System

Ch157 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (36)
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The incident of Yi Xiao causing a scene at the Yi family in the middle of the night had spread throughout the entire affluent circle of the capital star almost by dawn on the sday. Most of the wealthy and powerful individuals were quite unanimous in their reaction to this incident-they found it particularly amusing.

Perhaps the common people were completely unaware of the true situation with the Yi family, so they greatly admired the members of the Yi family and regarded them as their protectors. However, in reality, within their circle, the shady dealings of the Yi family were well understood. No one was foolish; it was abundantly clear that instances of family members seizing control of assets were far too common in their circle. It's just that Yi Zhongding's methods were more ruthless, and Yi Xiao was just more unlucky.

There were even quite a few people who strongly disapproved of Yi Zhongding's actions, but if they wanted to take action against him, they had to consider the Yi family's special status. So, every tthey saw Yi Zhongding's smug and arrogant expression, they really wanted to curse him in secret and wish him to experience sunspeakable misfortune.

And now, this incident had unfolded right before their eyes, hadn't it? It had to be said that Young Master Yi did a splendid job! Usually, he looked like a pitiful little thing, not resisting or speaking, but when it really mattered, he was very reliable! Look at what he did tonight, anyone would be impressed! They really wanted to see Yi Zhongding's crappy expression tomorrow!

Yi Xiao boarded the return spaceship that very day. And as Yi Xiao left, Yi Zhongding, who had received the news, returned to the Yi family's villa with a grim expression.

He looked at the mess in the room, and even a few large holes in the walls, took a deep breath, and sternly reprimanded Yi Ming, "Someone entered the house late at night, and you didn't notice anything? So, do you have to wait until next time, when someone has a knife to your neck, before you react?!"

Yi Ming was already feeling quite frustrated, and being scolded by his father like this made his eyes a bit red, but he was mostly angry, "Father, you also know that our family's defense system doesn't defend against his psychic power! Plus, he's an S-rank genius himself. If he sneaks in like a thief to steal things, what else can I do?"

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Yi Zhongding was inwardly annoyed but didn't intend to say anything more to his stupid son. He went directly to the basement level of the villa and looked at the five empty and precious rooms. He felt like his heart was bleeding. He angrily slammed his hand against the wall, "Yi Xiao!!"

This damn brat, how did he manage to survive with such luck?! He should have suffered the sfate as his stupid parents, going insane and dying right then and there! Panting heavily, Yi Zhongding silently admonished himself not to get too excited. Anyway, he had already decided to push this kid to his death in a few days. By then, whatever this little brat stole would ultimately belong to him!

However, Yi Zhongding had no idea that Young Master Yi had already allocated these precious treasures and information on the spaceship. A large portion of these treasures were intended for Uncle Zhang Lan and the others, allowing them to manage their finances properly As for the remaining anonymous federal credit cards and rare materials, he planned to take them back and let his little bamboo handle them. Whatever he liked, he would keep; whatever he didn't, he would sell and use the money to buy villas!

So, when Ren Zhu sat among piles of documents and looked up to see Yi Xiao again, carrying various expensive and decadent foods, looking like a commoner who had suddenly become

nouveau riche, it was quite... amusing.

"Oh, Young Master is back?" Ren Zhu rarely made jokes.

Yi Xiao smirked and held his head high, "I've returned in glory! From now on, follow me, and I'll take you to eat at the Star of Wisdom every day, buy you villas, and provide you with all sorts of information!"

Seeing his demeanor, Ren Zhu laughed, a rare sight. He nodded seriously, "Then I'll follow Young Master from now on. Young Master, take care of me, okay?"

Although it was just a joke from Ren Zhu, Yi Xiao's entire face turned red in an instant. He looked at the refined and calm youth in the room, who was smiling at him. Thinking about what he had just said, almost like a confession, he felt at a loss for words. After a while, he stammered, "Uh, I... I'll... consider it..."

Ren Zhu raised an eyebrow. This fool actually needed to consider it. Without saying anything, he simply nodded, "Oh, okay then. Actually, it's not just you who wants to take care of me, there are several others too..."

Yi Xiao immediately bristled, "Who can compare to me!! I'll take care of you!"

Ren Zhu just laughed, "Alright, then hand over all your assets, and I'll feel reassured letting you take care of me."

So, before the vast fortune Yi Xiao had seized could even warm his own pockets, it was already in the hands of Teacher Ren. And all this happened willingly, with Yi Xiao actively offering it up.

It's evident that as a seasoned steward, Teacher Ren's lifetof accumulation had already brought his skills to their peak.

After finishing the takeout Yi Xiao brought, Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao sat by the window together, looking at the information left behind by Yi Hai Zhi and Yi Xingyu. It must be said that Yi Hai Zhi was truly one of the most outstanding adventurers of his time. Just from the records, one could tell he was a very brave and wise person. His detailed accounts of the "Nightmare War" period were so vivid that Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao were deeply shocked by the war that almost engulfed the entire universe.

"... Humans are truly a complex and contradictory species." Ren Zhu looked at the shadows of slaughter and the words with a cold expression. "It seems that since obtaining intelligence, they instinctively possess the tendency for slaughter, jealousy, and greed."

Yi Xiao chuckled, "Isn't that just human nature? It has nothing to do with intelligence. But this war was indeed very tragic, wiping out many fascinating races. Look at this, these are the pufferfish people. When they're angry, they can turn their bodies into spiky balls and release toxins around them. Logically, people like them should have strong offensive capabilities, but they were killed by poison."

"Yeah, even the tree people with healing abilities becextinct. They were all burned alive by a huge fire at night." Ren Zhu nodded, "Perhaps in that era, people were so blinded by rage that they lost all basic rationality. Every group believed that all other groups except their own were evil, and for the sake of their own group, these people who seemed weak or kind on ordinary days would transform into something completely different, fierce and vicious."

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Yi Xiao nodded, "And there are the Asto people. While more or less every other race participated in that war, the Asto people were truly unjustly treated. They were a peaceful race, and they had already secluded themselves from the world when the war began. But in the end they were still forced to make various weapons for killing. My grandfather's records say that many Asto people couldn't bear the pain of knowing that the weapons they made killed many people and would even commit suicide..."

"However, in the end, they were all wiped out by greedy people," Ren Zhu said sorrowfully. "Every member of this race was a master craftsman. Their invention, the 'Spiritual Energy Converter,' was the precursor to converting spiritual energy into superpowers. Without their Spiritual Energy Converters, the development of superpowers would not have been so diverse and abundant. That war truly was a nightmare."

With a hint of sarcasm, Ren Zhu continued, "Looking at it this way, the appearance of the Abyss Black Hole can be considered as putting an end to the chaos, from a certain perspective. If the Abyss Black Hole hadn't appeared and the crazed individuals it produced hadn't emerged, who knows how long the Nightmare War would have continued? Who knows how many races would have been annihilated?"

Following the sarcasm, Yi Xiao added, "Maybe this black hole is actually a curse from those extinct races? A curse on all of us warmongers and killers, wishing us all a miserable end."

After Yi Xiao finished speaking, without waiting for his littlr bamboo's response, he looked over at Ren Zhu, only to see a thunderstruck expression on his face.

Yi Xiao had an intuition that he might have said something particularly significant. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Ren Zhu's expression turn serious and tense as he frantically searched through the data, as if he had stumbled upon smajor clue.

Then, as he carefully recalled what he had just said, Yi Xiao's face also becextremely peculiar. Could it be that there really were gods and curses in this world? If such curses could really ctrue, then he and the other surviving humans would probably have been cursed beyond recognition long ago, right?

While Yi Xiao pondered various possibilities in his seat, Ren Zhu had already swiftly identified his target. He had contacted more than twenty people from the confidential research department and shared his speculation with Professor Wang and others. Including Yi Xiao, everyone present clearly heard Ren Zhu's bold yet very plausible speculation.

"Eight hundred years ago, during the 'Nightmare War' era, the Federation plunged into chaos, and various races began to fight and kill each other. Many races were exterminated as a result, including the 'Asto' people, who were once the top craftsmen in the universe. The Ast people were a highly intelligent and capable craftsman race who manufactured the 'Spiritual Energy Converter.' Before their extinction, they were researching spiritual energy and the manifestation of human thoughts. Therefore, I have a hypothesis."

"The initial formation of the Abyss Black Hole, could it have been triggered by sadvanced machinery created by the Asto people? Their goal was..."

"To end the war and seek revenge on all the races involved in the slaughter."