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Class Teacher System

Ch156 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (35)
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Although Ren Zhu asked Yi Xiao to bring him takeaway, both of them knew that they would need to part ways in the coming days. After all, the main headquarters of the Yi family was not on Wisdom Star but on the Capital star, which was sdistance away from Wisdom Star.

And from Wisdom Star to the Capital star, even by spaceship, it would take half a day. Ren Zhu roughly calculated that even if Yi Xiao was exceptionally fast, it would still take him at least three days to cback.

If he encountered any obstacles or encountered people who were looking for trouble in the Yi family, then the tmight be extended by another day or two. But this wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He could finally focus on studying and acquiring knowledge without being dragged into various sports and fitness activities by Yi Xiao after every meal.

Since Yi Xiao had decided to go to the Yi family, his actions were very fast. After all, he had the highest authority to enter the Yi family's defensive system. In addition, he had the octopus-man uncle steward following him. After Yi Xiao told him, Uncle Zhang Lan quickly booked ticket for his young master with the fastest speed and called the entire family to secretly observe the major event of the young master's troublemaking through the monitors.

Yi Xiao left in the afternoon, around six o'clock. His spaceship would arrive at the capital star at twelve-thirty at night. Yi Xiao brought his own mecha and decided to sleep well on the spaceship. After arriving at the capital star, he could rush straight to the Yi family and get all the information and things he wanted. Moreover, it would be late at night by then, making it convenient for his actions.

"Uncle Lan, please check the room where my Yi ancestor's information is stored in the ancestral mansion. The most important thing forthis tis to obtain the information. Oh, and do you know about the valuable antiques and treasures at home? If you know, please sendthe location and information."

As the patriarch of the octopus people, Zhang Lan's brain was naturally not stupid. Hearing his young master say this, he felt that his young master might be preparing a big move. But for this, the loyal octopus people felt that there was no problem at all. On the contrary, it was very good! Their young master had suffered so much. Now that he was almost eighteen years old and could inherit the wealth of the Yi family, the people of the Yi family had not shown any intention to help him. Those lazy and self-righteous guys who thought they were something! It was tto give them a good lesson!

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So, one minute before Yi Xiao lay down to sleep in the luxurious single room of the spaceship, he received detailed information about treasures and the room where his ancestor's information was specially stored from his steward. Yi Xiao looked at the two locations in the simulated house that were relatively close to each other and smiled faintly. Very good, these two places are very close. It will definitely be convenient for him to find things. After that, Yi Xiao slept well. Ten minutes before the spaceship landed, he opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly. He thought that when he cback, he could not only bring slate-night snacks or snacks for his little bamboo but he could even buy a villa for them directly on Wisdom Star.

It seemed that his bamboo liked the house by Wisdom Lake. This could be a surprise for him.

When Yi Xiao disembarked from the spaceship, he didn't need anyone to pick him up or guide him. He directly piloted his own mecha towards the ancestral mansion of the Yi family. Because many people like him got off the spaceship and left in their mechas, no one paid attention to him from beginning to end.

After flying for a little over an hour, the vast residential area of the capital star gradually appeared before Yi Xiao's eyes. Ignoring the tall and exquisite buildings, Yi Xiao looked at the large cluster of buildings in the middle of a blue lake with a complex expression. He had lived in this building for eight years, and those eight years were the happiest and carefree times of his life. At that time, he thought he would live here forever, but reality told him that there was never anything eternal or unchanging.

Shaking off his thoughts, Yi Xiao piloted his mecha, which was like a ghost, into the building. When the mecha flew to a certain area in the air, it encountered a faint blue light that flashed like ripples and quickly disappeared. But Yi Xiao understood that the blue light was the Y family's proudest Blue Sea Defense System. This was also a method belonging to his grandfather's grandfather. Back then, this ancestor was a formidable figure. Not only did he bring a group of octopus people to the Yi family's eldest son, but he also obtained their rare treasure, the Guardian Stone, from the Blue Sea Star.

Sometimes when Yi Xiao thought about this, he couldn't help but wonder secretly in his heart if his ancestor had had a earth-shattering but tragic love affair with the queen of the sea tribe from the Blue Sea Star?

Silently landing outside the main mansion of the Yi family, Yi Xiao was not noticed by anyone. Not to mention how confident the Yi family was in their Blue Sea Defense, they only sent three people to monitor at night. Even if they sent thirty people to monitor, as long as Yi Xiao didn't want to, none of them would see or discover Yi Xiao.

Swiftly entering the villa of the main mansion, as one of the former masters of the mansion, Yi Xiao naturally had the mental ability to unlock it. At this time, the mansion was pitch black, and Yi Ming and his second aunt had already gone to sleep. As for his second uncle, Yi Zhongding? Recently, in these ten days, he should be trying his best to make ssmall moves to make sure Yi Xiao would die honorably. So Yi Zhongding hadn't been hin these days.

The basement of the villa was the most important part of the main mansion, and the entire floor was divided into five rooms, each containing the rarest treasures and most important things of the Yi family.

Yi Xiao found the concealed door leading to the basement floor with ease. He shook his head and sighed inwardly. His good second uncle indeed believed that he was doomed to die. Otherwise, why didn't he even change the hiding place of the treasures? He didn't even move the entrance. So was he sure that Yi Xiao wouldn't cback?

Yi Xiao silently chuckled in the darkness. It wasn't that he was sure he wouldn't cback, but rather, who would have thought he would sneak back in the dark and steal things? Indeed, his Little Bamboo was the smartest. Just one sentence could make him do something tha would delight friends and hurt enemies.

Entering the basement of the villa, Yi Xiao was greeted by five magnificent doors. He raised an eyebrow, closed his eyes, and sensed the spiritual locks on the five doors. After a minute, he chuckled even more heartily. Not only was his spiritual power not removed from the spiritual locks, perhaps Yi Zhongding wanted to demonstrate his generosity and integrity by leaving them intact? Heh heh heh, this couldn't be better.

The five storage rooms contained various items. Apart from one room dedicated to the collections and documents of his Ancestors, the remaining four rooms held different types of treasures. Swere for precious minerals and gems, others for antiques and rarities, and there were even smechanical devices and weapons that could be found on the market. Yi Xiao grinned widely at these items and unhesitatingly stuffed them all into his spatial storage box. He had no doubt that he had taken at least a tenth of the Yi family's wealth and most precious treasures. Although it wasn't much compared to the total, it was enough for him and Little Bamboo to live comfortably. He could also use it as initial capital for Uncle Lan and the others, and then make money grow. With that, he could spend happy days counting money with Little Bamboo in the future! As for Little Bamboo, despite always looking dignified, he was definitely a thorough money lover!

After collecting the treasures, Yi Xiao had no other worries. He cout of the basement level boldly, contemplating whether to make sghostly noises with the mecha in the house to surprise Yi Ming. However, when he emerged, he found that there was no need for any surprises. Perhaps Yi Ming had heard snoise, or maybe he couldn't sleep well at night. In any case, Yi Ming and Yi Xiao, standing in the middle of the living room, faced each other without any cover.

The hand holding the water glass trembled first, then relaxed, followed by a crisp sound of glass shattering. After that, Yi Ming's angry and incredulous roar echoed throughout the villa:

"Yi Xiao!!! What are you doing here!?"

Yi Xiao looked at Yi Ming, whose eyes were widened like copper bells, in a ridiculous expression. He sneered, "This is the Yi family's main residence, right? Clearly, it belongs to me. Why can't I be here?"

"You! You! This doesn't belong to you anymore! It belongs to our family! Who let you cin casually?!" Yi Ming was shocked and angry at this moment. The feeling of having one's own territory invaded so easily was too terrible. However, after this shock and anger, he suddenly remembered what the basement level was like. An expression of disbelief appeared on his face, and he immediately roared, "What are you doing in the basement? Are you trying to steal something?!" He knew how many precious and invaluable things were in the basement. Seeing Yi Xiao coming out from there, he instantly thought of a terrifying possibility. After shouting, he continued to yell several times, directly alarming everyone around the villa.

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"Guards! Are all the guards dead?! Cand catch him! He's stolen treasures from the house!!"

While Yi Ming was yelling, Yi Xiao had already coldly revealed his mech. Regardless of whether the house could contain it, he easily leaped over Yi Ming's head and exited the villa.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah!!!" A sharp female voice rang out. Obviously, Yi Xiao's second aunt had cout of the bedroom. Unfortunately, her screams only served to make Yi Ming and the others more nervous, without any effect. Yi Ming, having been crossed over by Yi Xiao, clenched his teeth and summoned his own mech, preparing to intercept Yi Xiao.

Under no circumstances could he let Yi Xiao leave with the treasures! Otherwise, when father cback, he would be infuriated!

Fortunately, at this moment, because of his shouts, the guards of the Yi family had already arrived one after another. Now, there were more than a dozen mechs surrounding Yi Xiao in the courtyard, as if they were going to capture him.

"Yi Xiao! You dare to cto our house and steal today! After I catch you, I'll have father expel you from the Yi family!! You can wait to go to prison!!"

Yi Xiao heard Yi Ming's words from inside the mech and thought, if it weren't for your last sentence, I might have actually listened to you and let your father expel me. Unfortunately, even if your father's brain was squeezed, he wouldn't expel me. And, do you think you can stopwith just these dozen people?

Yi Xiao sneered. Did they really think they could stop him? It was like they believed he was still mentally handicapped?!

In the next ten minutes, Yi Ming witnessed a scene that would haunt him with shadows and feelings of defeat for the rest of his life-

Yi Xiao, almost single-handedly, knocked down the guards of the Yi family who had attacked him one after another. Although the guards kept coming, they were all useless against the black mech that was like a ghost. It dashed arrogantly, knocking down one mech after another until its figure disappeared completely from his sight.

"Hahaha! You think you can stop me? Ridiculous!!"

That arrogant laughter alarmed too many people in the dark night and made Yi Ming tremble with anger, almost vomiting blood.

This was simply, a great humiliation!