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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Something happened


“The trash bins were empty when we found them, Your Majesty,” the guard lamented to me with a

bowed head. “We searched high and low. We even checked with the cleaner. He couldn’t find anything

either. It seemed that the supposed masked man worked too quickly.”

I released a heavy sigh though I wasn’t surprised in the slightest. I sat back in my chair and fought the

urge to grow frustrated.

The guard resumed a more polite posture and waited for my response. When he’d arrived in my study

just minutes ago, I’d been hoping for good news. But sure enough, the masked man was far more

skillful than I wanted. He had to be, otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to hide here in Anemond for

so long.

I’d sent a team to investigate Sp ik e’s claim that he’d discarded the books stolen from the royal library

in a trash bin out in the street in the development beyond the palace. Now that I knew that the books

were still missing, I wasn’t completely certain if Sp ik e was lying or not.

“I want higher security stationed at the dungeon,” I commanded. “I want no one. to come in or out of

that place or speak to the prisoner without my express permission. I require a comprehensive list of

every guard stationed at the doors.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the guard replied, and he offered me another bow. “I will

see to it at once.”

Thank you,” I said, and then I waved him on. “You are dismissed.”

The guard obediently turned on his heels and once the door closed, I released tie groan of frustration

I’d been holding in.

I rose from my chair and walked to the door. Part of me wanted to hide in this room forever, but the

other part had a different desire.


Cas sandra.

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I needed to see her at once.

As I stepped out of my study and walked quickly down the hall, I thought of the healer’s beautiful face.

As strange as it was for me to admit, I missed her a lot. Everything was becoming so complicated and

demanding on my time. Cas sandra would make it all feel better.

She always did.

When I reached the lab, I was surprised to see only her assistant and Lancel in the room. Becky was

so hard at work that she didn’t notice me, but Lancel stiffened immediately.

“Alpha,” he greeted me with a nod. “What brings you here?”

“Where is she?” I asked. “Cas sandra.”

“She should be in her room, Your Majesty,” he replied, and I frowned immediately.

“Why didn’t you follow her?” I asked.

My most trusted guard opened his mouth to speak, but before the words could escape him, the door to

the lab opened and another guard appeared.

“Healer Cas sandra is waiting for you at your study, Your Majesty,” the guard announced. “She is ready

to conduct your health check.”

I wanted to laugh. Of course, she was all the way up there when I’d specifically

ne to seek her out.

“Thank you,” I replied, and then I glanced at Lancel. “We’ll speak more on this


“Yes, Alpha,” Lancel agreed. I tried to read the older man’s expression, but it was difficult. It was almost

as if he were hiding something, but that was very unlike


him. Lancel was passionately loyal and dedicated to his station. If something were up, he would have

told me immediately.

I followed the guard back up the stairs, and once I got to the study, a smile formed on my lips. Cas

sandra was waiting by the door, and when she caught sight of me,

her cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of rose. She looked quite lovely today. Her hair had been pulled

into a loose bun, and a few loose copper ringlets fell into

her face.

“Your Majesty,” she greeted me formally, and when her deep emerald eyes met mine, my heart sk

ipped a beat. I was so happy to see her that I almost completely forgot about the mess of a situation

with Spi ke.

“Cas sandra,” I greeted her. I moved past her and held the door open for her. She crossed through the

threshold, and once the door was closed behind us, I swept her into my arms and held her close. Her

familiar vanilla and cin namon perfume filled my nose and I inhaled the warm, sweet scent deeply.

“Your Majesty-” she said, completely taken aback as I set her down.

“Call me Asher,” I insisted.

She fell silent, and I reached out and pulled her back to me. My hands

fell to her waist and then I pressed my lips against hers. She didn’t protest, but when I noticed that she

wasn’t kissing me back, I pulled away.

Had I come on too strong?

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I should have controlled myself, but I was struggling.”

Cas sandra’s cheeks darkened further. “It’s alright.”

She walked over to the desk, set her kit down, and began to take out the cessary tools to conduct the

health check. I waited patiently, and just as she raised one of her devices, she cleared her throat.

“Your Majesty,” she said quietly.



I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

She took a moment and then cleared her throat again.

“It’s my maid, Erika,” she explained softly. “Something happened.”

“Tell me,” I insisted.

Cas s andra nodded and then launched right into it. She told me all about the tea incident with Adalyn

and then explained that Margaret and Adalyn had the poor maid whipped. As she spoke, her lower lip

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trembled and her lovely eyes filled with tears.

“I’m worried, Your Majesty,” she said. “I was hoping you could clear Erika’s name in case they try to

come after her again. I want the imposter’s written confession that he was the one behind the poisoned

tea, not her.”

“Of course,” assured her. “I’ll look into the matter later.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

My chest suddenly felt heavy as I studied her.

“Were you hurt?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No. I was a little worried about what they would do, but luckily, Lord Kane came

to help.”



I was taken aback. Kane had come to her aid?

My mind ran in circles as I searched for an explanation.

“Lancel,” I breathed. Had my most trusted guard gone to my brother instead of

“It’s not his fault,” Cas sandra insisted. “Lancel is more loyal to you than anyone


else. His efforts weren’t malicious.”

As much as I was still confused, I immediately softened my expression. Cas sandra was always so

considerate. She was always thinking of others- her friends, her patients, her maid, even Lancel. But

when did she ever think of herself?

Or about us?

I should have been the one to come to her protection first, shouldn’t I?

So why was she still trying to push me away?

I sighed as I forced back these questions. I knew how I felt about her, and I swore that she shared the

same feelings. But with the way she was acting here in this room, I couldn’t help but feel seeds of

doubt forming in

So, I rolled my shoulders back and straightened up.

“Tell me, what can I do for you, Cas sandra?”

my stomach.
