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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 Anything for you

Cas sandra seemed lost in her thoughts for a moment. As I waited for her to answer my question, I

tried to read her expression. I hadn’t meant to sound so harsh, but I knew there was something she

wasn’t telling me, and it was killing me

not to know.

“There’s nothing you can do about this,” she said finally.

“I could do anything for you, Cas sandra,” I insisted, and I stared deeply into her eyes. “I can deal with

Margaret. I assure you, it won’t be like last time. She isn’t going to get away with this, not if I have

anything to do with it. You can trust me.”

“How?” she asked. Tears started to form in her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. “How will you

deal with it, Asher? You said you would look into this, but there’s nothing to look at. Margaret and

Adalyn want to punish Erika because she’s associated with me. What could you do to them? They’re

your wife and your stepmother. Besides… as much as I hate to say this, they have very good, plausible

reasons to do all of this. Prince Marco and Lady Adalyn’s lives have been in danger several times over,

and it seems reasonable for them to question a ‘suspicious’ maid. If you punish them severely, how will

the councilors and the other Pack members handle it? What will they say? That your judgment is

blinded by some vicious healer who tried to seduce you?”

I stood there stunned as her words crashed over me. It took all of my power and restraint to keep my

jaw from dropping. Still, my

lips parted in surprise as I

blinked at her.

“You see, Asher, it’s never a matter of trust,” she said, and her voice became yer as her eyes fell to the

floor. “I’ve always trusted you. That’s why five years. go…”

When her voice trailed off, I reached out, grabbed her hand, and gently pulled her into my arms. This

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time, she didn’t fight against my touch, and she leaned up


against me.

“I’m sorry, Cas sandra,” I whispered. “I’m so sorry,”

I wanted to explain what had happened five years ago, but no matter what I said, it would sound like an


I hadn’t managed to save her.

It was all my fault.

I’d spent every day for the past five years regretting my actions and yearning. for a way to go back in

time and do everything in my power to prevent the inferno. I’d had countless nightmares, and even

more countless daydreams about what Coral had gone through, all because I hadn’t been able to save


I knew my words would never be enough, but I couldn’t stop uttering them.


As I continued to whisper my apologies, Cas sandra remained silent. We stood. there for a while, until

finally, she lifted her head and raised her chin until our eyes


“I want to move out of the palace,” she said softly.

My eyes widened and my eyebrows creased together in surprise.

Was sne going to run away from me again, just as she’d tried back in Wild Crawler?

Just as I was about to deny her request, she began to speak again.

“I wouldn’t go far,” she explained. “I was just thinking I could set up a small clinic near the palace, just

like I had back in Wild Crawler. I could see patients there, and Keep conducting my research… things

wouldn’t have to change much. I would just be a small distance away from Merliscire.”

I stared at her and tried to understand. I pulled away slightly and began to pace




“I don’t know about this, Cas sandra,” I said as I stared out the window. “I.. | would be worried about

your safety.”

“Do you think it’s safe for me to stay in the palace?” she countered.

She had a point. Everything that had happened so far was proof of that. She was in danger, and so

were the people around her. There was no use denying it any longer.

Cas sandra took a step toward me.

“You asked me what I wanted,” she said. “This is it, Asher. I think this is a plan that could serve

everyone well. Finnick, Erika, and I would be far safer, since no one would be able to do anything to us

in public. They would only be able to access the clinic with permission. Margaret, Adalyn… I wouldn’t

have to worry about surprise attacks or unannounced visits. I would be able to keep a more watchful

eye on Finnick and it would also allow me to focus more on my research.”

She took another step.

“I would still be willing to come to the palace to do our health checks,” she assured me. “I still intend on

fulfilling my duties.”

“Or I could come visit you,” I suggest. “We could conduct the health checks


Her expression brightened. “Really?”

I chuckled. This was the first time I’d seen such a relaxed and hopeful pression on her face since she’d

arrived at the palace.

“Listen, I’m not saying yes straight away,” I said. “But

will think on it. I think this

s an idea worth considering, but there are a lot of things plan out. We would need to find a nice location

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that is distant enough to give you privacy, yet isn’t too far away should we need you in the palace for

any reason.”


“Thank you, Asher,” Cas sandra replied, and she offered me a brilliant smile. “Thank you. I really

appreciate you taking this into consideration.”

I smiled back at her. “Of course. In the meantime, is there anything else I can do

for you?”

She thought about it for a moment.

“There is something else,” she admitted. “I was wondering if it would be possible for me to get in touch

with Wild Crawler. I know it might seem silly to admit, but I miss my old assistant, Marley, and Finnick

misses his friend Dominic. With everything going on, I think Finnick could use a phone call with his


At the mention of Finnick, I felt a knot form in my stomach. Awkwardness filled the air, and I fought for

the right words to say.

“I think we might be able to arrange that,” I said cautiously, and then after a deep breath, I ran my

hands through my hair. “Cas sandra… when, or should I say if, you move out of the palace, would it be

possible for me to visit more often? I’d like to get to know Finnick more.”

The healer’s eyes widened at the idea, and as she considered my question, my heart raced a little.

Though we hadn’t breached the subject directly, Finnick was my son. I barely knew the boy, and I

wanted to change that. I’d missed out on so many years of getting to know him. I wanted to rectify the

situation as soon as possible.

“I think that would be just fine,” she decided.. “As long as you disguise yourself or something. I think too

many frequent trips could become a little suspect.”

“A disguise,” I chuckled. “Yes, I think that can be arranged.”

I stepped over and took her hands in mine.

“A clinic outside of the palace, a phone call with Wild Crawler, is there anything

Is you desire?” I asked. “Name it Cas sandra, and it’s you s”