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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104 Get back together


My voice caught in my throat and I blinked in surprise as I fought to find an answer. I knew Erika hadn’t

intended to slip, but it was a slip nonetheless and I needed to find a proper explanation to keep Finnick

from finding out the truth. He couldn’t know I was Cora.

Luckily, Erika spoke again.

“Oh,” she mused, and she rubbed her eyes and let out an exaggerated but still believable yawn. “I’m so

sorry Cas sandra. I didn’t realize it was you. I was having this… dream… and I apparently mistook you

for someone else. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright,” I replied, and when I glanced over at Finnick, he didn’t seem too thrown off by the answer.

He nodded his head and held his stuffed bear up. He pursed his lips slightly and then frowned.

“Everything okay, Finnick?” I prompted him. Finnick stared at his toy for a little while longer, and then

realization crossed his serious features.

“I remember!” he announced. “Cora was the name of the poor mate of the Alpha King. I remember you

talking about her.”

I forced the lump down my throat and nodded. “Yes, honey, that’s right. You have a great memory.”

Finnick smiled happily at the compliment and then turned back to what he was do. Once he resumed

playing, I let out a tiny sigh of reliei.

Sorry,” Erika mouthed, and I shook my head.

“It’s okay,” I mouthed back.

Ir wasn’t Erika’s fault. She was exhausted and had been through so much.


Besides, Finnick likely wouldn’t remember the exchange. He was a smart boy, but tiny outbursts like

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that would probably vanish from his mind the moment something else came up. Little boys were

thoughtful but could be easily distracted.

As Erika carefully sat up, I walked to the other side of the room and began to prepare a cup of tea for

her. It felt nice to do something kind for the maid for once, and as much as I hated the situation, I was

glad I could help her out when she

needed it the most.

Once the tea was ready, I brought it over to her and retrieved some medicine from my backpack.

“Be careful, it’s hot,” I said as I passed the cup to her, and once she accepted it, I opened the medicine

container and pulled out a couple of pills. “Take these. They should help with the pain and keep the

wound from getting infected.”

“Thank you, Cas sandra,” Erika replied. She obediently took the medicine, and after she took a small

sip of tea, she smiled. “I appreciate you helping me.”

“Of course,” I said. “It’s the least I can do. How are you feeling, Erika?”

“I’m alright,” she said. “Tired, mostly, but I suppose things could be worse, couldn’t they? I might be an

older woman now, but I still have some fight in me.”

Her tone was light and almost playful, but no matter how much she smiled at me, I couldn’t relax. I

knew how vicious Margaret and her guards could be. Erika’s wounds were a physical reminder of just

how wicked Asher’s stepmother was. Her evilness kne no bounds.

We glanced over at Finnick, and once we were certain he was occupied with his toys, I leaned in

closely. Erika clearly had more on her mind.

‘Have you told the Alpha King about your true identity?” she asked.

considered it and gave her a small nod. “Sort of. I haven’t confirmed it directly, but he knows. I can’t say

whether or not that’s a good thing. I plan to keep it concealed. Staying Cas sandra is probably for the



Erika hesitated.

“I understand your concern,” she said slowly. “But… I know this is bold to say… I think the Alpha King

is still deeply in love with you. This could be a chance for

you to get back together.”

Get back together. I considered the phrase and thought of Asher. I was happy that my former mate still

loved me, and clearly, I felt the same, but getting back together was something else entirely. I wasn’t

the young girl who thought love. would conquer all anymore. That innocence had died in Rosepetal.

“I don’t know, Erika,” I lamented, and I offered a small, bitter smile. “Can’t you tell… I lost my wolf.”

Erika fell silent and her kind eyes widened.


Everything was different now. My face, my identity, even my personality. I used to be so daring, but

now, I was only good at keeping secrets and hiding. For the past five years, I’d been a wolfless, timid

country commoner.

Even if circumstances were different and things aligned as I wanted to, there was no way that the

Crescent Pack, the proudest Pack in Wegalla, would ever accept me as a Luna.

Besides, Asher had married Adalyn after all, and they had a son now. Even though Marco was

adopted, Asher loved him dearly.

Erika’s eyes darted over to Finnick, who was happily playing a game on his own. She studied the boy

for a little bit, and then her eyebrows knitted together. Realization crossed her features and her lips

parted. When she glanced back at me, I nodded.

Without a word, Erika knew exactly what I meant, and as the information set in, she odded her head.

She gave me a small, sad smile.

“Finnick deserves to know that Asher is his father,” she whispered.

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I glanced at my son. I knew it was unfair to keep Finnick from the truth, but I


had to consider my options carefully to keep him out of danger.

“Cas sandra, I have to tell you something,” Erika continued quietly. “It’s about the Alpha King. He didn’t

marry Adalyn because he wanted to. There was another reason, and some have gossiped and

suggested that she tricked him into it.”

“How?” I asked. How could Adalyn have tricked him? Had Asher really been unwilling to marry her?

Erika shook her head. “Unfortunately, I don’t know as much as I want to. That being said, there’s a

pattern I’ve noticed. Those who have gossiped or made theories about the matter… they’ve all


“Disappeared?” I repeated back in disbelief.

“Some of them died in accidents,” she replied. “Others were fired and banished from the palace for

good. Once that started happening, all rumors stopped. No one. has said a word in the past few years.”

I remained silent as I considered her words. People disappearing… that was something the Betas

could easily facilitate. The Moses family had spoken against ours easily. Those who wanted to speak

for the Felix name had all vanished.

Had they done the same to those who’d questioned Asher and Adalyn’s union?

“I think you need to speak with the Alpha King more frankly, Cas sandra,” Erika advised me, and she

gently touched my arm. “I think there may be some misunderstandings, ones that you could fix

together. I don’t believe all hope is lost. for you two.

I took a moment, and then a long, deep breath.

“I’ll think about it,” I said finally.

knew Erika’s intentions were good and that she was only looking out for me. But so much had

happened between Asher and I. Adalyn, Marco, Margaret, the inferno, the conspiracy that ripped my

family from me.



I would have to face it all again