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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80

"Ahem, ahem. What did you say?" The man looked at Katherine with surprise.

He had already been sick for many years and had gone to many doctors in the country.

Yet, no matter if it was doctors in traditional medicine or in modern medicine, all of them

said that he couldn't be cured. He could, at most, live until he was 25 years old.

Since his body was worsening these last few years, he went to the hospital a while back

and received the bad news that he would die within half a year.

This girl looks like she's just in her 20s, but she says she can save me. Is that true?

A smile tucked on Kian Grant's lips at this thought. He felt that this situation was quite

hilarious, but he actually believed what Katherine said.

"I said I can heal you. Since you agreed to trade Schefflera with me, you should believe

me." Katherine nodded seriously.

"My illness—"

"You were born with your illness. If I didn't read it wrongly, your body was born weak, and

you've been poisoned before, which damaged your lungs. On top of that, you didn't

receive any proper treatment, so the toxin in your body has already entered your heart. If

you've visited a doctor of traditional medication, the doctor should have told you that the

toxin has entered your heart and that it would be difficult to be cured even when God

helps you, right?" she cut him off right away and said with certainty.

When Kian heard the news, his expression turned more serious.

Katherine could tell his condition just by reading his pulse. Hence, this showed that she

really was something.

He pocketed his doubt and nodded seriously. "That's right. That's what the president of the

Traditional Medicine Society told me. He's the most prestigious person in Cechirus'

traditional medicine field. I don't think he'll lie to me."

"He didn't lie to you, but I'm not your usual doctor. If I say I can heal you, then I can

definitely do it. There's no need for you to give Schefflera to me if you don't believe me."

She put on a smile that was a little hard to decipher, though her explanation was as clear

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as day.

After thinking for a moment, Kian felt that since he had only half a year left, it would be

best if he could be cured. At this point, there's nothing left for me to lose.

When he looked at Katherine's confident look, he didn't know why, but he felt more at

ease. Finally, he made his decision after some thought. "Sorry to trouble you with my

illness then."

"It's no trouble at all. I need some herbs. You can find me anytime when you've found all

the herbs." Katherine had quite a good impression of Kian. After asking for a pen and

paper, she wrote down the list of herbs she needed and her contact number before

leaving backstage.

There were many items sold after the Schefflera, so the atmosphere of the auction was

still lively.

When Katherine went out, many curious gazes landed on her.

The Scandent Schefflera Stem and Leaf was a legendary elixir. Rumor had it that using it

as medicine had the effect of extending one's life, and if used as a face mask after

crushing it, it would make the skin condition younger for at least 20 years.

However, the Schefflera was extremely rare. It could always be heard in rumors, but this

was the first time they saw it in person.

When Katherine returned to Joaquin's side and sat herself down, she continued to watch

the auction absent-mindedly.

The bone marrow cleansing pill was listed as the second last item, which could be

recognized as the main item for today.

Since most of the people came here for that, when it was carried onto the stage, a round

of heated bidding was started, but Katherine didn't show much interest.

In fact, in the Book of Medicine passed down by her grandfather, the bone marrow

cleansing pill was just the most basic and lowest grade of medicine. However, it was such

a shame that there were many herbs that couldn't be found anymore, so it was

challenging to make some better drugs.

Now that she had obtained the Scandent Schefflera Stem and Leaf, she could try to make

some finer medication.

"Let's go. There's nothing much to see anymore." Before the last item was shown, Joaquin

had already lost his interest, so he tugged on Katherine's arm and stood up before walking


Likewise, Katherine wasn't interested anymore, so she stood up and followed him out.

As soon as they reached the entrance, the voice of the host from the stage resonated in

their ears. "This is the last item for today. It is a machine, an extraordinary machine. It can

be said that it has exceeded our current technological level. This weapon might have a

very high research value, so the price setting is higher too. The floor price is 50 million,

and every bid is five million. The bidding starts now."

When Katherine heard that, her actions came to a halt. She turned around sharply and

looked at the machine on the stage.

Although it didn't look special, she felt fear in her heart just by looking at it.

At the same time, Joaquin turned to look at the machine on stage with a frown on his face

as well, and his expression darkened a little.

Are they really selling this publicly in an auction?

After looking at it for some time, Joaquin looked away and left the venue of the auction

without any expression.

When they came out of the venue, they were greeted by the heat wave from outside.

There were many vendors on the opposite street selling things, and the stalls had many

different kinds of items displayed. There were different types of herbs and antiques, which

could be authentic or fake. This was the time to test one's taste in items.

Joaquin wasn't in a good mood, so he walked quickly. As Katherine followed behind him,

she glanced at the herbs displayed on the floor. There was nothing special, just some

usual herbs. After looking at them for a while, she looked away as she lost interest.

Until they left the underground black market, she still had a surreal feeling. She didn't

know that such a place was hidden here.

At this moment, Joaquin had already taken out his phone and was making a call. Katherine

was quite far away from him, so she couldn't hear what he was talking about. Yet, from his

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serious expression and his glancing in the direction of the black market from time to time,

she guessed that it might be because of the machine just now. This kind of thing was

always under regulation, so it was not allowed to be used for trading. The owner of this

black market was very daring to have the audacity to trade it so publicly.

Joaquin ended the call very quickly. When he hung up the phone, his expression was still

disgruntled. He didn't say a word when Katherine went up to him; he just pulled the car

door open and entered the car.

Katherine followed behind him to enter the car as well.

Both of them didn't talk either. When they entered the car, the engine started, and they

left the underground black market.

On the way, Kian sent Katherine a text, telling her that the herbs were all found and he

could go to Hovington tomorrow. She was startled for a little when she saw the text.

Some of the herbs that she listed were rare and couldn't be found on the market. She

thought it might take 10 days to half a month to find all of them. It was beyond her

expectation that Kian had such a broad connection, being able to find all of the herbs in

such a short time.

At this thought, she was starting to be curious about who Kian was. Since this person

looked so much like Elsie, he might have something to do with her.

Katherine replied to him and sent him an address. After booking a treatment time with him

tomorrow, she turned off her phone.

The car drove straight to Soulin International, and Joaquin got out of the car right away

without saying anything to Katherine.

She didn't mind either and emerged from the car slowly before following behind him.

As they were walking, Joaquin picked up two calls. She didn't know what the person on the

other side of the phone said, but when he heard that, his aura turned cold, and it was

bloodcurdling. She could feel a sense of pressure in the elevator with him.

"Jo—" The elevator arrived on the 18th floor. Just as she was going to thank him, he strode

into the room right away and closed the door naturally.

At this moment, she looked at the door that was shut in front of her while touching her

nose and unlocked the door of her own house.