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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79

Joaquin and Katherine entered the manor one after another. As soon as they opened the

door, there was a spacious living hall with many display shelves. On the shelves were

numerous priceless antiques.

However, it seemed like Joaquin wasn't interested in those things. He walked across the

living hall into a deeper area.

On the other hand, Katherine took a few glances at them before following behind Joaquin.

There was still approximately an hour left from the commencement of the auction, but

many people had already arrived.

Joaquin's seat was in the first row. As Katherine followed behind him, they received quite a

lot of attention on their way there.

"I heard that the bone marrow cleansing pill is one of the items listed in the auction today.

Rumor has it that after we eat the pill, we can live an extremely long life. The effect is this


"I heard about it too. The buyer who bought the pill two years ago had cancer. After he

took the pill, not only did he recover from cancer, he even looked ten years younger!"

"I even heard that the pill is just like a life elixir. No disease can harm you after you take

the pill."

There were many people at the venue. A few of them were whispering in a voice just loud

enough for Katherine to hear them.

When she listened to their discussion, the corners of her mouth started to twitch as she

felt that these rumors were really ridiculous.

The bone marrow cleansing pill could only improve the person's health slightly, and they

were just exaggerating it.

"Did you come to this auction today for the bone marrow cleansing pill too?" Something

came across her mind, so she went over and asked Joaquin.

She was so close to him that her breath fanned against the side of his face. After clearing

his throat, Joaquin nodded. "Yes."

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Hearing that, Katherine kept quiet and just looked at him. She wanted to say something,

but didn't say anything in the end.

Never mind. I shouldn't ruin Aberama's business.

The participants of the auction entered the venue one after another and filled the seats

very quickly. At the same time, the auction started as well.

A young lady in a red bodycon dress walked up the stage with an alluring smile on her lips.

"Welcome to the auction today. Without further ado, let's start the auction with the first

item today…"

As soon as she said that, someone went up the stage with a tray in his hand. There was a

red cloth covering the tray, so it was unclear what was inside.

The host didn't beat around the bush either. She walked over and flipped the red cloth

open, showing the item on the tray. "This is the crown of Yevera's queen. The floor price

will be five million, and every bid will be five hundred thousand. The auction starts now."

When Katherine saw the crown inlaid with red diamonds, the corners of her mouth started


At this moment, the participants had already started bidding.

The crown was made of pure gold, and it was inlaid with more than a thousand diamonds

of different sizes. The seven rubies in the middle of the crown were especially


"Fifty million."

Just as Katherine was thinking that Aberama really had the ability, she heard a clear sound

from the man beside her.

Surprised, she turned around to look at him as she didn't know that Joaquin would be

interested in this item.

In the end, without a doubt, Joaquin bought the queen's crown for fifty million.

Since Katherine had attended many auctions like this abroad, the items in the auction

today were not anything special. Not many of them could catch her interest.

With one of her hands propping her chin, she became a little sleepy from watching the


Just then, the host's beautiful voice resonated in her ears again. "Many people might not

be interested in the next item because it is a very precious herb, the Scandent Schefflera

Stem and Leaf."

When the drowsy Katherine heard that, she sat up straight immediately and looked at the

stage with her eyes sparkling.

There was a plant lying quietly on the exquisite silver tray. The root of the plant was intact;

there were no leaves on the empty stem, but there were seven leaves on the top of the

plant. As the leaves reflected the light, it was obvious that the plant was something


Little did Katherine expect that she could see the Scandent Schefflera Stem and Leaf with

her own eyes, which was the highest grade of herbs. Previously, she wanted to make a

certain kind of medicine and had been looking for the Schefflera for a long time, but she

never received any news about it. Surprisingly, it actually appeared here today.

When Joaquin saw the change in Katherine's expression, he turned to look at the herb on

stage and understood something immediately.

The news about the Schefflera being listed in the auction had been leaked on purpose.

Now, many of the participants were looking at the plant with their faces full of excitement.

"This Scandent Schefflera Stem and Leaf was added to the auction at the very last minute.

The seller doesn't want money; he wants to trade this for something else. If any of you

want to buy the Schefflera, you can insert the name of the item you want to trade on the

tablet beside you. If the seller is interested and is willing to make a deal, he will inform us

about it." The host looked at the guests with a smile and kept quiet after briefly explaining

the rules.

Hearing that, Katherine touched her chin and was immersed in her thoughts.

An ordinary person can't get their hands on such a rare herb like the Schefflera. The seller

definitely knows the worth of it, but he is still willing to trade it. He might have

encountered some problems.

After some thought, she took up the tablet beside her and wrote something on it before

pressing confirm.

Before Joaquin could see what she wrote, nothing was left on the tablet.

He looked at Katherine with surprise since he didn't know that she seemed to have quite

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good computer skills.

The guests who wanted the Schefflera had already written down their most precious

items. Just then, a voice came into the host's ears. She looked at Katherine below the

stage and turned around, entering the backstage, only returning back up after a full five


"Congratulations, bidder number 7. The owner of the Schefflera would like to meet you

backstage." The host looked at Katherine, and her attitude was full of respect.

Katherine nodded when she heard that, and an usher approached her to escort her


The auction continued after that, but many of the guests were absent-minded. They were

trying to find out who Katherine was. In particular, several old men sitting at the back

looked at her figure from behind, their faces full of excitement.

Meanwhile, Katherine followed the usher backstage. There was a man with a pale face in a

beige suit sitting inside. When she entered the backstage, he was covering his mouth and

coughing badly.

From first glance, she could tell that this man didn't have many days left.

"Is what you said real?" The man lifted his head to look at her after coughing for a while,

and an unhealthy blush appeared on his pale face.

When Katherine saw his face, she was completely stunned and lost her senses for quite

some time.

This face looked a lot like Elsie, who had just passed away!

She couldn't help but glance at him a few more times before frowning.

"W-Why are you not answering me?" The man started to cough badly again when he didn't

receive any response from her.

His coughing pulled Katherine's attention back to him. Then, she took a step forward and

reached out her hand to grab the man's wrist. After feeling his pulse, her expression

turned serious.

He had had an illness since birth and didn't treat it properly. On top of that, he had been

poisoned too, causing his organs to be severely damaged. At most, he only had another

month to live.

"Of course it's real. A life for a Schefflera. I can heal you."