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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

"What? Is it too little?"

Facing their angry gazes and refusal to accept the credit card, Katherine inquired


At that moment, she seemed very sincere without any ulterior motives, yet it was these

very words that landed the women in a very awkward position.

After entering the premises, Joaquin had been paying attention to where they stood, so he

heard those women's comments as well.

Taking another look at how Katherine was acting, he knew that she was protecting and

standing up for him.

He scoffed before pushing his wheelchair toward them and looked at the three women

coldly. "Did you not understand my fiancé's words?"

"M-Mr. Levisay…"

Even though the three still managed to keep their composure in front of Katherine, they

were instinctively scared when facing Joaquin.

After all, he had a very bad reputation in the past for being a cruel person with twisted

tendencies. Now that he was disfigured and disabled, they feared that his mind might

have only become more psychopathic.

They then hurriedly took the credit card from Katherine and were about to leave when the

man added, "Remove your clothes."

"Kathy, Joaquin, no matter what, it's Dad's birthday today. Could you, for my sake…"

Just as the situation was getting heated, Rosemary walked over with Robert. Seeing how it

was almost about to explode, she quickly tried to interfere and mediate.

"Your words don't mean anything to me." Joaquin looked at her nonchalantly before

looking at his brother.

This made Rosemary's face go pale.

Robert then spoke in a gentle manner, "Joaquin, why make it so hard on these ladies? It

would stain your reputation if word got out too."

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"Why, you say? Because I can." Joaquin sat lazily on his wheelchair and nodded with

arrogance, which matched the twisted desires of a man that came off disfigured and

disabled from a recent car accident.

Katherine, who looked at him silently, found that it was such a waste of talent for the man

to not pursue acting.

"What happened? Why is everyone crowding around here?"

Jorge and Hera came in while chatting along happily. Seeing how their children were all

gathered here, they came over out of curiosity.

"Madam Levisay, my sister doesn't really know proper etiquette, so please don't get angry.

She did not do this on purpose."

Hearing this, Rosemary quickly went up and grabbed onto Hera's hand while explaining on

behalf of Katherine.

This made Katherine reveal a slight smirk and looked at Hera innocently. "Mom, you've

come at the right time. I just happened to twist my ankle and spilled the wine on them,

but I've already reimbursed them by paying them a million and buying their dresses. Did I

do anything wrong by wanting them to take the dresses off since they're my property


While saying all this, she became teary-eyed, looking at if she was wronged.

Feeling the corner of her mouth twitch, Hera glanced at the three angry women then at

Katherine again. By now, a lot of attention was placed on them, so she knew that she

could not just help the outsiders.

While silently cursing Katherine for a knack to cause trouble, she still maintained a smile

on the surface. "Yup, Kathy is right. Since she forked money for it, it should belong to her

now. So, it's up to her to deal with this however she sees fit. Now that you three accepted

the money, take off your clothes and give it to her.

The trio felt their faces go red, as the tables had turned on them. At that moment, the

card in their hands was like a hard slap that made them dizzy.

"Kathy, just let this go. They are all women. It would be very inappropriate to force them

to undress in front of the guests," Rosemary suggested.

Understanding what she was trying to hint at, Katherine thought about it and decided to

concede for the sake of Rosemary's pride, so she nodded. "Since my sister pleaded on you

people's behalf, go upstairs and get changed."

Finally, the trio went upstairs shamefully to change.

"Madam Levisay, please don't blame my sister for this. She lost her mother at a young

age, so nobody was there to discipline her. That's why she can be so rude and persistent.

She's still a kind person at heart, though." Rosemary sighed and looked at Katherine

before whispering into Hera's ear, seemingly standing up for her.

Yet, being the sly old fox that Hera was, how could she not know what Rosemary was

trying to achieve? She simply did not care enough to expose her tricks.

"Thank you for standing up for me, Future Mrs. Levisay."

As Hera and Jorge walked away, the crowd dispersed with Joaquin looking at Katherine in a

mocking undertone.

Smiling brightly, she walked up to him and blinked before speaking in a serious tone, "If

you really want to show your gratitude, then repay me the money for the dresses. It's a

million. I'm poor."

Joaquin's mouth twitched.

"I'll give you the money when I have it." He could sense how close Katherine's face was

and almost felt her breath. Although he stayed emotionless, one could see that the tips of

his ears were turning red.

"Tsk, tsk. The young master of the Levisays is so poor that he doesn't even have a million.

How pitiful," Katherine lamented.

"Yes. Since I'm disabled now, I can't really work," Joaquin replied straightforwardly and

went along with her.

The answer took her by surprise as she looked at how serious Joaquin was. He doesn't look

like he's joking.

Rolling her eyes, she stated, "Whatever. I'm hungry, so I'm going to eat now."

Katherine then left Joaquin alone before excusing herself in a hurry.

Looking at her silhouette, Joaquin gradually smirked without realizing that he was smiling.

The banquet officially commenced at 8.00PM as the host began his speech onstage while

the crowd gathered along with glass wine in their hands.

Jorge, who was wearing a custom black suit, was smiling and stood by the side.

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It was then Katherine purposely bumped into Rosemary lightly before walking away


Hesitating for a split second, Rosemary decided to go after her.

"Are you looking for me, Katherine?"

The two entered the bathroom. After Katherine looked outside to make sure nobody was

near them, she spoke in an unfriendly tone, "Do you think you can become Mrs. Levisay by

doing this? Rosemary, aren't you being too naive?" Katherine looked at her, thinking that

without Lisa to strategize, she was truly dumb.

As expected, Katherine's words instantly changed Rosemary's expression before she asked

in a low tone, "What do you want? Do you have a plan to make me into Robert's wife?

Katherine, you just drove my mother insane, and now you want to deceive me? I won't

believe you."

"It's up to you whether you wanna believe me or not. There's only one chance, Rosemary,

and it's the perfect opportunity. I can guarantee that Robert will have to marry you, unless

he wants to forfeit the right to inherit the family. If you don't believe me, you can leave

right now."

Katherine remained calm as if she could not care less.

Her expression made Rosemary hesitate as she looked at the outstanding man in the

crowd not far away. Due to her absence, a lot of women had already thrown themselves at


Not only did she want to get married to Robert, she also wanted to be the madam of the


Although she knew that Katherine might have ulterior motives, how could she not accept

as long as she could achieve her goals?

When I become the madam of the Levisays, there'll be plenty of chances to get rid of

Katherine anyway!

"Okay. Tell me, then. What do I need to do?"

After giving it some thought, Rosemary agreed in the end.

Smiling, Katherine approached her and slotted a little pouch into her hand. "It's easy. Just

make it so that it's a done deal. It's Dad's birthday today. With so many influential people

from around town, if you do the deed with Robert, then his only choice is to marry you."