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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

"Dad, did you send Mom to North Peak Nursery Home? How could you send her to such a

place?" Rosemary quickly came in and handed the bag to the servant beside before

running over hurriedly, tugging on Jorge's sleeve.

She still dreamed of marrying into the Levisays and becoming the madam of their family. If

word got out that she had an insane mother, how would she be able to marry?

From the start, Lisa's identity as the mistress-turned-wife had already left a bad

impression on the public and this incident now was not helping their image.

Rosemary glared at Katherine, knowing that she must have been involved in this.

With an innocent expression, Katherine did not bother to explain anything either.

"Your mother's sick. I just sent her over there so she could recuperate." Jorge's expression

darkened and he was unhappy over Rosemary's rude questioning.

In the past, she was sensible and knew how to please people, which made him very

satisfied to have a daughter like her. Now…

Jorge took a look at her before shifting his gaze at Katherine with disappointment surging

in his heart.

They really are too far apart. Sometimes, genetics really is everything.

No matter what, Elsie was the daughter of the prominent Olsen Family. With such a

powerful backing and the wits to match it, she was much better than Lisa. Besides that,

her daughter was no slouch either; if one were to only consider looks, no one could match

up to Katherine in Hovington.

"But, North Peak Nursery Home is an asylum! Can Mom even come out after being

admitted there? I beg you, Dad. Please send her home, will you?" Rosemary wanted to

persuade her father by grabbing onto his arm and pleading.

However, Jorge merely shook her off. "We'll talk about this when the banquet is over and

when your mother's condition gets better. The event is tomorrow night, so prepare

yourself. Stop worrying about this."

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With a shove, Rosemary fell onto the floor and she looked at her father in disbelief.

He had always doted on her and never got angry at her. Yet, after Katherine's return, he

had been scolding her time and again.

This made a strange but fearsome feeling growing within Rosemary.

"You don't have to be this sad, Rose. I believe that Madam Sutton will be just fine.

Remember that it's Dad's birthday banquet tomorrow. Everything depends on whether you

can get close to Robert tomorrow. What would they think if they saw Madam Sutton acting

madly tomorrow? I've heard that insanity might be contagious."

Katherine held Rosemary up while caringly patted her somewhat wrinkled skirt and

reminded her.

She shuddered and looked at Katherine before pushing her away. "What nonsense are you

spouting? My mother isn't insane!" After that, she turned around and ran upstairs.

Completing her act, Katherine smirked as she looked at her back before returning to the


It was Jorge's birthday banquet and he had invited all sorts of famous people in Hovington

with some of them arriving even before 5.00PM.

Since the Cornell Residence was big enough, the main hall was used as the place where

the banquet took place. Katherine, who was wearing a dark gray dress, was leaning

against the railing on the first floor and smiled subtly upon seeing the guests downstairs.

Rosemary was dressed to the nines as well in an off-shoulder dress encrusted in

diamonds, making her seem very gentle and feminine. Having the looks to back it up, she

was the center of attention when she walked into the crowd.

"Rosemary, you look so pretty today! This dress must fetch a pretty penny, no?"

Jordana looked at Rosemary's costly dress with a hint of jealousy.

The Cornells were a second rate family in Hovington. Now that they were about to ally

themselves with the Levisays, it could be said that their future was very bright. Hence, a

lot of people wanted to suck up on Jorge now, including Jordana's father, who had

emphasized on building a solid rapport with Rosemary.

"It's not that expensive. It's only over a million." Rosemary gave a curt smile, but her gaze

was fixated on the direction of the main gate.

It was 6.00PM by now and yet the Levisays were nowhere to be seen. With an anxious

heart, she did not even know if Robert would show up at this point.

Just as she was thinking about this, a commotion in front of the entrance alerted her.

Ignoring Jordana, she made a beeline for the entrance.

Jorge was already at the entrance to welcome the guests, which included Hera, Robert,

and a man in a wheelchair and mask—Joaquin. Their appearance instantly attracted

everyone's attention.

After all, the Levisays were the top family in Hovington and it was rare for people like them

to approach them, so naturally, the guests present were not going to miss this chance.

A lot of people's gaze were directed at Joaquin, especially his legs.

Looking at the wheelchair bound man who exuded royalty-like aura, Katherine smiled. He

actually came along. I wonder what his motive is.

With that in mind, she went down with a glass of wine in her hands.

Since her own fiancé was here, it would be inappropriate if she did not welcome him.

"That is the eldest son of the Levisay Family?"

"Yup. I heard that not only did the accident leave both his legs disabled, he was even

disfigured. I wonder how ugly he is, seeing how he's hiding his face behind a mask."

"I think he should be pretty hideous. Besides, I don't think he can give birth anymore with

his legs being disabled and all. Seems like he won't be able to be the next head of the


Some of the ladies there were pointing at Joaquin with obvious disdain in their eyes.

This made Katherine stop in her footsteps and glanced coldly at those people. Walking

over to those people, she suddenly twirled her ankle and disbalanced herself, making the

wine in her hand spill onto the ladies.


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"Are you crazy?'

"What are you doing?"

Those women did not expect Katherine to do this, seeing that the wine made them all

sticky and red.

"Oh my, I am so sorry. I lost my balance while walking earlier. Are you alright? Your clothes

are all wet now. Do you want to go ahead and get changed?" Now that Katherine had

regained her balance, she apologized honestly upon seeing the women surrounding her.

Since she looked so sincere, the women wanted to make it hard on her. Yet, on account of

the Levisays being present and what her identity meant now, they did not dare to cause


"Whatever. We'll let you off the hook," they stated grudgingly as they looked at

Katherine's innocent and apologetic expression.

"This won't do. How much are your dresses worth? I can reimburse you." Katherine

stepped forward and said.

"I said, no need."

"Miss Cornell, I think you should attend to your guests. We can just change into something

else. You don't have to pay us."

The women felt frustrated upon seeing her as she acted very uncouthly. They thought that

it was a humiliation for them to even exchange one more word with her. They were also in

a hurry to maintain their image. After all, there were a lot of men from rich families

present and they needed to grasp their time to choose their partner.

"No, no, no. I've ruined your dresses, so of course I need to reimburse you guys. Let's see.

Your dress should be the latest haute couture from Charovsky, right? If I'm correct, this

costs around two hundred thousand. I'll give you two hundred thousand then."

Katherine reached out and tugged on one of their dresses before offering a price.

Although that person was unhappy, she pursed her lips and did not speak.

"I'm not sure what you're wearing though. I do apologize, as I am not well-versed in

branded stuff." Katherine pointed at another person. "But I'll give you two hundred

thousand for it as well."


"For you three, I'll give a million in total. Now that all your dresses belong to me, please

take them off and give them to me." As soon as Katherine said, she gave them a card.