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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 421
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John glared at Joaquin sharply, like he was furious, but his son wasn't even fazed. Joaquin knew his

father would bring this up. This whole fiasco was only a show to force Joaquin to be the bridge between

W Co. and Levisay Group. They thought he would do it to keep his shares.

Before he could say anything, John noted tersely, "I know you don't want to lose your shares, and I

don't wish to see that happen either. If you can bring profit to the company, I can let you off the hook.

We wish to have a part in one of W Co.'s projects. If you can take it for us, it'll be great for the

company's future, and you can keep your shares. That's not all; if you can take the project and form a

partnership with us and W Co., I can offer you a position in the company, and you'll be among the top

brass. That's a good idea, isn't it?"

Amused, Joaquin wanted to laugh. He hung his head low, and his shoulders bobbed. He looked like he

had just heard the best joke in the world.

However, the other shareholders wondered what he was doing, and John frowned. "This is serious.

Why are you laughing?"

Soon, Joaquin's smile disappeared, but there was mockery in his eyes. "Something I heard was


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John narrowed his eyes in response. "What is?"

"You. You're a joke," Joaquin said curtly.

John shot up, his eyes filled with rage, and he slammed his hand on the table. "Watch your tongue,

boy! You're talking to me."

Then, Joaquin cocked his eyebrow, but he didn't stand down. He was still looking nonchalant. "I know

who you are, of course. The famous, prideful, proud president of Levisay Group. I don't understand

how naive you can be as an experienced businessman. Do you think the company can take over W

Co.'s project as it is? It's laughable. Even if I were to present the project to you, Levisay Group could

never get a single cent of profit from it. No, in fact, this project will be its death knell."

John was surprised by that, and everyone was confused by his statements.

"H-How so?" someone asked.

Furious, John roared, "Nonsense! We're the top corporation in Hovington! Who else can take the

project but us? Our partnership is the best deal on the table and will not impede the company's growth!

Are you trying to curse us? You think I can let you handle any projects as you are right now?"

Joaquin sneered at his remarks. There was no need to be courteous any longer, and he tossed a file

over to John. "I bet you have no idea what's happening with your company. Here, check it out. See how

your most trusted allies have taken the company's assets bit by bit."

Everyone was flabbergasted, including John. He was in a daze for moments, then when he snapped

out of it, he turned his attention to the file. A moment of hesitation later, he picked it up, looking grim.

He then took the documents out and skimmed through them. When he saw the content, his face turned

black as coal.

At that moment, Joaquin watched him in silence, and he smiled. "I see you have no idea about all

these things. You call yourself the company's leader and have no idea what your subordinates are

doing. That is a fatal flaw in the company. Mr. Levisay, the company has not regressed under your

leadership, but it is no longer as powerful as it was during Grandpa's tenure. Haven't you wondered

why? Maybe it's you."

Angrily, John gnashed his teeth, and he roared, "What do you want?"

Joaquin cocked his eyebrow in response. "Smart. That is but a copy of the original document. I have

more. If you don't want the company, or you for that matter, to fall, you should step down as president

and hand over the position to someone else. Being a chairman has its perks, you know. You wouldn't

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lose any fame or renown and wouldn't have to be concerned about the company. All you have to do is

sit at home, and we'll pay you dividends. Good choice, isn't it?"

"N-No, that's not great at all!"

John's supporters eventually spoke up after hearing those remarks.

"Yeah! Mr. Levisay is in his best years. He can't retreat like that. What are you doing, Joaquin?"

"He's been the one holding the company together all these years. You can't just tell him to resign

because you have some papers in your hand."

Joaquin looked at them as they kept attacking him, then he smiled. "Ah, you guys still don't understand

what this file means. Fine, I'll explain." He looked around coolly and continued, "Within these files is the

evidence of your wrongdoings. These acts of wrongdoing are enough to warrant an arrest and jail time

of… Probably a decade or two. As the company's leader, Mr. Levisay will also be arrested. Once your

deeds go public, the company will be locked down, and you and Mr. Levisay will be taken in for

questioning. Then, it's time for your verdict."

Everyone was shaken by the statements and turned their eyes to John, asking him to confirm if it was

true. Nonetheless, John's face was black as coal, and he glared angrily at Joaquin. Through gritted

teeth, he hissed, "Where did you find these?" These files are confidential, and they suffice as evidence

of their deeds. There's no way he could've found this unless… He has allies in this company! Then, he

shot all the shareholders with a sharp look, trying to see through them. Some stared at him in disbelief,

but some remained seated and calm like they weren't involved.