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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 420
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Chapter 419 Shareholder Meeting

When Katherine woke up the next day, she saw Noah spacing out right beside her. Noticing the vacant

look in her eyes, Katherine woke up. At that moment, she felt her heart sink. As she sat up, her eyes

shone while she stared at Noah. "What's wrong, Noah?" she asked, her voice hoarse from her just

waking up.

Noah snapped out of it and turned around, her eyes coming into focus, and she smiled. "You woke up,


Katherine heaved a sigh of relief and pulled the girl into her embrace, then she touched Noah's

forehead. No fever. She asked, "What were you thinking about? Why'd you spaced out? Did something


Noah shook her head. "No. I had a dream."

Katherine heaved a sigh of relief. She thought Noah was relapsing into her old self, and it scared her.

Now that she was sure Noah was fine, Katherine asked, "What dream was it?"

Noah tilted her head and frowned. "I remember seeing Daddy, but I couldn't remember what dream it

was. Tried to remember it, but nothing happened." She frowned, seemingly frustrated. Subsequently,

she curled up in her mother's embrace. "When can we go home, Mommy? I miss Daddy."

Katherine blinked and patted her back. "Do you really want to go back that badly?"

"Yeah." Noah nodded. "I want to see Daddy."

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"But he's busy. Even if we go back, he won't have time for you." Katherine suggested, "We'll pack

things up and go home once Xavier is here, alright?"

Even though Noah wanted to go home as soon as possible, she still agreed to that. "Sure. We can

wait. I don't want to trouble Daddy if he's busy."

Katherine smiled and patted her head. "Good girl, Noah. What would you like for breakfast? I'm


Noah's eyes lit up, and she smiled sweetly. "I want some egg custard. You make the best egg custards,

Mommy, and I've been wanting to have some for a long time."

"Easy. Get up and wash yourself up. I'll make your egg custard later." They went to the bathroom and

brushed their teeth. Looking into the mirror, Katherine felt contentment and a surge of warmth flow over

her body. She thought about what Noah told her earlier, and her thoughts wandered to Hovington.

Wonder what Joaquin is doing.

Meanwhile, Joaquin had breakfast and read the newspaper. Then, he changed into his suit and went to

the company.

The receptionist was surprised to see him, but she quickly greeted him. "Master Joaquin, it's… it's an

honor to see you. What brings you here?"

Joaquin shot her an icy look. "Why? Do I need your permission to come here?"

The receptionist was terrified by his aura, and she shook her head. "No, of course not, but… the

president is calling a shareholder meeting today, so he might not have time for you."

Joaquin wasn't surprised that the receptionist showed him no respect. Even though he was a

shareholder and a Levisay, he almost never showed up at the company, and everyone saw him as an

outsider. They only put up a façade of politeness, but in reality, they looked down on him. He was

nothing but an abandoned member of the family who would never inherit the company, so there was no

need to suck up to him. Joaquin didn't really care about that. "I know, and that's why I'm here. I am a

shareholder, after all," he said coolly.

The receptionist was flabbergasted. Not once did Joaquin join the meeting before, so this came as a

surprise. She had no idea what to say to that.

Joaquin wasn't about to give her time to respond. He was getting impatient. "I am a shareholder.

There's no need to ask for permission for me to join a shareholders' meeting." He went around the

receptionist and made his way to the elevator.

"Master Joaquin!" The receptionist froze. She then tried to stop him, but it was too late. Joaquin had

gone into the elevator, so she had no choice but to call John's assistant.

When the assistant got the news, he knew things were going to go bad, so he ran to the elevator.

Joaquin came to the top floor. The first thing he saw when the elevator doors slid back was John's

assistant waiting for him. He narrowed his eyes and emerged from the elevator. "You sure you want to

stop me?"

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The assistant could feel the air around him getting sucked out. A chill ran down his spine, and he

smiled drily. "This is not the best time, Master Joaquin. The president is calling a meeting. Please wait

for him in the waiting room. I'll tell the president you're here when the meeting is over. You can see him


Joaquin listened to him in cold silence and sneered, "So this is what the company has become. A lowly

assistant trying to order me around? I am not just this company's shareholder, you blithering fool. I am

a part of the Levisay Family. You dare stop me?"

The assistant was getting more and more fearful, but he had no choice. He had to stand before

Joaquin. "No, that's not it, sir. The president really has no time now."

"I never said I was here for him," interrupted Joaquin. "I am a shareholder, and I am here for the


The assistant was in a big dilemma. "Um…" He wanted to come up with an excuse to stop him, but

Joaquin wouldn't let that happen.

"What? You want to stop me from joining a shareholders' meeting when I am a shareholder myself?"

Joaquin snickered and made his way to the meeting room, not giving the assistant any attention. He

would barge in if he needed to.

Alarm bells rang in the assistant's head, and he chased after him. "Master Joaquin, the president has

banned you from the meeting. You can't just…"

Joaquin shoved him away and pushed the meeting room's door open. The one making the report

stopped talking, and all shareholders turned around to see who the newcomer was. At that moment,

everyone in the room was shocked to see Joaquin.