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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 385
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Chapter 384 The Regal Summit Bank

Upon hearing this, Joaquin smiled with a hint of pride on his peerlessly good-looking face. "That's right!

My Kathy isn't the kind of person who'd let others take advantage of them. And besides, not even the

most formidable mercenaries are a match for the Vermillion Alliance."

As the world's leading organization of assassins, Vermillion Alliance was unmatched by any other

organization, and its position in the world had never been shaken.

Katherine raised an eyebrow while putting down her cup of coffee. Slightly narrowing her attractive

eyes, she looked out the cabin window at the chaotic scene outside with a nonchalant expression.

"Since Jayden's the mastermind behind Lab X, the laboratory has to be destroyed. I'll have Dylan get

the opportunity to sort them out." Inwardly, she was still resentful at the thought that Jayden actually

had something to do with the incident five years ago.

Joaquin's eyes flickered. Having figured out what she was thinking, he lowered his eyes and suddenly

let out a soft chuckle.

Baffled, Katherine turned to look at him with eyes full of bewilderment. "What are you laughing at?"

Joaquin's thin lips curved into a good-looking smile. When he lifted his eyelids, his eyes, which were as

dark as night, twinkled as though there were stars in them. "I never dreamt that I'd marry such a

capable wife, let alone that fate would bring us together in such a way that's beyond description."

Naturally, he was referring to the incident five years ago.

When Katherine heard this, her expression turned kind of awkward, and her lips twitched for a moment.

"What a perverted sense of humor you have! How could you call it 'beyond description?'"

Listening to her grumbles, Joaquin replied in a good temper, "Alright, I admit that it's a bad choice of

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words. I also think that what happened five years ago was outrageous, but I'm glad about it sometimes.

I'm glad to have met you back then, and I'm glad that we have such a clever and adorable daughter like


His sudden unbosoming instantly made Katherine feel uneasy.

Luckily, Dylan got on the plane at this moment. He reported with a grin, "Katherine, Joaquin, the plane

may take off now. The mercenaries down there have been dealt with."

Katherine cleared her throat to hide her brief embarrassment. Putting on an imperturbable front, she

instructed, "Take good care of the matters here. Also, send somebody to find out the inside information

about Lab X and dig up as much as possible. I've left you a group of people, who can all be trusted. Let

them stay at LW Laboratory to beef up the security there." Despicable as Jayden was, he might harm

LW Laboratory directly, so she had to be cautious by having every detail considered.

"Roger that," Dylan said before getting off the plane.

A quarter of an hour later, the plane finally took off smoothly and flew straight to Zoscistan.

Shortly after that, Jayden received word of their departure from Fontan, upon which he turned livid with

rage. "You morons! All you guys had to do was corner two people! Yet you guys couldn't even do such

a simple thing! What's the use of me hiring a bunch of mercenaries like you all?!"

The leader of the mercenaries frowned at his words as though he were displeased. "Mr. Hall, my

people can't be blamed entirely for this, no? I've gone all out with my best team. And besides, you

didn't tell us before that our enemies are so formidable!"

Jayden's face darkened even more at the man's words. "You've gone all out? Then why couldn't you

guys even stop them? I know full well what you guys are capable of, so don't give me excuses!"

At this moment, Hansel came in. Noticing the tense atmosphere in the office, he quickly mediated

between them by speaking for the mercenaries. "Please calm down, Mr. Hall. Actually, they can't be

blamed entirely for this. I-It's just that Katherine and Joaquin's people are really too formidable."

Jayden knitted his brows. "What do you mean?"

The leader explained sharply with a snort, "You previously told me that they were just a bunch of small

fries, but none of those who turned up today were beneath us in terms of fighting skills. It was clear at a

glance that they'd undergone rigorous training. Not only that, these people have probably been trained

for a long time. It's even likely that they've lived in such a way since they were born and have

undergone even more rigorous training than we have! In any case, they were absolutely not as

insignificant and unworthy of mentioning as you said!"

Jayden's countenance changed at his words. "What? How's that possible?" Jayden's mercenaries were

already a formidable organization in the world, and one must at least be both wealthy and powerful in

order to be able to hire them. But it turned out they could actually rival these mercenaries and even

gave them a crushing defeat.

Could they be from Joaquin's Area Seven? No, that's unlikely. Indeed, those from Hovington's Area

Seven are all extraordinary fighters who can rival these mercenaries, but they're supposed to be evenly

matched. How could those people defeat these mercenaries so easily?

But whose men are they if not Joaquin's? Well, they could only be Katherine's men, but why would she

have such a formidable team under her command? And besides, these mercenaries are matched only

by a handful of organizations around the world. Could Katherine be connected to another mysterious


As Joaquin's suspicions grew, deep wrinkles formed between his eyebrows, and the look in his eyes

grew increasingly sinister. Ha! Seems like this woman's still keeping a lot of secrets about herself! Well,

it seems that I must keep her in the palm of my hand to have her at my disposal!

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Four hours later, the private jet landed in Zoscistan.

Katherine wasted no time in order to avoid any further trouble that might occur halfway. After getting off

the plane, she headed straight for the Regal Summit Bank with Joaquin. When she spelled out the

number of the locker in which Darren had stored his belongings to the bank employee, the latter's

countenance changed immediately, and they called the bank manager over.

The bank manager was a middle-aged man at nearly 50 years old, but he seemed to be in good spirits

and appeared much younger for his age. "Hello, Miss Cornell," he said, greeting Katherine politely.

Katherine darted a glance at the name tag on his chest. She politely replied, "Hi, Mr. Smith."

Mr. Smith nodded before shifting his gaze toward Joaquin. "And what should I call you, sir?"

Joaquin extended his hand. "I'm Joaquin Levisay, her husband."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Levisay."

The three of them greeted each other briefly. Then, Mr. Smith led Katherine and Joaquin into the bank's

innermost elevator and pressed the button to the second basement.

Ding! Soon afterward, the elevator door opened, and the three were greeted by a large iron door that

looked very heavy.

The door had an intricate lock on it.

Mr. Smith shot a look at Katherine and Joaquin, who took the hint and turned sideways immediately.

The next instant, they heard a jingling sound as though several layers of locks had been opened.

In the end, Mr. Smith retrieved the key that opened the last lock, and the door opened automatically.

"Alright, please come in."

When Katherine turned around, she saw what looked like a huge stockroom behind the door, inside of

which many lockers were arranged with spaces between them…