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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 384
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Chapter 383 Going Their Separate Ways

"So, you think it's honorable to run away with your tail between your legs because you didn't have the

nerve to confront me head-on? You think it's something to brag about?"

Jayden's jaw was set; his expression turned grim at the man's sarcastic remarks.

In contrast to him, Joaquin seemed relaxed to the point of being casual. "Jayden, let me give you a

piece of advice—one should take their capabilities into consideration before making threats. It's true

that I'm not as powerful in Fontan as you are, but haven't you heard the saying 'good will always

triumph over evil?' The bad things you've done are gonna backfire on you sooner or later. As for

whether I'll lose to you, well, just go ahead and try to beat me. However, I can also make it clear to you

that I've never lost to you before, nor will I lose to you in the future. In fact, you're the only loser here,"

he said before turning his head. Despite the tense situation, he was able to smile cheerfully. As he

pinched Katherine's cheek affectionately, he said, "Alright, let's go."

His hand held hers. Before he left, he paused for a moment as if recalling something. Then, he fished

something out of his pocket, turned around, and tossed it to Jayden.

An object that looked like a black button ran down Jayden's clothes before dropping to the floor with a

faint thud. It was the tracker.

"Here, it's yours. I'm giving it back to you," Joaquin said before striding off with Katherine.

At this moment, Dylan, who had been looking on silently the whole time, also cast a mocking glance at

Jayden before leaving quickly.

Left alone in the whole top-floor cafe, Jayden stood where he was without moving for a long time while

staring down at the tracker quietly lying on the floor. His face was sullen, while his eyes were ablaze

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with rage. Ha! Now that we've turned against each other, I don't have to show mercy anymore. I've

given Katherine the opportunity, but she doesn't know to cherish it. Since that's the case, I don't mind

resorting to underhand tricks! I have to keep her in the palm of my hand no matter what! The next

instant, he took out the phone with a scowl and called Hansel. He coldly ordered, "Listen, I want you to

do this right now…"

After getting into the car with Katherine, Joaquin headed straight for the site where their private jet was


Resting her elbow on the car window, Katherine propped her head in her hand while staring blankly out

the window along the way. As the car traveled at full speed, the wind messed up her smooth, black,

and shiny long hair. However, instead of fixing it, she stayed in the same posture expressionlessly as if

to empty her mind.

Joaquin paid attention to the look on her face from time to time as he drove. When the car stopped at a

red light, he turned and fixed his gaze on the side of her exquisitely gorgeous face for a moment with a

flicker in his eyes.

The red light turned green a moment later. Controlling the steering wheel, he drove on while asking,

"What's on your mind?"

Katherine's mind stopped wandering at the broken silence in the car. Brushing a lock of hair away from

her face as if it had made her itch, she tucked it behind her ear while staring impassively at the traffic

ahead. After a long time, she replied somewhat dejectedly, "I was thinking about the old days."

Joaquin raised his eyebrows slightly. "The old days?" he asked, wanting to know what she meant.

Katherine replied, "Uh-huh. I recalled my time in Kyoland. I just came back from Fontan at the time, but

instead of going back to Hovington or telling anyone about my return, I went to Kyoland alone and

started W Co.. After that, I got to know Corey and others. Well, I was tired during that time, but I often

felt less tired thanks to these friends. I didn't have many friends in Fontan, and my life in the Cornell

Family was a mess, so I understand better how great it is to have friends. We've rarely kept in touch

over these years and are cool toward each other, but our friendships have never changed. I really

never expected Jayden to be such a person." At the mention of this, she recalled the frequent

advances Jayden had made to her, which she couldn't help but find ironic. "Money and power can

change a person indeed. I just don't understand what else Jayden is dissatisfied with. He's already the

son of the Hall Family and the president of Hall Enterprise, no?" She wouldn't have cared if this were to

happen to anyone else, nor would she have trouble wrapping her head around it. However, she was

baffled now that the person was Jayden.

Joaquin understood her feelings. Clenching the steering wheel with his hands, he rested his head

against the back of his seat while looking straight ahead with black, bright eyes. He replied in a gentle

voice, "It's common for people to get tempted by money, and no one could stop some ill-behaved

people with sinister intentions from going astray. Perhaps Jayden has always been such a person. It's

just that he's good at hiding it, so you guys have never realized it. Kathy, as I said before, never waste

your effort on people and things that are unworthy of it."

Katherine fell silent for a moment before her lips curled into a faint smile. "Yeah, I know that. I just feel a

little upset about this. That being said, Jayden and I aren't of the same kind, so we're bound to go our

separate ways. Everyone has to pay the price for the choice they make."

The couple didn't continue on the subject after this.

Another half an hour later, they finally arrived at the southern outskirts. This place used to be an air

base, but it fell into disuse after the airport was moved to somewhere else.

At this moment, their private jet was parked right there.

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Dylan had arrived before they did. "Just board the plane, Katherine. I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay." Katherine nodded. Before boarding the plane, she instructed, "Jayden isn't an upright person,

so he might come up with underhand tricks against LW Laboratory. You've got to keep a close eye on

him and prevent him from exploiting any opportunity."

"Got it."

The two then exchanged a few words briefly before Katherine and Joaquin boarded the plane.

However, the plane didn't take off immediately. As soon as Katherine seated herself, she saw several

jeeps through the cabin window, which surrounded the plane before many mercenaries jumped out of

them. "Ha! Just as expected, he's sent mercenaries here." Letting out a sneer, she sat still without

panicking in the slightest.

Joaquin wasn't panicked either. Taking a drink of the black coffee served by the flight attendant, he

unhurriedly replied, "Jayden isn't an idiot, after all. Once you've left Fontan, it'll be difficult for him to

threaten you again, so he'll certainly do everything he could to trap you in Fontan. Well, it seems like

he's spared no expense. Look at how many mercenaries he's hired."

So what if he's spared no expense? The mercenaries are formidable, to be sure, but my Vermillion

Alliance isn't just for show either, thought Katherine.

Just as Jayden's mercenaries were about to charge toward the plane, a group of people emerged from

all directions and came to blows with these mercenaries soon afterward.

At this moment, Katherine was sitting on the plane with a cup of coffee in hand. Not only did she not

look the least bit anxious, she even watched the fight leisurely. "Jayden's too big for his britches. He

thinks I'm much less powerful in Fontan than he is, so he plays all of his cards in a moment of

desperation. Well, he doesn't realize that there are always people who can outsmart him. Now that I

know he can afford to hire mercenaries, I won't let my guard down, of course."