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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 63
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Elder Martin
Elder Martin
Nova POV:
As I sit for lunch I concentrate of the feeling of calm and love that Jax is sending me through the bond to help settle my anger.
“I’d like you to accompany me to my office after lunch Alpha Jax and Luna Nova, we have lots to discuss” Martin says calmly as
he eats his food ignoring the subtle shocked looks the others are throwing towards me.
“We will be there” Jax says before looking at me, “we would also like to have at meeting with Elder Johnathon this afternoon if it
is possible?”
“I will have to check” Martin says before looking down the table towards the man who is smiling reassuringly at me.
“I have all the time in the world for Nova as you know. Why don’t you link me when you are done with Elder Martin and you can
come to my private library” he says politely.
“Thank you Johnathon” I say softly smiling slightly at the one person who is showing me some friendliness.
With a nod of his head he returns to eating his food in silence. As we all finish Axton raises from his seat and motions for Luca to
join him, “if you could excuse us my Betal and I have lots to discuss. We will see you this evening” he says before smiling at Jax
and myself and swiftly walking from the room.
As the other elders filter out we are left with just Martin and ourselves. “That was tense” he chuckles looking at me in
“Sorry” I apologise, “but I’m not going to stand by and let others think I am someone who can be walked over any longer.”
“And you shouldn’t have to” he says seriously, “let’s go to my office. These walls have
“Your strength is admirable Nova” Martin comments as we walk up to his office, looking at Jax he grins, “I suppose with a mate
like him you have to be something special.”
Elder Martin
“A mate like me?” Jax asks confused.
“Your leadership is something that others should learn from. Do you have any idea. how well you do as an Alpha?” Martin asks
Seeing an Alpha lost for words has me chuckling as I wink at my mate. “Well not
anyone is mated to someone like Nova Alpha Jax, I’d do well to remember that, it
takes someone with a certain strength to be a Guardian Wolfs other half.”

“Oh..thank you Elder Martin” Jax says graciously, his deep voice making me shiver as his hand touches my lower back.
“In here” Martin says opening the door and ushering us in. “Take a seat.”
Sitting ourselves down we wait for him to speak as he quickly shuffles through some
documents on his desk.

“Ok, so Anthony joined us 23 months ago. He used to reside in the Red Moon Pack”
he starts.
“The Red Moon Pack? When? Surely not whilst I was there” I say.
“No he was there for 3 years, he joined shortly after you left as his mother had fallen. ill and was residing there. His mother was
the old pack doctor” he says making my eyes widen in shock.
“The lady who helped start me with my medicinal studies?” I ask in surprise.
“Valeria yes. She unfortunately passed away not long after he joined. A heart attack. of all things” he says quietly.
“I doubt that” I say furrowing my brows. “I mean a heart attack of natural causes is incredibly rare within werewolves, even ones
who are ill
“I have had her information brought here as I thought you may say that after todays events, take them with you and have a look
before we confront Anthony” he says. passing me a small brown folder.
“I will” I say holding it tight in my grasp.
“Why was Anthony called up to be an Elder?” Jax asks suddenly.
“He was taking after his father, his academic success was incredibly high and he had
+25 Port
Elder Martin
many recommendations. I’m surprised to be honest that he has done what he has” Martin says with a frown.
“Just because he is a traitor doesn’t mean that he is one by choice” Jax points out.
“So fill me in on what’s been happening” Martin says looking at us both clearly.

With a sigh I study his eyes closely, not seeing any deception I hesitate before asking “this may seem unusual but after we have
told you the information we have it will make sense. I’d like to command you to ensure I can trust you” I say sitting forward as
he looks at me shocked.
“It’s not a question is it Nova” he says with a sad smile.
“No” I say shaking my head, “I can’t risk anything right now and although I know of everything you personally have done to help
me I have to make sure I’m protecting
those I love.”
“I understand” he says with a nod and a reassuring smile, “go ahead.”
Releasing my full aura has him crippling in his chair and his neck tilts submitting to me fully, “can I trust you, Elder Martin, to not
betray me or those that I love? To never speak of any information I tell you? And finally have you ever betrayed me or worked
alongside the hunters?”
“I have never worked with the hunters, they are my sworn enemy ever since losing my daughter to them when she was just a
year old. For the past 55 years I have worked. tirelessly to bring them down. I will never betray you and I would do anything to
help you succeed” he answers clearly.
“Thank you” I say retracting my aura as I release the breath I was holding.
“Help Nova succeed?” Jax asks intrigued.
“Novas life has been dedicated to others, it’s about time she does what she needs to

do for herself and for that to happen she needs my support” he says with a smile.
“So will you tell me?” He asks looking between us both. Seeing Jax nod in agreement I take a deep breath and explain
everything that has happened since Axtons betrayal right up until the event before lunch which he saw through my eyes.
Blowing a large breath out through his gritted teeth his eyes flare in anger as he
1 Martin. Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

stares in me in shock.
“We have 2 more traitors?” He hisses in fury as his eyes burn bright, his wolf moving
to the forefront.
“Yes” I say calmly.
“s**t he exclaims, “well then we need to interrogate Anthony today. We need all the information we can possibly get before the
trial starts this week.”
About the trail, what is this new method?” Jax asks.
“It’s a truth serum” Martin says absentmindedly before his eyes widen. “That Anthony
“We can’t use it” I say suddenly. “I mean we don’t know if Rose has anything to do with the hunters but I do find it suspicious that
she came into our lives right at the moment everything began to go downhill. She’s admitted to using a spell for Jax.1
mean it wouldn’t be too far fetched would it?”
“No it wouldn’t” Martin agrees as he furrows his brows which he does when he’s thinking deeply.
“I will still administer a serum, but it will be a placebo one have a feeling the serum wasn’t as such a truth serum but actually one
others could influence someone to
answer as they wish” Martin muses.
“Why do you say that?” Jax asks intrigued.
“Because this would be the first trial for it be used which is awfully convenient. Anthony pushed so hard for it to be used and we
thought it was so he could prove himself, we’ve seen it in practise but again he was present and could have manipulated it. So
therefore I am now doubting its validity. But I was planning on commanding Rose anyway so we would still get the truth, just not
their twisted version now” he says thoughtfully.
“Can I ask who Roses father is?” I ask suddenly.
With a dark laugh Martin looks at me, “Elder Frosts brother..Alpha Jacob. You’ve met. him before” he reminds me
Freezing I think back before throwing my head back and letting out a deep sigh, “that
Elder Martin
f ucker.”
“I’m missing something” Jax says looking lost.
“Nova upset him about 4 years ago” Martin says vaguely.
“What did you do?” Jax asks looking at me in amusement.
“I turned down his marriage proposal” I growl.
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