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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 64
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Jax POV:
My jaw almost hits the flaw at Novas admission.
“What?” I ask in shock.
With a grimace she looks at me as she speaks, “he was old enough to be my father plus he was ridiculously S**ist and as he so
eloquently put it at the time “wanted a hot young jewel of a Luna to show off.”
“That’s disgusting” I growl,
“His mate died in a rogue attack 10 years previous and everything I had heard of him
since was unappealing. He kept the information he had a daughter who was close to
my age a secret from me” she reveals.
“I wonder why” I drawl.
“I would never have said yes” she shrugs.
“You did embarrass him though” Martin points out with a chuckle.
“He embarrassed himself, I mean who proposes to someone when you’ve had a total
of 2 conversations and of all the places he chose to do it at a ball surrounded by
other Alphas” she says with disgust.
“True” Martin agrees. “The kick was my favourite part of the night.”
“Again..I’m lost” I admit as I struggle to keep up.
“He didn’t take my rejection well, he grasped my arm and tried to pull me against him
so I kicked him where it would really hurt” Nova says with a slight smirk.
“With her full strength at the time” Martin points out proudly.
“He deserved it” she says with conviction.
“So there is a high chance Rose was sent to upset your mateship” I point out as Nova
nods in agreement.
“Yes” she says with a sigh.
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“Have you seen him since?” I ask quietly.
“Oh goddess no, and for that at least I’m thankful” she says quickly as she holds my
“Well that’s another person I’m going to have to put in place if I ever get the displeasure of meeting him” I sigh running a hand
through my hair agitatedly.
“He’s not the only one” Martin says making me growl as Nova smoothly interjects.
“I think that’s enough for now Martin, Jax has got the message” she says firmly.
“Sorry Alpha” he says and at least he has the decency to look slightly embarrassed at
his confession’s.
“I’ll tell you later Jax but it’s nothing to worry about” she links me reassuringly as I try to move my mind away from others liking

Nova in that manner.
Sitting myself up I shrug it off before looking at Martin. “Shall we meet this evening to
interrogate Anthony?”
“Yes, Johnathon is ready when you are so you can head down. Nova knows where to go, I’ll meet you outside the cells at 6pm
sharp” he says as he stands and offers me
his hand.
Shaking it firmly I hold my hand for Nova to take as we utter our goodbyes.
After walking quietly for a few moments Nova looks at me and suddenly speaks, “I’ve had 4 mateshipproposals since I turned 18.
It’s one of the reasons I agreed to
become Axtons chosen mate, but I want to assure you I never considered any others.
The only two I’ve ever been intimate with is you and Axton. I’m sorry I don’t like to
mention it but it’s the truth.”
With a little grimace I nod before squeezing her close to my side, “I had Genevieve before you and a couple of women from other

packs when I was a teen. But as you know you’re the only one that’s ever made me satisfied” I admit. “So I would never judge
you Nova, but to think others may still want you makes me feel possessive.”
“I know” she says with a soft smile, “but you’re my last Jax, you’re my everything.”
Stopping and wrapping my arms round her waist I claim her lips in a hungry k*ss as I pull her flush to my chest, “and you’re
mine” I whisper as we pull away for breath.
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Pulling my head down she k*sses me gently on my lips before trying to calm her breathing. Smelling the faint scent of her
arousal I groan making her look up and
apologise with a shy smile.
“I’m sorry Jax, your touch sets me on fire I can’t help it” she says with a blush on her
Grasping her hips I push her against me so she can feel my bulge pressing against my trousers, “that’s what a k*ss from you
does to me” I say huskily making her shiver. “Even at the most inappropriate times” I point out with a raised brow whilst gesturing
to our surroundings.
“Sorry love” she whispers with a giggle before stepping away slightly much to my
“Minx” I growl before she continues to pull me towards Johnathon’s library. Stopping outside a dark wooden door she knocks
sharply 3 times before pushing it open and
walking in.
With an impressed whistle I take in the huge bookshelves that take up the room full
of different books. “This is some collection” I admire.

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“Thank you Alpha Jax” Johnathon says as he appears at our side. “It’s taken me
many years to get to this stage.”
“I can imagine” I chuckle.
“Here take a seat, I had a feeling you’d drop by so I’ve gotten all the books I thought would be relevant ready for you” he says
pointing to a table and some arm chairs by
the window.

“Do you need to command Johnathon too?” I link Nova suddenly.
“No” she says confidently.
“Why?” I ask confused.
“I met Johnathon here at the council” she starts saying aloud, “he has been my
confident and has been incredibly helpful whilst I grew up. But beside that Johnathon
here swore a blood oath to protect all Guardian Wolves and their legacies.”
“Really?” I ask turning to Johnathon in shock.
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“Guardian Wolves bring order to our kind, they are our silent protectors and without
them we would turn on our selves. It is my greatest honour to serve and work
alongside Nova, I would die for her” he admits quietly.
“That’s admirable” I say with a genuine smile on my face.
“Turn on themselves..” I hear Nova mutter and she spins around clicking her fingers excitedly. “That’s it!”
“Explain?” I ask. “I’ve asked too many questions today” I moan to Zeus which he simply huffs in agreement.
“Without Guardian wolves our kind would turn on ourselves. We would effectively do the job of the hunters for them, surely that is
why my grandfather is so dedicated to finding my father. If he can get rid of the both of us it would mean the end of our kind
sooner than imagined” she says as I can see her mind racing.
“I think that’s a very strong possibility” Johnathon agrees as I stand in shock once again. “There is a book here that states
without the Guardian wolves other wolves become greedy, desperate for power and with no care for others. They become selfish
and kill unjustifiably to get what they want, they use the mate bond to hurt others and to make packs weak and easier to take
over. It would end in the werewolf population diminishing so much that it would be easier for hunters to kill.”
“So that’s his long term aim” I say with horror.
“I think it might be yes” Johnathon says with a concerned look as he goes to stand beside Nova. As I watch them open books
efficiently I suddenly gasp.

“What’s wrong?” Nova asks quickly.
“Why did you swear a blood oath Johnathon if you don’t mind me asking?” I enquire.
With a little gulp he shifts his weight uncomfortably before looking at me, “to protect the Guardian Wolves.”
“He’s not lying” Zeus says.
“Is there another reason?” I ask quietly.
“No” he says quietly but I can hear his racing heart as I’m sure Nova can also.
“Johnathon you’re lying..I can smell it on you” she says looking confused.
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“Your eyes Johnathon..they’re the same as Novas” I say suddenly making Nova move
to look at him in shock.
“Ah..ah ummm” he stutters lost for words.
“And Nova got her eyes from her father...” I trail off as it all clicks.
“You’re Kingsleys brother”
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