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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 62
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Jax POV:
After freshening up we hear a knock on the door and I quickly open it to see a shy maid stood waiting, “hello Alpha Jax, I have
been told to inform you lunch will be held in 30 minutes if you could meet in the dining room” she says nervously.
Smiling slightly to ease her nerves I nod my head, “of course, thank you for letting us
With a slight bow she turns and walks to Lucas door to inform him of the same.
“Who was it?” Nova asks as she walks out of our bathroom fastening her belt on her
“A maid, we have lunch in 30 minutes” I say which she sighs loudly at.
“Ah goddess ok” she laughs before quickly heading over to the vanity in the room to
make sure her appearance is in check.
“You ready?” I ask 20 minutes later as I hear Lucas door opening.
“I’m ready” Nova says turning and giving me a quick k*ss.
“Who do you think will be there?” I ask.
“I imagine the council head Elder Martin and then I’m sure Frost and others will join him” she says with a slight shrug. “Do they
know you well?”
“No” I answer, “I tend to avoid the council whenever possible, I never wanted their involvement with running the pack.”
“Im starting to think that was a wise choice” she says with a light laugh.
“Let’s head down then” I say with a smile as I open the door for her.
Walking out we meet Luca who is waiting on the landing along with Alpha Axton.
“Alpha Jax, Luna Nova” he says extending his hand for me to shake, “congratulations. on your official mating, I’m happy for you
“Thank you Alpha” Nova says politely seeing the truth in his eyes. “Are you ready for
this?” She asks as we start down the stairs.
“Are you ever ready to meet the council?” He asks with a grimace.
“N..” Luca starts speaking before Nova holds her hand up effectively stopping.
everyone from speaking.
“Nova?” I ask through the link as we all look around in confusion.
“Wait. I can hear voices” she links, “I heard my name i’m intrigued.” .

Lifting my finger to my lips to make sure Luca and Axton don’t make a sound I motion
to Novas ears. They nod slightly in understanding as i try and strain my hearing.
“They’re coming closer” Nova links me suddenly.
Listening I hear two voices coming up the corridor adjacent to where we are.
“She won’t know what’s hit her..”
“I need to go back and inform master that Nova has arrived, you know the plan, don’t let us down..”a deeper voice says which
makes my eyes widen.
“Not a f*****g chance” Nova snarls through the link as I feel a wave of her anger hit me. Seeing Luca motion for us to move
forwards we stalk silently towards the open landing. Seeing only one man walk round the corner Nova immediately moves in and
grasps his arm twisting it behind his back and covering his mouth stopping him from calling out.
“I heard everything you just said so don’t you dare try and say otherwise. Where is the other?” She hissed in his ear releasing

her aura making him submit instantly.
“He’s gone” he gasps.
“Gone where?” Nova snarls yanking his arm more.
“I don’t know. He comes to me when he wants to, it’s not on my terms” he croaks as she moves her hand to his neck pushing
him into the wall.
“A witch? Who is he?” Nova asks with her eyes flashing brightly with Kia.
“Yes. He’s who checks on my reports, he works for the master and is his second in command” he croaks as he tries to fight
Novas command to no avail. “I don’t know
his name, they’re very secretive.”
“You dare to endanger my mate” I snarl moving forward and slamming my fist into his
side making him choke out a howl as Nova tightens her grip on his windpipe.

“You f*****g traitor” I spit out landing another blow to his other side as Nova drops.
him to the floor.
“You’re coming with us” she growls as she grasps his arm and begins to drag him
behind her.
Lifting my nose I take a deep breath, “definitely a witch as suspected with Florence’s kidnapping, no scent here of the other man
either” I growl annoyed
“Do you want me to take him?” I link Nova although Zeus is putting at her show of
“No..this is my fun” she links me back as she turns and gives me a wink “you just
enjoy the show.”
“Why is that weirdly attractive” I link her with amusement.
Turning she looks at me with a raised brow, leaning forward she bites my ear lightly,” you dirty man” she whispers before
chuckling and continuing dragging the mant
behind him.
“Who is he?” I hear Luca ask from behind us.
“Not a clue” I say taking a good look at the man, “I haven’t been with the council for at least 2 years but he looks new to me.”
“He is new” Nova says before gesturing for me to open the dining room door. Slamming them open we gain the attention of the
council elders gathered for lunch. as all chattering stops and silence envelops the room..
Suddenly with a cough the council head elder Martin stands and gathers Novas. attention. “Care to explain why you are dragging
Elder Anthony and appear to have caused him physical pain?” He asks.
Stalking in she throws him 15ft forward to land at Elder Martins feet. “Because he’s a traitor” she snarls with venom. “One who is
working with a witch to help the hunters
find me.”
Hearing gasps of shock around the room I carefully study each individuals faces trying to detect the other two traitors amongst

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them but there is nothing suspicious
that catches my attention.
“He’s what?” Martin growls in anger. “Are you sure about this Nova?”
“Come here” Nova orders him, seeing him scowl at her instruction she chuckles
darkly. “I’m not in the mood to be ignored.”

“I’d listen to her Elder” I warn him as Luca and Axton nod their heads in agreement.” You can’t feel the anger running through her
at the moment..but I can” I add on with at
smirk seeing his face pale slightly.
Seeing him move forward while motioning for two guards to restrain Anthony who is groaning on the floor I look to Nova who is
silently seething.
Raising her hands she grasps his temples and closes her eyes showing him
everything that she heard and saw whilst on our way downstairs. After a moment his head snaps up and he looks at her in
shock, “the hunters are working with witches?!”
He exclaims.
“It seems so” she says far too calmly. Walking forward I grasp her hand and pull her to my side slowly rubbing soothing circles on
her back as she relaxes slightly under my
As she looks at him I see him incline his head slightly as I realise Kia must have linked
him also.
“Well it appears we need to question him” Martin says with an unreadable expression on his face. “Honestly Nova all you seem
to attract is blo ody drama” he mutters in
what I believe to be a light hearted manner.
“I know you’re probably joking Elder but I know for a fact Nova is not in the mood for that from anyone here after the last few
weeks so I would keep quiet” I warn him as I see the fire flare in Novas eyes at his words.
“Drag him to the cells” Nova orders the guards.
Seeing them look to Elder Martin for confirmation she snarls and releases her aural slightly causing everyone bar me and Elder
Martin to bow their heads in submission.
“I don’t need his blo ody permission, take him to the cells..the most protected ones.

NOW” she roars her eyes flashing dangerously.
With that the guards immediately grasp Anthony off of the floor and drag him out to
take him to the cells.
“Good” she says darkly as she watches them go..
“Bit of an overkill Nova” Elder Frost says snidely as he walks up to beside us.
“Kneel” Nova commands making him drop to his knees immediately in surprise as
Luca, Acton and I chuckle.
Grasping his chin in her hands she forces him to look at her, “don’t test my patience.
Frost. I am no longer the submissive she wolf desperate to help whoever I can. I am
now one that is desperate to protect those I love and end this nonsense with the
hunters, I have no time for insults, snide remarks or ridiculous room arrangements. I
am a grown as s woman who could kill you with one claw..do not push me” she growls before pushing him so he’s sprawled on
the floor looking at her in fear.
“Take note” I growl as I look pointedly around the room.
“Shall we get some food love?” I whisper as I turn her to look at me and rub her arms
“Yes” she says calming down as she rests her hand on my chest holding me close.
“I’ll let you work out your frustration later” I link her cheekily.
Looking up at me with slightly flushed cheeks she grins as she links me back “I’m
counting on it.”
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