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Whispers Of Betrayal (Anastasia and Alastor)

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

“Isn’t there chocolate in the pantry?” Alastor’s deep voice inquired, his demeanor seemingly unaffected.

However, it carried an intentional air of nonchalance.

The janitor cleaned the pantry this morning and threw away all of the chocolates and candies. The new

stock hasn’t arrived yet. Felicia’s starving. Since you’re having breakfast here, Mr. Lopez, would you

mind letting Felicia join in for a few bites?” the assistant whispered, casting a deliberate glance at

Anastasia before asking, “Mrs. Lopez, you wouldn’t mind, would you?”

“I don’t mind.” Anastasia stated politely, her words cloaked in euphemism. “But I woke up at six in the

morning to prepare this soup specifically for Alastor.”

Anastasia subtly presented the choice to Alastor.

Before Alastor could respond, Felicia took it upon herself to enter the office.

“Go ahead and take some.” Alastor’s tone retained its depth as he spoke to Felicia, his gaze carrying a

subtle warning. “Just remember to have your breakfast before coming to work.”

It was clear that he was cautioning Felicia not to play such tricks in front of Anastasia.

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Anastasia understood well that Alastor’s current reluctance to seek a divorce stemmed from her lack of

transgressions in. their marriage up to this point.

“Alastor. I want to drink some water.” Felicia looked up at Alastor.

Reacting on instinct, Alastor calibrated the water temperature to an exact 100 degrees Fahrenheit and

passed Felicia the glass.

His indifference toward Anastasia was palpable as he knew she was reasonable.

“Thank you, Alastor,” Felicia responded coquettishly as she shot provocative glances at Anastasia.

“But… wouldn’t Anastasia be upset if I ate the breakfast she made especially for you?”

Anastasia sneered.

“Annie wouldn’t mind. She’s very understanding.” Alastor responded, giving credit to Anastasia’s


“I’m relieved to hear that.” Felicia smiled as she picked up a spoon and sipped the mushroom soup,

also sampling some salad.

After a while, an unusual expression flickered across Felicia’s face. Instantly, her complexion turned

pale, and she began to struggle for each breath.

“A–Alastor,” she managed to utter, her voice strained.

Alastor’s eyes snapped to Felicia as he detected her distress. “What’s wrong?” he questioned, a note

of panic creeping into his


“Medicine… Bring me my medicine. Felicia gasped.

Alastor’s face contorted in panic. He urgently called to his assistant, “Fetch her medicine!”

The assistant, well–versed in the situation, knew that Alastor was referring to Felicia’s asthma


“The meal… What was in it?” Despite her face turning red, Felicia still managed to question Anastasia.

Anastasia was confused. “Alastor, what’s wrong?”

“What did you add to the food?” Alastor’s inquiry to Anastasia carried an accusatory undertone, though

he was oblivious to the hostile attitude he was displaying in the heat of the moment.

Anastasia couldn’t help but find his words somewhat amusing, almost like a buzzing sound in her ears.

“I prepared the mushroom soup as usual, and for the salad dressing, I used peanut butter.”

“Peanut butter?” Alastor’s expression darkened considerably. “Don’t you know that Felicia is allergic to

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peanut butter? You could have killed her!”

“Alastor, I made breakfast for you! I’ve consistently used peanut butter as a dressing for the salad. How

was I supposed to know about Felicia’s allergy?” Anastasia retorted. Her emotions were spiraling, and

the image of the composed and understanding wife was almost starting to crack.

“Tgot up at six in the morning to prepare breakfast for you, and this is how you treat me? Anastasia’s

eyes reddened as her emotions surged and shouted at Alastor. With her bag in hand, she turned

abruptly and stormed out.

Alastor was left stunned. Over their four years of marriage, he had grown accustomed to Anastasia’s

gentleness and sensibility. This was the first time he witnessed her getting so worked up.

After taking the medicine, Felicia gradually came back to her senses. A triumphant smile curled at the

corners of her lips.

Chapter 6

Once more, she felt the satisfaction of outmaneuvering Anastasia. “Alastor, could it be that Annie has

found out about us and is now holding a grudge against me? That’s why she purposely…”

Felicia wanted to manipulate Alastor into feeling sorry for her and directing his anger toward Anastasia.

“Anastasia brought me breakfast. You are the one who insisted on eating it. Who exactly are you trying

to blame now?” Alastor chided, his voice tinged with suppressed anger. His expression remained grim

as he fetched his coat and hurried after Anastasia.