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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 44
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Chapter 044
She Was Already Discharged From the Hospital “She is so annoying!” When Old Mr Hill had nalive, the Whites had been very
polite and tolerant towards the Hills. But now, Old Mr. Hill had already
Salway and the Whites wirectually not close to Tyler and his wife, so they were just acting to be nice to them for old time’s sake.
However, to them, Lenna was really too lowly. Ivan hud roten into a car accident and Lena was already pushing about Ivan’s
marriage. Marie, who had a high stalus, looked down on Lena “How is Molly? “Molly Marie was stunned. Ivanped and said with a
frown, “She was with me.” “I didn’t see her.” When Ivan heard this, he strugeted to sit up and wanted to get out of bed. Marrie
hurriedly stopped him, “Lie down! There is an IV drip!
You are seriously injured! Where are you going?” “I’m going to see her.” “Don’t move. Just call the nurse over and ask” Marie
pressed the beeper. A minute later, a nurse rushed in. “Mr. White, what do you need?”

This hospital belonged to the Whites, so all the doctors and nurses know Ivan. “Where is the lady who came with me?” “Oh, she
has finished stitching and she left already.” When Ivan heard this, he frowned, “What? she was discharrel?”
“Yes, that’s right. Aman took her away.” Ivan lurrowed his brows. He felt a pain in his heart. It was because of this car accident
that he tinally knew that he seemed to love the wrong person. Ten years ago, the girl who saved him from the pool was Molly. It
was not Eileen He had made a mistake for so many years. “Ivan, don’t worry. Since she was discharged already, she is fine,” “By
the way, Grandma asked you to bring the two children to see me. We hasn’t there been any news about it? “She refused me.”
When Marie heard this, she narrowed her eyes and was stunned, “What?” “You hear it right.” “She really has a bad temper. She
looks like her grandmother.” It would be great news to Molly if the children were Ivan’s children. Even if they were not, it would be
a great opportunity for the children if they could meet with Marie. “Grandma, my mind is in a mess right now. I want to be alone.”
“Oh, okay. Have a good rest. Don’t move around.” “Okay, I got it.” Marie signed and left the ward. After Marie left, Ivan lay on the
bed and recalled everything that had happened over the years. He combed through all of the past. onyinally, his impression of
Molly was quite good. It was Hilm who had always told him that Molly was unsociable and scheming, Over time, be really thought
that she was scheming Friand LML were still outside ibe ward. Whir Mantud left the ward, Eileen and Lena hurriedly prele her!
“Grandm” “Old Madani..”EIHT Lucrected Marle in unison. *Ivan wants to rest. You cuys should to back too “Marie Frownwd
slightly “Oluy”Letsmiled *** Honen. Flern, you should stay and take care of Ivan
Your father and I will not stay anymore.” When Manr barddus, she did not say anything more, Sheildid her shawl and walked
away with a cold face

Eileensip L a rder and se furrowed her brows, “Why are you sirhimpapain?”
“L..”Eileen wanted to say something but stopped
She knew that her relationship with Ivanhad already experienced a huge rift. “You are useless! How did I give birth to such a
stupid daughter like you?” “Mom, stop it! What does love have to do with being smart?” “Of course it has.” “Forget it, forget it.
Hurry up and go back home.” “Accompany Ivan well. Don’t mess it up.” “Got it...” After Lena and Tyler left, Eileen sat in the
corridor of the hospital for nearly half an hour. After trying her best to calm down, she entered the ward again. “Ivan, are you
hungry? I bought you some soup.” Ivan paused for a few seconds and could not help but ask, “Eileen, I want to ask you
something.” “Yes?”
“Who saved me when I was drowning in your swimming pool ten years ago?” When Eileen heind this, lier eyes subconsciously
ilickered, “Ivan, why did you suddenly ask about it?” “I just suddenly thought of it today.” Eileen nervously pinched her fingers.
She tried to squeeze out a smile. “Of course... It’s me.” “Really?” “Yes. Ivan, don’t you believe me?” Eileen tried her best to
pretend to be calm. She was very aware of it. She knew the reason Ivan suddenly had a good impression of her ten years ago
Ten years ago, Marie brought Ivan to the Hills as a guest..