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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 43
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Chapter 043 Who Is She?
Although Ivandidn’t see the girl’s Lace clearly at that time, he seried to remember her now. The girl who savolim had long hair that almost wrapped around his
neck in the water. But Eileen had never had such long hair. Then, he wasdragrel ashore. When he woke up, the first person he saw was Eileen.
Therefore, he subconsciously believed that it was Eileen who saved himu Cough! Molly was almost exhaustel, She sank into the sea several times and choked
several mouthfuls of seawater.
There was actually buoyancy in the water. However, it was still quite difficult for her to drag such a tallman by herself.
The two of them were less than ten meters away from the shore, yet they strupyled in the water for a long time. If she swam back
to the shore alone, it would take less than a minute. But now, she had to drag Ivan with her. She struggled for more than ten
minutes before she came back to the shore Cough! Couch! Molly stangered up the stairs on the coast. Her entire body almost
collapse She could not drag Ivan with her strength now. She could only drap his upper body up to the stairs so that he would not
suffocate. “Ivan, wake up quickly!” Couch! Cough! lvan was Dual-conscious, but he could not open his eyes, Molly shook hiina
low times and quickly performed CPR for him Cough! Ivan spat out a mouthful of seawater and his breathing became normal
Molly leayed a sighol relief when she saw that Ivan was finally awake However, there was a cut on his forchead and he bed a lot.
Molly know that he had to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Several people had already gathered on the shore and were
pointing at the sea. “Help! Please call the ambulance lorus!” Molly starnered and ran to the store for help, Ivani looked at her thin

and weak figure. It was a familiar scene to him. Memories clashed across his mind and he recalled what hul happened. Finally,
he fixed his gaze ona slender back that was draped in wet long hair. He remembered everything now It was exactly like ten years
ago. After the girl dragged him ashore, she ran anxiously to call for help, When he woke up, Eileen was taking care of him with
concern, so he thought that Eileen had saved him. It was also from that day on that he began to have a pool impression of
Eileen. However, he clearly had a good impression of the
long-haired Molly before that “Molly....” Ivan raised his arm and called out weakly. There was a huge stir on the shore. A lewcurs
drove over. More thana dozen people got off the cars and went down the coast to help Ivan Ivan’s bodyguards and assistants
came over by tracking Ivan’s car location. “Mr. White is here! iturry up!” ‘The bodyrards rushed down the coast and carried Ivan
to the car. They hurriedly sent him to the hospital. Andy slayed to deal with the police... Both Ivan and Molly were sent to the
hospital, Ivan was sent to the emergency room while Molly was sent to the medical room. Her body was scratched several times
the broken glass of the window. Some of the wounds were very deep and needed stitches. However, her injuries were not as
serious as Ivan’s.
Marie, Eileen, Lena Brown, Tyler Hill and the others all rushed to the hospital.

“Don’t worry, old Madam Mr Whitehas just finished stitching and he is now awake.” When Mane heard this, she was still very
worried. She hurriedly entered the ward.
Ivan was the only erandson in the Whites. If something happened to Ivan, the Whites, which was such a huge business empire.
would not

have a successor. Therefore, it was easy to imagine how worried Marie was. Others followed Marie into the ward. Ivan had already treated the wound and was
now resting on the bed. “Ivan, are you alright? How are you feeling?” “Grandma, I’m fine”. “How could this happen?” “Mr. White got intoacar accident just now.”
“Alas. How many times has Grandma told you not to drive? Why didn’t you listen to me?” Marie came to the bedside and grabbed Ivan’s hand tightly. Her face
was full of worry. “Ivan, you scared me to death!” Eileen cried as she ran forward and plunged into Ivan’s arms. Lena said nervously. “Ivan, you really scared us
to death. Listen to me. You must be careful when you drive. Don’t drive when you don’t feel well. Otherwise, it would be a waste to hire so many drivers.”
“Fortunately, you are not in danger. You have to be careful in the future,” Tyler said with concern. A group of people surrounded Ivan and asked him about his
well-being. No one was concerned about Molly. Not even Tyler.
Molly had already bandaged her wounds and prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. She was preparing to leave the hospital. “Molly!” Chris Davis hurried over. “I’m
sorry, I’m sorry!” Chris hugged Molly tightly. “It’s okay. I have already bandaged my wound. I can leave the hospital now.” Chris was even more worried when he
saw her pale face. “Are you sure? Let me sec the wound.” Molly endured the pain and smiled at Chris. “I’m really okay. I just need to come over tomorrow to
change the dressing” Actually, hier whole body was in great pain. She got dozens of stitches. Now that the anesthetic had passed, it hurt a lot. Chris looked at
Molly with distress and insisted on looking at her wounds There were stitches on her stomach, thighs, and arms. There would probably be scars after the wounds
were healed. “Ivan! He’s such a bastard! I’ll go find him now...” “Chris! No! Don’t go!” Molly hurriedly stopped Chris. There was no use to confront Ivan anyway.
He would probably pay some compensation. He couldn’t be sent to prison. Hiss! Molly cried out in pain. “Molly, you should stay in the hospital for a few more
days. If the wound gets infected, it will get worse.” Chris frowned and quickly supported her. “No, I have to go home and take care of Rose, Rose will be worried if
she doesn’t see me. It’s already past twelve. I have to go back quickly.” “I will send you back.” “ok!”
Meanwhile, Marie and the others were still staying inside the ward. The few of them were still surrounding Ivan. “Ivan, take advantage of these few days to have
a good rest.” “Grandma, I’m sorry for making you worry. I’m really fine.” Lund frowned and deliberately said Irankly, “II’s easy for a young man to be impulsive
when he is not married. Look how dangerous it is! Old Madam, whilvan recovers from his injuries, he should marry Eileen as soon as possible. It’s better to settle
down early...” Before Lu could Tinish bus sentences, Marie budalready frowned at what Lena said. It was true that the White and the Hills had a pood
relationship However, the Whites had a deep friendship with Old Mr. 11111, not with her, Lena Brown! She had no rights to judur Ivan “Ivan needs to rest. You all
should leave now. Don’t disturb him.” Lena was awkward when she bard it “Alright... Ivan, rest well.” After that, Lena, Eileen and Tyler reluctantly at the Ward.