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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 26
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Chapter 026

Henry. Lan and Simon, the three boys are like blood. Although they are not born to the same parents/

Lan’s personality is more unrestrained and outgoing. However, his femper is grumpy than the other two

boys. Simon is moderate and mild. Many people regard him as a tots who was handsome, good temper,

powerful family. But his heart is closed. In addition to relatives, the three of them care for each other “I

have found the necklace my mom used to wear.” Henry looked up at him at once but kept quiet. Simon

sighed, “Finally!” Lan held his poker face “But now that necklace is carried by an abominable woman!

What’s worse was that I lost to her!” “Cut to the chase.” Henry’s voice was muffled. How important the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

necklace meant to Lan. Henry and Simon fully understood. Langritted his teeth and told the whole

progress. Simon sneered, “So that necklace is important to her, too. Was it her mother’s relic?” Lan

gritted his teeth again. “Nonsense! She must be lying! But I wasn’t moral because I fooled her into

playing with me. How else could allow her to find an assistant! I would have won if i had expected she

should invite such a master!” “That woman, even if she is an international professional racing driver, may

not be able to match her!” Henry was a little surprised that Lan has a high opinion of the woman. Lan

suddenly looked at Henry. “She is even as skilled as you! How could I beat her?” Simon smiled, “Oh,

that’s funny.” Henry got up and walked outside silently with a stolid face. Lan raised an eyebrow and

looked at Henry’s back, saying “Hey, bro. Are you kidding? You dive into the bathroom after drinking

such a little wine. Is there something wrong with your fitness? Why not let Simon give you a pulse? What

if it affects your sexual life in the future? Henry glanced at him coldly, opening the door and leaving

However, an unwilling voice suddenly sounded before he could reach the corner “Nova, what the hell are

you thinking? Since you’re divorced, why don’t you try to be in a relationship with Rory? Henry suddenly

stopped where he was. Just at the other side of the corner, Nova’s helpless voice rang out again. “I’m a

divorced woman, and I don’t want to hold him back any longer.” The familiar voice made Henry angry.

There was no doubt that Nova was speaking She began to flirt around with others hersell before the

ending of divorce. Zona regretted that Nova did not live up to her expectation and complained “What

means you being a dragon him? He has been admiring you for five years. Five years! My sweetie! If you

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

hadn’t married the wrong person, you would have been very happy now!” Henry’s thin lips curled into a

zipped smile. Happiness? She is such a vain woman. Every man would suffer a disaster once he marries

Nova. “Zona… “Nova murmured resignedly. “Oops! You have nothing to escape. It is not a good method

to deal with the issue by standing outside all the time. It was originally a meeting to celebrate your

divorce today. Once you run away, the party is gone! We must get back at once!”

“Zona, 1…” “Well, well, well.” Zo iynored Nova’s hesitation, pulling her back to the box. It wasn’t until the

door closed that Henry walked out of the corner, looking coldly at the door of Nova’s box and clenching

his lists. Nova’


Brlore they divorce, she still was Mrs. King, He would give her a piece of his mind if she keeps provoking

incidents. With this thoupit, te strade directly towards hier box! He wanted to see who was so ridiculous

that wants to marry Nova!