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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 25
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Chapter 025

Pretending to Be Pure for a Long Time In just one night. Molly’s popularity was suppressed by an actress

under Chris’ company, kama Polland, who had just won her first best actress award vesterday. Moreover,

she officially innounced her love relationship with a famous actor The news instantly became a trending

topic on the Internet, and no one could stay uninterested. However, it was all part of Chris promotional

plan. Kama was never in a relationship with the actor, and this was just to create a coupling hype. At the

same time, it also served as a diversion from the public to reduce the discussion about Molly Lena was

waiting to see the news of Molly being cancelled, but in the end. all her efforts and money went down to

the drain. “Mom, I told you it is useless!” “Let me think about how to deal with her!” Lena gritted her teeth.

“Eileen, Ivan is coming back soon Get ready to pick him up! Remember. You must settle things with him!

You have been in a relationship with him for many years. Take more initiative and be bold! Don’t tell me

that you are still a virgin… It’s line Acomplete woman is more valuable! “Mom…” There was a hint of

awkwardness in Eileen’s eyes. The truth was that she had already lost her first time in university-there

had been a summer camp, and that night, everyone had been partying crazily. A classmate had been

especially nice to her and wouldn’t stop flirting with her. He was tall and handsome, and he was the

school hunk. As she was under the influence of alcohol, she had failed to remain rational and ended up

in the bed with him. This kind of thing had happened not only once. The man was good in bel, so she

had greatly enjoyed it whenever it happened. That was why she met him every month and madly made

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love with him

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Ivandid not dare to disobey his grandmother, so he could only

bite the bullet and ask Molly for

the children-Marie was his only relative He was filial to her and tried his best to make his grandma happy

no matter what it took. Since she wanted to see the children, he would definitely not disappoint her. The

next morning. Ivan immediately went to Hatchworks Group “Where is Molly?” “Ms. Hill hasn’t been to the

company for a few days.” Ivan was taken back Then, he took out his phone and wanted to call her.

However, he realized that he didn’t have her number. During their two years of marriage, Mally had

always been the one who had called hill And he had not bothered to save her number, and now that four

years had passed, her number had already been deleted. Yet, he seemed to still have her contact on

Facebook Even though the two of them liad been divorced tor four years, he did not delete her Facebook

contact. Sometimes, whenever he received a message, he would subconsciously hope that it was Molly

who sent it. Unfortunately, his wish had never come true, Ivan’s expression sank as he flipped through

her Facebook Her profile picture was still the same as before. It was a picture she had taken in high

school She was extremely lively then, and her eyes were like bright stars that would attract anyone who

saw her. Unfortunately, he could no longer see the stars in her eyes. Ivan hesitated for a moment, but still

typed the words, “Are you there? Thus was the first time he took the initiative to find her After sending

the message, he coupled to hide his intention. He would never admit that he cared about others due to

his arrogant, conceited, paranoid, and sickly attitude.

Two hours later There was still no reply from Molly, and his face darkened. His arrogant pride was

stabbed. This dad woman did nol reply to his message “I have something to talk to you about!” He could

not help but send a second message. After waiting for a long time, he sull did not receive a reply from


Ivali was compleely furious. Hi Lace was dark. Hesulxonsciously loosened his necktie.nd smoke everal

cigarettes, “Andy, infortu Hatchworks Group that we will be holding asureholder meeting tomorrow, and

all of them must be present!” In reality, it did not matter i Sandulean were bere or not. Most importantly,

he wanted to see Molly “YA. Mr White Since he could not ask her out privately, he would meet her in the

company He didn’t netbul sur would come to the company’s hureholder inatin!

The prxt day Sam and Jean arrived at the company early in the morning

Although Ivan was not the Hatchworks Group’s biggest director, his words were much more powerful

than Molly’s.

While they could ignore her instructions, they dared not disobey Ivan’s instructions. “Hello, Mr White.”

The meeting was set at nine o’clock Ivan arrived at the company lobby ten minutes ahead of schedule

After a while, Molly finally arrived.

She was wearing a black Dior suit, with a white shirt as the base, and a pencil skirt today. She also wore

black-rimmed glasses, and her hair was casually tied into a low ponytail. She looked aloof. As she

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walked, she gave a sense of coolness and a capable feeling Her private assistant, Coco, was following

her, and the two walked toward the elevator entrance When Ivan saw that Molly had come, he

immediately tollowed her He pretended that he had just arrived and coincidentally bumped into her


“Mr. White” She looked back.

“You’ve been inissing for so many days. I thought you were a poner!’ lv.in said harshly After he finished

speaking, he straightened his face and laintly fegreteit Heclearly didn’t think this way in his heart Since

young, everyone had been supporting and listening to him his family had a strong background, and his

ability was equally outstanding Therefore, it was impossible for such a person to havr. 2004 temper

Molly rolled her eyes and was too lazy to nattention to hun

Ivan was annoyed. “I sent you a Facebook Message Vesterly Why can’t you teply”

She was stunned.

“I didn’t receive it.” “Hmph. Did you really not receive it, or did you delibriely chose not to reply to “Oh, I’m

not using that Facebook account from oneymo Ivan choked and said coldly, “Am I supposed to go to the

company to find you if I want to contact you *** “Coco, give him my business card.” “Mr White, this is Ms.

Hill’s business card. Her work number is on it She only answer calls during work.”

Ivan was even angrier, This damn woman gave him her work number instead of her personal number.

This really made him angry