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Thriller Night Talk

Ch183 - It looks like you can pass through from here
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

Bei Quan, Wei Fuyuan, Luo Yun and Mr. Xin continued to move forward.

After resting for a while, Bei Quan's injuries had recovered somewhat. In his own words, he was able to move without hindrance.

"I can walk on my own."

Bei Quan smiled and said to Wei Fuyuan, "As long as I don't use overly complicated spells, I should be fine."

Wei Fuyuan was still very worried.

But, he also understood that they were getting closer and closer to the central area, and they had to enter the Immortal Tower in the last fifteen minutes to survive. If he insisted on carrying Bei Quan on his back, it might be too late to react if they encountered monsters or untrustworthy individuals.

So, he compromised.

"From now on, no matter what we encounter, you can't use that kind of formation that easily backfires on yourself, do you understand!?"

Wei Fuyuan was still worried and insisted on reminding his beloved, who was always reckless and eager to show off, "I'm here for everything, you know?"

"Okay, okay, I got it."

Bei Quan used a soothing tone, like comforting a large dog, as he stroked Wei Fuyuan's hair. "I promise you, I won't do anything reckless anymore. Is that okay?"

Mr. Xin felt helpless listening to the affectionate and indulgent conversation between the two lovers.

As a lonely individual of advanced age, he couldn't help but remind them that this mysterious and dangerous world was not a good place for romance and love.

But, when he thought about how he, a useless fighter, had to rely on their combat abilities, he reluctantly swallowed his complaints and didn't dare to say anything.

As for Luo Yun, after his sister's death, he seemed absent-minded, like a walking corpse, silently following behind his companions.

As they walked, Bei Quan exchanged the information he had heard from the mechanical loli with Wei Fuyuan.

"There are only six survivors left."

Bei Quan said, "Apart from the four of us, there are two more."

After going through the test of the four Feathered Serpent Gods just now, Wei Fuyuan didn't find the high death rate surprising at all. "Xiao Jiang should be here too, right?"

Wei Fuyuan thought for a moment, "With his combat abilities, I'm sure he should be on the survivor's list."

With this pointed out, Xiao Wei, who had been practicing with Jiang Nan'an recently, was quite confident.

"So, there's only one person left that we haven't met."

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Speaking of this, Wei Fuyuan sighed deeply.

"Ah, these are real lives in reality!"

He looked at Bei Quan.

"Is this how it ends? Is there nothing we can do?"

Bei Quan shook his head with sregret.


He replied.

"At least for now, I haven't thought of a solution yet."

Wei Fuyuan understood Bei Quan's personality and didn't continue to dwell on this issue.

Mr. Xin, who was two steps behind, listened anxiously.

He was self-aware and knew that with his weak combat abilities, he wouldn't stand a chance against the other five, even if he had an AK-47 in his hands. He had no idea how to release the safety lock and he couldn't kill someone and obtain the so-called power enhancement.

Moreover, as someone who grew up in a peaceful society, bound by morality and conscience, Mr. Xin couldn't bring himself to take someone's life.

Originally, Mr. Xin had hoped that those two individuals who seemed capable would find a way to save him. But now, hearing one of them admit that they didn't know what to do was truly discouraging.

-No way.

Mr. Xin thought dejectedly:

-All I can do is cling to the thighs of these big shots as much as possible and hope for the best.

With that in mind, he stole a glance at Luo Yun beside him.

Ever since his sister's death, Luo Yun has been devastated, completely lost, and disinterested in everything around him. He walked with his head down, seemingly unaware of what Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan were talking about. Seeing Luo Yun like this, Mr. Xin felt a pang of sympathy.

He reached out and gave the young man's shoulder a dry pat, offering sconsolation, "My condolences."

Luo Yun seemed to snap out of a daze, suddenly lifting his head.

"What did you say?"

"Well, cough!"

Mr. Xin hesitated for a moment.

After thinking it over, he decided to change the subject. "Um... the Immortal Tower is not far ahead!"

Mr. Xin pointed ahead, "We..."

His words got stuck in his throat.

Because right in front of them was a massive pile of rubble, about seven or eight stories high, made up of large rocks and broken tiles.

Unless they were Spider-Man, there was no way they could climb over it.

At that moment, Wei Fuyuan turned around and said to Luo Yun and Mr. Xin,

"Let's go around it."

Luckily, the four of them didn't take long to find a narrow passage amidst the large piles of broken tiles and ruins.

This passage wasn't very wide, only enough for the four of them to walk one in front of the other.

Wei Fuyuan turned his headlamp to the brightest setting and shone it inside.

This passage was originally designed as a Greek-style arched corridor.

To be more specific, it had rows of stone pillars on either side as support, with a carved stone din a circular arch shape at the top.

During the collapse of the ruins, it's unclear whether the design of the arched corridor was particularly strong or if it was intentionally left intact as a path for players. Surprisingly, this corridor didn't suffer much damage and remained mostly intact, except for a few broken sections in the stone-arched dome.

"We should be able to pass through this corridor," Wei Fuyuan said.

The others agreed, thinking there was no better option.

They formed a single file and entered the corridor. Wei Fuyuan led the way, followed by Mr. Xin, Luo Yun in the third position, with Bei Quan at the rear.

The first half of the journey went smoothly.

However, as they approached the halfway point, they suddenly heard an unusual 'sha sha, sha sha, sha sha' sound.

It sounded like the rubbing of two sandpapers, faint and rough, yet strangely piercing, causing goosebumps all over. What was even more terrifying was that this intermittent 'sha sha' sound was getting louder, meaning the source was getting closer to them. Everyone stopped in their tracks.

Although this was a corridor, it had no walls, only stone pillars, and the domed ceiling had holes everywhere.

Such a drafty structure certainly didn't provide any sense of safety.

The 'sha sha, sha sha' grew even closer.

Bei Quan quickly took out a talisman made of gauze and recited an incantation.

The soft gauze instantly straightened in his hand and flew into the air.


The talisman emitted a faint blue flame, hovering above their heads while quietly burning. In the glow of the fire, everyone gasped in surprise.

They saw many small and large black shadows, either on the outer side of the dor next to the pillars.

The small black shadows were only as big as a fist, while the large ones were about as big as a face. They were all motionless, lurking in anticipation of their prey.

"What, what is that?!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Mr. Xin felt like his fear of crowds was about to kick in. Pale-faced, he pointed at the disc-shaped things above their heads and exclaimed loudly, "There, there are so many of them!"

The next moment, the monsters answered Mr. Xin's question with their actions.

They suddenly moved.

Each black disc extended eight segmented long legs and fiercely pounced towards the four people in the corridor.

"Be careful!!"

Wei Fuyuan only had tto say these two words when he heard Mr. Xin let out a piercing scream.

Three black spiders spewed out spider silk towards Mr. Xin.

The three strands of silk were like ropes that wrapped around his waist, right leg, and right knee. He was then lifted like a pitiful fish caught on a hook, flying towards the opening in the dome.

Wei Fuyuan wanted to turn around and rescue him.

But at that moment, a spider the size of a millstone swung its eight long legs and charged straight towards his face.

This scene was just like the Spider monster Shelob in 'Lord of The Rings' and a bit like Aragog and its descendants in the Forbidden Forest from 'Harry Potter.'

Wei Fuyuan's heart was extremely overwhelmed.

He covered his knife with the power of merit and slashed open the abdomen of the large spider in front of him.

Then, he swiftly turned around and severed the four long legs of another spider with a quick strike.

Two spiders fell to the ground, one with a slashed belly and bright yellow sperm spilling everywhere, while the other had a leg broken on one side and fell into its companion's 'liquid' due to imbalance.

However, there were still more spiders lurking nearby.

"Let's go!"

Wei Fuyuan grabbed Bei Quan and said, "We'll charge through!"

At this moment, poor Mr. Xin had already been dragged up to the dome, completely disappearing from their sight.

And Luo Yun, like just coming out of a daze, his survival instinct surged, and he ran towards the exit.

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan also started running.

Countless spiders of various sizes fell like raindrops, and strands of spider silk shot towards them.

In theory, the spider silk should be sticky and incredibly tough. Once entangled, the outcwould be like Mr. Xin's, unable to escape easily.

However, after Wei Fuyuan infused his knife with the power of merit, the ordinary military knife instantly beca divine weapon that could cut through iron like mud.

With a swing, he could easily cut through thick steel wires.

On the other hand, Bei Quan's fighting style was more straightforward and brutal.

Animals fear fire, and spider silk is flammable. Bei Quan simply used a few basic fire spells in his hand.

Whenever there were any spiders that Wei Fuyuan hadn't dealt with, he would throw a talisman to force the spiders back and burn through their webs.

As they ran and fought, they managed to dodge most of the attacks. For the remaining ones, they either slashed or burned them. Although it was a bit messy, they safely made it through the second half of the corridor, with less than ten meters left to the exit. Just then, with a dull thud, a large, pitch-black object fell from the sky and landed right in front of them!