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Thriller Night Talk

Ch182 - Then I’ll leave it to you, please
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

Wei Fuyuan turned the girl over. Luo Lan was seriously injured.

Her left shoulder had been completely bitten through by the winged lizard's sharp teeth. Blood gushed out from dozens of deep wounds that exposed the bones, completely soaking her light-colored T-shirt. Whether it was due to extrpain, excessive shock, excessive blood loss or perhaps a combination of all three, Luo Lan had completely passed out.

While Wei Fuyuan examined her injuries, her eyes were tightly closed, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyelashes trembled, but she couldn't wake up. Upon checking her breathing, she was exhaling more than inhaling, appearing to be on the brink of death.

"Ah Lan! Ah Lan!"

Luo Yun looked at the horrifying wound on the girl's shoulder, appearing completely distraught.

"Wh-what do we do?!"

He stared at Wei Fuyuan with a pleading look in his eyes, speaking incoherently.

"Sh-should we stop the bleeding now? Yes! Yes! We should stop the bleeding! But, we don't have any medicine! What should we do?!"


Wei Fuyuan couldn't bear to watch anymore.

He thought to himself that this brother who dotes on his sister and cares for her, is really weak. Getting so flustered in a situation like this, truly fits the saying 'a scholar is useless in a hundred ways'!

"Stay calm, this will only hinder our rescue efforts!"

Saying that, Wei Fuyuan looked up at Bei Quan who quickly walked over to them. "What do we do now?"

Bei Quan didn't answer immediately but nodded to indicate that he understood.

He then crouched down, using the flashlight on his wrist as a light source and carefully examined the girl's wound.

"The wound is deep," Bei Quan said softly.

"I'll try my best to stop the bleeding, but..."

He paused. "I can't guarantee that she'll survive."

"What!?" Luo Yin's face drained of color upon hearing this, turning pale as paper.

"No, it can't be!"

He grabbed Bei Quan's arm, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Please, you have to save her! She's my only sister! She... she can't die!"

Bei Quan glanced at the emotional Luo Yun and calmly replied, "I'll do my best."

Meanwhile, Wei Fuyuan furrowed his brows deeply.

He sensed that something was off.

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Although Bei Quan appeared calm and composed, Wei Fuyuan, who knew him well, sensed something different just from his voice.

Yes, his voice sounded weak, as if he were exhausted.

At this moment, Bei Quan had already torn open the girl's bloody and wet T-shirt.

He pressed several acupoints on her collarbone and drew a blood-stopping talisman. However, Luo Lan's injuries were too severe. Although this type of talisman was effective, it couldn't bring her back to life.

The bleeding wasn't as intense as before, but it still trickled down like a small stream.

Bei Quan, after all, wasn't a medical practitioner, and his knowledge was limited. He didn't have any good solutions at present.

"Letgive it a try."

A weak male voice cfrom behind.

Everyone turned around and saw Mr. Xin, who had been knocked unconscious earlier. It was clear that the impact had injured his leg, as he now limped and his left arm appeared dislocated.

He hobbled over to Luo Lan and placed his hand over her wound.

Bei Quan and the others watched as a semi-transparent sticky substance overflowed from his palm and dripped onto the girl's bloody wound, quickly hardening into an amber-like substance. "This is my ability," Mr. Xin said with a bitter smile.

"It's not much fighting power... but at least in times like this, it can serve as makeshift bandages."

As he spoke, more of the sticky substance dripped onto Luo Lan's wound, gradually wrapping the entire injured area.

The bleeding finally stopped.

The girl still hadn't woken up.

She was lying on the ground, her face was pale, her eyes were closed and except for her weak breathing, she was no different from a dead person.

Luo Yun hugged his sister who was barely alive, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I-what should we do now?" he asked, crying.

"We need to leave this..."

Bei Quan's words trailed off abruptly.

He clenched his fist with one hand, pressing it against his lips, as if unable to suppress the tickling sensation in his throat, and started coughing. Eventually, Bei Quan coughed so hard that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Bei Quan!"

Wei Fuyuan's face turned pale.

He had noticed earlier that his lover seemed unwell, but never expected it to be so severe as to cough up blood.

"How are you feeling? What's wrong!?"

Young Master Wei rushed to Bei Quan's side, "Are you injured? Did those two lizards hurt you!?"

"I'm fine," Bei Quan shook his head, then smiled apologetically at Luo Yun and Mr. Xin.

He whispered, "The talisman I just drew is a high-level one, and I... I struggled to control it. The reckless result is that I suffered sinternal injuries."

This explanation did not satisfy Wei Fuyuan in the slightest.

He wanted to continue questioning, but Bei Quan grabbed his hands and squeezed them tightly.

"We've wasted enough there, we need to move forward quickly."

Luo Yun and Mr. Xin both agreed with Bei Quan's words.

They couldn't afford any more delays.

Luo Yun carried his unconscious sister on his back, and Mr. Xin helped secure her with a few loops of rope. Luo Yun, lacking the strength even to truss a chicken, was a weak scholar and didn't have much physical strength.

Fortunately, Luo Lan was just a high school student, not tall, with a slender and fragile figure. She weighed only 80 pounds, so carrying her on his back wasn't too difficult.

Wei Fuyuan insisted on carrying Bei Quan on his back also.

Bei Quan didn't seem embarrassed at all and readily agreed, even voluntarily leaning on Wei Fuyuan's back.

Their heights were not much different. Although Bei Quan was thin, his body was well-toned from years of training, with solid muscles. Naturally, he wasn't light in weight at all.

But, Wei Fuyuan wasn't like Luo Yun, a weak and bookish person.

Carrying Bei Quan on his back wasn't difficult for him.

After making preparations, they immediately set off and headed towards the exit at the other end of the square.

Luckily, no other monsters or unwelcguests popped up, so they made their way through smoothly.

As they walked, Wei Fuyuan asked, "Are you sure your injury is okay?"

Bei Quan popped his head out from Wei Fuyuan's left shoulder, his lips brushing against Wei Fuyuan's temple, while his right hand lightly stroked his chest a few times.

Wei Fuyuan: "!!!"

He widened his eyes in shock, and the muscles in his back tensed up instantly.

"It's okay, I just need to take a break," he said.

Bei Quan lowered his head, his fingers lightly tracing Wei Fuyuan's chest. With a feeble tone, he whispered, "But... this internal injury might affect my ability to draw formations later..."

"It's fine!" Wei Fuyuan quickly interrupted him.

"I will protect you!"

Upon hearing this, Bei Quan chuckled softly and then turned his head away, suppressing a cough.

After coughing, Bei Quan weakly smiled and said, "Is that so? Then I'll leave it to you."

The five of them crossed the long side of the oval-shaped square and, after exiting, used the Immortal Tower as a reference to correct their direction and continued forward as much as possible.

Wei Fuyuan carried Bei Quan on his back, Luo Yun carried Luo Lan on his back, and Mr. Xin injured his foot during the previous attack, so the three of them weren't moving very fast. However, they had good luck in the latter part of their journey. The path behind the exit wasn't difficult to walk, and they didn't encounter any more monsters or suspicious individuals.

By the tthe third fifteen-minute mark ended, they had successfully run out of the 'poison zone'.

When the earthquake came, they were standing next to a collapsed wall.

Wei Fuyuan set Bei Quan down, with Luo Yun leaning against the wall with his sister.

The tremors lasted for about a minute, and the square they had just passed through, along with the surrounding land, was completely crushed into powder, plunging into a bottomless darkness.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Then, the piercing sound of the air raid siren rang out in the sky.

[Now broadcasting the latest information.]

The Loli mechanical voice spoke for the fourth time.

[In the past fifteen minutes, ten people have unfortunately died, leaving seven remaining...]

At this point, Loli's voice abruptly stopped.

After about three seconds of eerie silence, it spoke again:

[Correction, eleven people have unfortunately died, leaving six remaining.]

At the stime, Bei Quan, Wei Fuyuan, and Mr. Xin heard a heart-wrenching cry from beside them:

"Ah Lan! Ah Lan! Ah Lan!!"

Everyone turned their heads together.

They saw Luo Lan leaning against the broken wall, her whole body in a limp and powerless posture. No matter how her brother called out to her and shook her, she didn't respond at all.

Bei Quan and the others felt a sinking feeling in their hearts.

It seemed that Luo Lan couldn't hold on to her injuries in the end and took her last breath just now.

The sudden increase in the number of deaths would mean it was this poor little girl.

And the loli voice continued:

[I'm sure all the survivors are not far from reaching the Immortal Tower now, success is right in front of you!]

[Please everyone, keep up the good work and don't let your guard down!]

Then cthe routine supply drop.

But this time, the supply drop rules were different from the previous two times.

[Considering that everyone will soon enter the tower, the supplies will no longer be randomly dropped with parachutes but will be arranged in various locations around the Immortal Tower. Please make sure to observe carefully!]

After saying that, the loli voice added:

[The third wave of monsters will respawn in sixty seconds. The monsters in this round will be stronger than any you have encountered before, so please prepare for battle.]

Finally, it instructed:

[In addition, when the monsters respawn, a new fifteen-minute round will also begin.]

[When this round ends, all areas outside the Immortal Tower will collapse and disappear, so please be careful!]

After speaking, the mechanical loli voice fell silent.

Bei Quan, Wei Fuyuan and Mr. Xin gathered around Luo Yun and checked her vital signs one by one.

No breathing, no pulse, They opened her eyelids to check her pupils and shined a flashlight, but there was no response to the light.

Luo Lan was indeed dead.

"Your sister is gone."

Wei Fuyuan dragged Luo Yun, who was crying almost to the point of collapse and pulled him up. "Let's continue moving forward," he said.