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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2049: million spirit array
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Originally, everyone thought that Du Dan was depressed like this, but when the first elder wanted to get close to Du Dan, Du Dan struggled again.

Du Dan kept grabbing the spell on his body, trying to pull the spell off, but he couldn't pull it off no matter what, even his hands were bleeding and still insisted.

Because of Du Dan's actions, the Great Elder couldn't go forward again, so he had to look at Du Dan hesitantly.

Seeing that his most beloved apprentice had become like this, the headmaster naturally felt a little unbearable in his heart, so he turned his head and looked at Bai Linger fiercely.

"Just what do you want to make my apprentice become like you are willing to!"

Bai Ling'er didn't respond to the head's words, but looked at Du Yu with a smile.

"I'll teach you a formation today, but you have to find the materials yourself, I won't help you."

Just when Bai Linger was talking to Du Yu here, the magic talisman on Du Dan's side had begun to tear.

Du Dan stared at Du Yu and Bai Linger, roaring incessantly, trying to vent the anger in his heart, and he kept scratching the spells on his body.

But no matter what Du Dan did, he was powerless after all.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Du Dan roared hard, his face with a hint of ashen, and it was even more ugly.

The expressions of the elders and the head of the Yuntian faction became ugly.

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Especially the face of the head, it can be said to be extremely ugly, and even frowned and took a few steps back.

It just so happened that Du Dan just saw this scene, and the whole person became more and more crazy.

The stimulated Du Shan's strength has greatly increased, and he can quickly get rid of this spell.

The elders all wanted to go to stop Du Dan, but they knew clearly that they could not beat Du Dan, so they could only watch here.

Because the second elder came into contact with the black gas around Du Dan before, it was corroded, but fortunately, he was rescued in time, otherwise it would be troublesome.

After the other elders knew this, they naturally did not dare to approach Du Dan, which was a pity at the same time with a trace of fear and disgust.

Du Yu and Bai Linger could see clearly the emotions of the elders, but Du Yu only thought it was too normal for human nature.

Saints who have always claimed to be peaceful can also tear their faces, let alone these elders.

"Okay, don't worry about this, I'll teach you later, but you have learned a very powerful formation, and you can trap a lot of powerful things."ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ novelenglish.net . Firᴇ(.)nᴇt

Bai Linger didn't want Du Yu, she was distracted by this little thing, she felt that Du Yu was someone who wanted to do big things.

Of course, Du Yu also knew what was most important right now, and in the end he just glanced at the crazy Du Dan who was doing his last struggle.

Speaking of which, Bai Linger's move really surprised Du Yu. With just a few spells, he can trap the difficult companion, and he can trap the opponent for so long, which is much more powerful than the ordinary spell-chanting formation.

Therefore, Du Yu probably guessed what Bailinger was going to teach himself, and the whole person cheered up, although it was not a good time for teaching.

"What I want to give you is the Million Spirit Talisman Formation. After you learn it, try it on this person first."

While talking, Bai Linger glanced at Du Dan over there, and then explained to Du Yu.

"Million Spirit Talisman Formation, as the name suggests, is a formation composed of millions of spiritual Talismans, which can trap many powerful things."

Bai Linger said and took out a magic talisman from her own space.

The other elders all listened to what Bai Linger said. When they heard that Bai Linger was going to teach such a powerful formation, they couldn't help but pricked up their ears to listen, but when they saw that Bai Linger only took out a magic talisman. The face fell down.

With just one magic talisman, I am afraid that it is not a fantasy to want to get a million talisman certificate.

After the elders glanced at Bailinger with contempt, they turned their attention to Du Dan again, and they all discussed how to rescue Du Dan.

It can be seen that the few talismans thrown by Bai Linger have almost expired, and the cracks are already large.

But they didn't dare to go forward rashly, for fear of being corroded by this black gas.

When the sect master heard Bai Linger say the million spirit talisman formation, he kept his mind on Bai Linger.

I think when the headmaster was still young, he heard his grandfather say that there is a million spirit talisman formation, and I heard that it is something that can only be done with strong spiritual power.

You must use your own spiritual power to control the formation composed of millions of spiritual talismans in an instant, and your spiritual power must be sufficient.

I didn't expect this woman to look so young and have such a powerful formation.

Bai Linger also noticed Du Yu's eyes and began to explain to Du Yu again. It seemed that she had time to sort it out properly, otherwise it would be too troublesome to explain everything by herself.

"Don't look at it as just a magic talisman, as long as you are strong enough, a magic talisman can also become a million magic talismans."

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Bai Linger squeezed the magic talisman in her hand and shook it, only to see more and more magic talismans tossed.

Gradually, it turned from a magic talisman into a stack of magic talismans, and then into a stack of magic talismans.

Du Yu felt that Bai Linger's current appearance was very similar to the kind of street art specially formed by some liars in the arena.

But of course it is impossible for Du Yu to say something like this, at most he just thinks about it in his heart.

Bai Linger seemed to sense Du Yu's eyes, but shook her head helplessly.

"There is one more important thing I didn't tell you, the million lings are not right, the most important thing is not to have a million talismans, but the quality of these talismans. bigger."

"There are many types of talismans, which are divided into low-level, intermediate-level and high-level. For example, this one in my hand is high-level. I scraped this from your master. After you learn it, I will teach it to you."

When the sect master heard Bai Linger say the high-level magic talisman, his eyes widened. When had he seen such a high-level magic talisman, the highest level he had seen was usually intermediate.

It's not easy for them to see spells now, let alone use spells to make formations.

The head cast a glance at the spell in Bai Ling'er's hand, with greed in his eyes.

I also started to think about it.

Bailinger briefly explained to Du Yu how to use the million zeros. It happened that Du Yu was also a very intelligent person, and he understood it after a few moments.

"That's right, I'll give you this magic talisman, you can try it, the magic talisman on his body won't last long, then you can use the million spirit talisman array to directly control him, and then pump the magic energy from him. come out."

Bai Linger stuffed the magic talisman to Du Yu, and explained what Du Yu should do next.

Du Yu stared blankly at the spell in his hand, but his eyes soon became firm. *