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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2048: Demonize
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For a while the scene fell into rigidity, and Du Dan was still in pain.

Du Dan only felt that he was in deep darkness, and it was very painful.

He felt that it was Bai Linger and Du Yu's fault that he became like this, and if it wasn't for them, they wouldn't be in such pain.


Du Dan could only make a few painful sounds from his throat.

If there is no arrival of Du Yu and Bai Linger, then he is still the son of Tianjiao, and he still enjoys everyone's praise for himself.

But after these two people came, his life changed completely. Every one of his juniors and brothers looked at him with contempt, and now he has embarked on this path.


The second elder closest to Du Dan heard the word "death" whispering in Du Dan's mouth.

The second elder was startled, and quickly turned to look at Du Dan.

Now Du Shan opened his eyes, but they were all black, as if he was stunned by a demon.

"Girls, what's wrong with you?!"

The second elder grabbed Du Shan's shoulders with both hands and shook it vigorously, trying to wake him up.

But obviously, this approach will only make Du Dan more angry, and the anger in his heart will deepen.

"All die! All die for me..."

Du Dan roared angrily, a black aura from his body, which directly shook the second elder away, and the surrounding elders were also affected.

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After seeing this scene, the hesitant Sect Master widened his eyes and opened his mouth slightly.

"Girls, what's wrong with you!"

The elder couldn't believe that the usual gentle disciple had now become like this.

Du Dan's body was surrounded by black qi, and that black qi also entangled Du Dan tightly, as if the two were about to merge into one.

Bai Ling'er was not surprised when she saw this scene, instead she looked as expected.

Du Yu was surprised at first, but after seeing Bai Linger's appearance, he knew that all this was in Bai Linger's calculations.

"I didn't expect him to be as magical as I imagined."

Bai Linger spoke in a low voice, and only Du Yu next to her could hear it clearly.

Du Yu turned to look at Bai Linger, with doubts in his eyes.

"He estimated that he was given something to increase his spiritual power, but this kind of thing contains magical energy. As long as it is not used properly, it will be backlashed, and the chance of this backlash is also very high."

Bai Linger said, and turned her attention to Du Dan.

At this time, Du Dan was already unconscious, and all that echoed in his mind was killing Du Yu and Bai Linger.

Du Dan's face was ashen, and his lips began to turn purple, like someone in a demon sect.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault! If it wasn't for you, how could I become like this!"

Du Dan kept complaining, his hair dancing wildly with the black energy on his body.

Du Yu couldn't help frowning when he looked at the other party. Doesn't this phenomenon of the other party just show that the other party is demonized?

"The Yuntian faction is really good. If you teach such a disciple, you won't be ashamed if you say it!"

Bai Linger seemed to have nothing happened, and continued to stimulate the Yuntian faction.

The head and the elders were so angry that their faces turned blue, but they were helpless. The most important thing now is to deal with their apprentice.

The Yuntian faction, who has always been arrogant and nosy, has taught a demonized apprentice.

"This is also related to you. Don't think that you can escape this relationship by pretending that it has nothing to do with you!"

It's already like this, the first elder still tried to pull Du Yu and Bai Linger into the water.

But how could Du Yu and Bai Linger be pulled into the water so easily, two or three sentences were reversed several times again.

"What does this have to do with us? You sent some bad people tomorrow and instigated your disciples. What does it have to do with us?"ɴᴇᴡ ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ᴏɴ NovelEnglish.net

Bai Linger squinted her eyes, raised her head slightly, and looked at everyone in front of her with a noble look.

Du Yu also watched all this with a cold eye.

Isn't all this caused by Du Dan himself?

Du Yu has seen a lot of people like Du Dan, and each of them has gone wrong, so Du Yu is not surprised by this situation.

Seeing that the two of them were so calm, the elders and the others also started to get restless. If they didn't suppress Du Dan in time, it would be bad if they disturbed all the disciples.

"No matter how you say or deny it, the responsibility is all caused by you. If you didn't stimulate my disciple, he wouldn't be like this, would he?"

Sure enough, Du Dan, who had not acted at all, started to riot when he mentioned these.

Everything the head said made Du Dan deeply remember that he became this ugly appearance because of Bai Linger and Du Yu.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

Du Dan roared and rushed over, turning his hand into a sharp blade.

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But Du Dan's actions in Du Yu and Bai Ling'er's eyes seemed like children's petty fights, and they were easily avoided.

After a few tricks, Du Dan still didn't touch Du Yu and Bai Linger's clothes, which made the black aura around him even more intense.

Du Yu frowned slightly and looked at Bai Linger.

"What is the black air around him, senior?"

"It's just resentment. As long as the resentment in his heart is deeper, his resentment will be even deeper, but in the end, all this is just a nourishment for someone."

After Du Yu heard this sentence, he looked at him in shock, and there was a trace of sadness in Du Shan's eyes.

In the final analysis, the other party struggled so hard in the end, and became a tonic for a certain demonic person.

Although the other party is indeed excessive, the final result is still sad, but sad but sad, Du Yu has no pity.

Don't say that Du Yu is too indifferent, Du Yu has experienced too much, he knows that mercy is just superfluous in this world.

Even though Du Yu felt that the other party was pitiful in his heart, the movements in his hands were still the same, and he would not spare the other party.

Du Dan saw that the two of them didn't care about their appearance, and the anger in his heart also burned.


The black air stretched out to Du Yu and Bai Ling'er like tentacles.

Du Yu and Bai Linger jumped down one after another, avoiding the tentacles on both sides, but the tentacles knocked a deep hole on the ground.

"Looks like this man has to kill us both."

Bai Linger spoke slowly and took out a spell from her space.


Bai Linger scolded loudly and threw the spell in his hand directly at Du Dan.

The spell is directly hidden on Du Dan's body, and Du Dan can't escape this spell for a while.

Until the end slowly subsided and stopped moving. *