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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2034: Suspect
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As Bai Linger thought, they had already aroused suspicion, because when they came to pick up Du Qing, Du Dan had already finished eating and came to knock on their door for breakfast.

But Du Dan knocked for a long time and no one answered, not even a sound inside, but in the end Du Dan still did not open the door, but he had already confirmed in his heart that there was no one inside.

Because Du Dan didn't sense the breath of a living creature inside.

It seems that these people have hidden a lot of secrets.

After a few people returned to the room, Du Qing looked at Bai Linger in surprise. What she didn't expect was that Bai Linger had hidden so many things.

At the same time, Du Qing knew Du Yu very well. She knew that Du Yu liked that kind of powerful person, so she was very worried that Du Yu would be taken away.

This also made Du Qing stick to Du Yu more and more.

Du Yu and Yuan Clover hadn't eaten in the morning, so they thought about going down to eat a meal first.

"Xiaoqing, do you want to go down to dinner with us?"

Du Yu asked Du Qing with his own tenderness. This is probably Du Yu's last tenderness towards Du Qing.

"not yet."

Du Qing cautiously said a harmless look to humans and animals.

Just when Du Yu started thinking about taking Du Qing to dinner, Bai Linger spoke up.

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"You two go down to eat first, I'll tell her something, and I'll take her down later."

Bai Linger felt that it was necessary for them to explain everything to this woman now, otherwise, what good things would go wrong, just like last time, trusting others too easily was all caused by the jealousy in Du Qing's heart. .

Du Yu glanced at Bailinger hesitantly, but he thought of something and left. Yuan Clover was confused and left.

Next, only Bailinger and Du Qing were left in the room.

Bai Linger looked at Du Qing with indifference in her eyes, and Du Qing's eyes no longer had the cowardice and fear before.

"I tell you, now we have very important things to do. If you change our good things, I will make you look good!"

Bai Linger's tone was very fierce, as if Du Qing could kill Du Qing directly if she dared to mess around.

Du Qing was afraid in her heart, but she felt that she couldn't back down now, so she also contradicted Bai Ling'er.

"How could I ruin your plan? I'm not so stupid, but I want you to leave brother Du Yu."

Hearing Du Qing's request, Bailinger looked at Du Qing with a look of "you are still very naive".

This made Du Qing want to rush up and shave Bailinger's beautiful face a few times.

"Don't look at me with those eyes, I only have this one request. As long as you agree to me, I will not spoil any of your plans, and will even listen to you very much."

"No, I just think your idea is too naive. I will always leave Du Yu, because my purpose is to help him, not to spend the rest of my life with him."Follow current s on novelenglish.net . fire(.)nᴇt

"I hope you will give up your ridiculous idea in the future, and don't act like a clown jumping in front of me."

Bai Linger has always been calm and powerful, so she looks down on this kind of thinking like a clown jumping on a beam.

At this time, Du Qing only felt that she had been humiliated.

"Who knows, what if you get tempted in the middle? After all, brother Du Yu is so good, you might not be tempted."

This sentence was said by Du Qing forcefully, although she also knew in her heart that Bai Linger would not be with Du Yu.

"Okay, I don't want to continue, I heard this sentence from your mouth again, you understand it to me, my relationship with Du Yu is just a cooperative relationship, his master asked me to help him After all, when I achieve my goal, I will travel around the world."

After Bai Linger finished speaking, she waved Du Qing out of the door with a wave of her hand, and the door closed directly.

Looking at the closed door, Du Qing squeezed her fist tightly, even her fingernails pierced into the flesh in her palm, causing bleeding without knowing it.

This made Du Qing feel that what she was thinking about seemed worthless in the eyes of others, but at the same time she was glad that Bai Linger and Du Yu could not be together at all.

After calming down a bit, Du Qing went downstairs to sit next to Du Yu and have breakfast together.

Du Yu's eyes directly saw the red blood on Bai Ling'er's palm.

Du Yu just glanced at it and didn't ask, because Du Yu was sitting downstairs, but he had already heard the conversation between the two upstairs clearly.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that Du Yu should not be able to hear Bai Linger's dialogue, but it seems that Bai Linger deliberately gave Du Yu this dialogue, and Du Yu is well aware of this.

At that time, Yuan Mu, who was beside him, saw the traces in Du Qing's hands, and quickly put down the tableware and chopsticks in his hand, and picked up Du Qing's white and tender little hands to check.

"Girl, your skin is delicate, but you can't help tossing around like this. If you accidentally leave a scar in the future, it won't look good."

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While speaking softly, Yuan Hao held Du Qing's hand and quietly healed the wound in Du Qing's hand.

Yuan Clover was very concealed, so the people around didn't notice it.

After the scar was healed, Yuan Hao let go of Du Qing's hand, after all, men and women are incompatible.

I thought no one saw this scene, but Du Dan, who was not far away, saw it.

This is nothing in the first place. After all, there are not a few people who can heal wounds, but Du Dan has checked, Yuan Su is simply a person without spiritual power, how can it be possible to heal people's wounds.

And this extra little girl doesn't look ordinary, especially the little girl's eyeballs, which look very special, as if they've seen it before.

At this time, Du Yu also seemed to have noticed the change in Du Qing's eyes.

Before Du Yu could think of anything, Bai Linger's voice transmission was received in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Pay more attention to this woman. At first, her sexual characteristics were not obvious, but now her characteristics are starting to become obvious, the most prominent of which are her eyes. Many people will judge from her eyes that she is a beast. It's time to be troublesome."

After saying this sentence, there was no sound from Bailinger's side, and Du Yu guessed that the other party was already asleep.

Du Yu looked at Du Qing while thinking, and looked at each other's eyes with attention.

At first, Du Qing's eyes looked quite normal, but now Du Qing's eyes gradually started to turn red, and even had a hint of red streamer.

If it is a normal person, it will not be noticed at all, but a person with a little spiritual power can see it as long as he looks closely.

It seems that I need to pay more attention.

Although Du Qing noticed Du Yu's gaze, she didn't know why Du Yu was, she just felt a little shy. *