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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2033: Preservation
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After Bailinger said some words, she immediately kicked Du Yuyuanmu and the two out.

The two of them were still a little dumbfounded during the whole process. What they didn't expect was that Bai Linger would push them out so directly, but thinking about it again, it seemed like a matter of course.

"What should you do now, Fellow Daoist Du? Miss Bai will continue to sleep."

At first, Yuan Hao was a little worried about his clansmen, after all, they didn't have any ability to protect themselves.

The main thing for Yuan Hao was to worry that Du Qing would destroy the barrier after she came out, but seeing Bai Linger's appearance, it seemed that there was nothing serious, and Yuan Hao was no longer worried.

"I don't know what to do. After all, we can't leave rashly now, and it will definitely attract the attention of the Yuntian faction."

At this moment, Du Yu felt that he should not have accepted Du Qing at the beginning, otherwise there would be no such troubles now.

In fact, from a certain point of view, Du Yu's feelings are very indifferent, and he can quickly let go of a person. After all, it is really beneficial for Du Yu to become stronger.

Thinking of this, a trace of impatience flashed in Du Yu's eyes, and this trace of impatience was also captured by Yuanmu.

Yuan Hao was secretly shocked, but he didn't expect Du Yu, who seemed to be gentle, to be so indifferent in his heart.

But think about it, after all, how many people in the Jianghu are affectionate people.

Just when the two were about to say something, Du Yu only felt that something shattered in his chest.

Pulling open the placket, it turned out to be the wooden sign corresponding to Du Qing.

"Friend Du, can you feel that girl now?"

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Yuan Hao didn't quite understand these things, so he frowned and asked Du Yu.

Du Yu also frowned. Although he could feel where Du Qing was, he didn't know why Du Qing was so close to them.

He didn't believe that Du Qing was so close to them without knowing it.

Looking at the serious expression on Du Yu's face, he felt that this matter must not be simple. I'm afraid something happened to that girl, not a trivial matter.

Du Yu stared at the broken wooden sign on his chest and pondered.

"Daoyou Du, Daoyou Du, what should we do now? It's impossible to stay here forever, or wait for that girl to be in the wilderness."

"I believe fellow Daoists Du also understand that there are a lot of bad people in this wilderness. It would be bad if something happened to that girl, or someone with bad intentions kidnapped her."

Yuan Hao said with a hint of calculation in his heart.

Du Yu frowned, still a little hesitant in his heart.

Just when the two of them didn't hesitate to come out, Bai Linger's door opened.

At this time, Bai Linger is no longer as disheveled as before, but is very gorgeously dressed.

It looks like an ordinary red coat, but it is inlaid with a trace of gold thread.

And this gold wire doesn't look like ordinary gold wire, which makes Du Yu a little puzzled.

"Senior, what are you doing so well dressed?"

"Is this still a good name? I just took out a random piece of clothing. There are many more like this."

Bai Linger waved her hand, a little helpless, could it be that in the eyes of Du Yu and the others, he was a poor person who could only wear ordinary clothes?

Besides, I have lived for so long, how could I not have one or two good clothes.

Bai Linger glanced at Du Yu contemptuously, which made Du Yu feel a little embarrassed. It was also because he ignored that the senior was already a nine-tailed fox, and he didn't have anything.

"Okay, don't stay at this door, didn't you say that the woman escaped? Then let's go and find it, if I guess right, she probably broke the wooden sign, you Tell me the approximate location, and let's hurry over, otherwise we won't be able to control the other party's trouble."

Bai Linger rubbed her messy hair, but her face was filled with impatience that she didn't wake up.ᴛhis chapter is ᴜpdated by novelenglish.net . Fɪre

After he saw the woman, he decided to deal with the woman first, so that she would not be so messy in the future.

"Good senior."

Du Yu described the approximate location to Bai Linger, and Bai Linger recruited Du Yu and the two into her room.

The following group of people were very curious, looking at the three of them and didn't know what they were saying, but they didn't know how to cooperate with them, they just couldn't hear what the three were saying.

Du Dan, who was eating breakfast downstairs, looked sternly at the three people who entered the room.

I don't know what kind of enchantment was applied, and I couldn't even hear a sound.

It seems that these people are not easy to deal with, and I am afraid that those junior brothers of my own are useless.

It is very necessary for me to tell the elders in the sect, especially that woman, who looks absolutely extraordinary.

Du Dan was thinking in his heart.

Du Yu and the others came to the place where the wooden sign was crushed and saw Du Qing squatting by the tree.

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When Du Qing saw Du Yu who appeared suddenly, she hurriedly ran to Du Yu and hugged Du Yu, and began to act coquettishly.

"Brother Du Yu, why are you here at this time? I've been waiting for you for a long time. I haven't seen you since I woke up. I'm really scared."

Du Qing buried her head in Du Yu's arms, making it difficult to see her emotions.

Bai Linger on the side looked at this scene with contempt, what are you afraid of? Baoyuan is a group of cute monsters, how could they be scary.

Du Yu didn't hug Du Qing directly, but put his hands in the air, looking a little stiff.

Of course Du Yu also knew that Du Qing was lying, but the other party was a child, so he didn't need to expose this lie.

After a while, Du Yu slowed down and patted Du Qing on the back.

"Okay, don't be afraid, am I by your side? Let's go, but then you have to be obedient."

Du Yu squatted down and looked directly at Du Qing, his face full of seriousness.

He couldn't let Du Qing ruin his plan.

This sentence made Du Qing a little sad. He didn't expect that he would have this image in Du Yu's heart, but at the same time he planned how to improve his image.

But even though she was very sad in her heart, Du Qing's face seemed to be very cooperative, which made Du Yu nodded pertinently.

As long as Du Qing knows current affairs, Du Yu will not abandon Du Qing.

"Okay, don't be gentle here, leave here quickly, we can't let that group of people find out that we're gone, they'll probably find out more things by then."

Du Yu and Du Qing have the intention to be gentle here, but Bai Linger doesn't. For Bai Linger, she hasn't woken up yet, so she has to go back to sleep quickly.

Du Yu nodded and stood up, but Du Qing was always reluctant to let go of Du Yu's hand.

Seeing Du Qing's clingy appearance, Bai Linger was very helpless, and after a thousand miles of shrinking, several people returned to the room. *