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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2433
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2433

“Indeed… You know, at the start, she swore that she’d never get married till the day she got her revenge. Still…

Love isn’t exactly something we can freely control… I’m sure you’re aware that we were in a relationship back

when we were still studying, right, professor? Though I love her to bits, had I known that our love would bring this

much trouble to our child, I’d have rather died than continue being in that relationship with her!” replied Marcel in a

slightly remorseful tone as he recalled his past.

“I’m assuming you said that since you eventually found out that the child would die by the age of ten if she failed to

avenge her family and obtain a Divine Fruit? I’m guessing you’re also worried that through her child’s death,

Phoebe’s identity could potentially be exposed to her enemies… Did I get that right?” asked Gerald after taking a

deep breath.

“Bingo. Truth be told, it wasn’t really a big problem when we found out that she had gotten pregnant back in

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university. However, once all this was made clear to me, we grew concerned and decided to just drop out of

university to start planning for the child’s future,” explained Marcel.

“So that’s why excellent students like you two suddenly decided to drop out!” replied the professor with an

understanding nod.


“Indeed… We’re sorry to have disappointed you, professor, but there was no other way. Had we not done that, the

child’s safety would’ve been at risk!” muttered Marcel.

“I see… Curious question, but did Phoebe know where the Divine Fruit tree was…?” asked Gerald.

Shaking his head, Marcel then said, “Unfortunately, she remembers little about the fruit. After all, she was very

young when she consumed it. The only hint we have is that the tree is located where heavenly fire descends… You

see, the Willows only passed down secrets through word of mouth. Since Phoebe’s mother hadn’t been told where

the tree was before the mass assassination, the tree’s location is pretty much lost. Though Phoebe’s mother did

manage to salvage the Willow’s Hundred Herbs Almanac and two sets of witchcraft books, none of them had any

records about the Divine Fruit either!”

“With that in mind, all we could do was slowly watch our son grow till he reached the age of ten… Mind you, he got

to that age about ten years ago, yet we still haven’t managed to locate the tree! That aside, about our divorce…

You see, someone was interested in creating Yangblood pellets with Phoebe’s help. Fearing that she would be found,

both of us agreed to divorce so that Phoebe could escape with the pellets while I remained here as a distraction to

confuse those who were hunting her down,” added Marcel.

“Yangblood pellets? Also, you said she hasn’t managed to locate the Divine Fruit tree to this day, correct? With that

in mind, your child should be dead. But that doesn’t make any sense! After all, about a year ago, Phoebe secretly

sent me a letter asking for my help to search for the tree!” replied the confused professor.

“Ah, I forgot to explain that bit. While it’s true that my child who will soon turn twenty should’ve died years ago, he’s

still alive due to the Yangblood pellets,” said Marcel.

This prompted Darkwind to suddenly say, “I’ve heard that Yangblood pellets can only be completed when used

together with Yinblood pellets… Once they’re combined, they’ll form a holy medicine known as Yinyang Blood

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pellets. Regardless, on its own, a Yangblood pellet is capable of stopping a person from growing for fifteen years.

Once fifteen years have passed, however, the person must then take a Yinblood pellet to stop the effects of the

Yangblood pellet and restore the harmony of life.”

“If a Yinblood pellet isn’t taken to regulate the invasion of Yang energy before then, the person’s brain will rapidly

be damaged and they’ll find themselves regressing till the point of death! I know about all this since I had planned

to obtain such pellets and hand them to my descendants. Unfortunately…” muttered Darkwind.

“Well, what Saint Darkwind said is true. My child is currently still alive due to the Yangblood pellet. Unfortunately,

since we don’t have any Yinblood pellets, my child’s already becoming slightly demented. If this goes on, I fear he’ll

die in another five years!” replied Marcel.

“I get it now. So you two split up to simultaneously look for Yinblood pellets and the Divine Fruit tree, correct?”

asked the professor with an understanding nod.

“Indeed. You see, Phoebe aside, my son’s the only other heir of the witches left alive! It doesn’t help that due to

complications in the Willow family’s bloodline, she’s only able to give birth once. With all that said, we’ve truly been

struggling for our child for most of our lives!”