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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1275
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1275

Turning around to see who it was, Gerald was surprised to see Naomi there. Thinking back, he hadn’t seen her in


“What are you doing here, Naomi?” asked Gerald.

“Well, Master Nacol is giving a lecture today and I’m responsible for leading the most outstanding students in our

grade to participate in it! And what about you? Could it be that you’re interested in such lectures as well?” replied

Naomi as she looked at Gerald with a smile.

Meeting Gerald was always a pleasant surprise for Naomi. In fact, whenever she had sleepless nights, Naomi always

felt like calling Gerald up to see what he was up to and ask how he had been doing lately. She wasn’t really all that

up-to-date with him. After all, Naomi had been actively trying to avoid him since she didn’t want to end up falling for


Gerald himself was aware of Naomi’s feelings for him.

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Despite knowing that, Naomi was also well aware that Gerald was completely loyal to Mila. Nothing could get in his

way of finding her, and he wouldn’t ever reciprocate to anyone else’s feelings for him. He simply wasn’t interested

in any other attachments aside from his and Mila’s.

Even so, Naomi knew that deep in her heart, she wouldn’t ever be able to just give up on the hope that she could

be with him. Due to that, she had always been prepared to go wherever Gerald headed to.

“Not at all. I’m here to discuss some matters with Master Nacol!” said Gerald, not feeling the need to hide the truth

from Naomi.

Since it had been such a coincidence for them to bump into each other today, both of them then continued chatting

as they walked into the auditorium to look for seats.

It wasn’t long before Gerald’s cell phone suddenly began ringing. Seeing that it was a call from Jace, Gerald then

picked up before asking, “What’s wrong, Dr. Mabb?”

“Ah, well, Chairman Dixon Harell—the organizer of this event—finds your presence here today to be extremely

important! Due to that, he’s arranged VIP seats for both you and Master Nacol! With that in mind, I’m calling to ask

whether you’d like to come over to the VIP seats now!” replied Jace with a chuckle.

“There’s no need for that! I’m with a friend now, you see. All I need is for you to arrange a private meeting for me

with Master Nacol once he’s done with his lecture. Thanks for the trouble!” said Gerald with a smile.

“Roger, Mr. Crawford!” replied Jace. The doctor truly admired Gerald, so it was an honor for him to be able to help


Regardless, Jace then turned to look at Dixon—who had been rubbing his hands to calm his nervousness this entire

time—before shaking his head rather regretfully.

Seeing that, Dixon wiped the sweat off his forehead, feeling slightly disappointed. After all, this was a missed

opportunity for him to meet Mr. Crawford! D*rn it!

Looking at Gerald after both of them sat next to her students, Naomi then asked, “Could you perhaps be busy? If

you are, you should head along first!”

Though she said that, Naomi was honestly slightly worried that he really was that busy and that he would have to

leave again so soon.

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Fortunately for her, Gerald simply smiled before replying, “Not in the least!”

With that, both of them continued chatting as they waited for the lecture to begin. Since Naomi’s attention was

entirely on Gerald, she wasn’t aware that a few of her male students were running around behind her…

All of a sudden, a loud clatter was heard!

Essentially, one of the boys had been running after another to attempt to grab his cell phone. Unfortunately for

him, he accidentally ran into a waiter, causing the wine tray in the waiter’s hand to be knocked over!

While that alone wouldn’t have resulted in that big an issue, it just so happened that a beautiful woman—who had

her arms locked with a middle-aged man—was walking past that waiter at that moment, resulting in red wine

spilled all over her body!

Following that, the woman instantly shrieked in rage!

Anyone attending such grand events would most certainly dress to impress since events like these were perfect

opportunities for them to shine. With that in mind, her anger and embarrassment was completely understandable.

After all, her dress was now completely drenched with red wine!

“I-I’m sorry…!” cried out the male student—who had unintentionally caused all this—extremely nervously.

Before he could say another word, however, he was immediately greeted by a tight slap!

As the woman glared at the dumbfounded boy, she then roared, “Do you think that apologizing will make

everything right?! Are you blind or something?!”