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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1124
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Irene's heart sank as she remembered Lulu's current appearance-she certainly would not be able to recognize Lulu either. However, personalities do not change easily unlike appearances.

If Zachary felt nothing, it was either him being too stupid, or he never loved her.

"Anyway, just watch out-Zachary's not that easily tricked," she warned Lulu.

Lulu was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling as she sighed. "I know. I'll be more careful for Star's sake." She was willing to do anything as long as she could stay in Zachary's house, taking care of Star as they grew up.

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After hanging up, Lulu fell asleep, but her dreams were troubling as she would often remember her torment during those hellish days.

She therefore woke up early, quickly gathering all the stuff she would need before heading to Zachary's mansion.

Zachary was just leaving the nursery when she arrived. "Good morning. Star woke up once last night. She's now asleep again after I changed her diapers." Lulu hurried inside to check and was relieved to see everything was fine.

Still, she was left in wry amusement and pointed at Zachary.

"Sir, you're wearing your shirt inside out," she said he might have woken up too early and was still groggy. Moreover, he might be tired from taking care of Star, and work had been busy. Zachary sighed in embarrassment when he saw it. "Sorry. Didn't notice it earlier." "It's fine." Lulu nodded and picked up sof the items left scattered around Star's crib.

Zachary was staring at her, his mind elsewhere.

After Lulu gathered everything washable, she looked up at him. "You're not getting changed?" Zachary cleared his throat. "Of course. I'd be laughed at at work." As he heeded to his bedroom, he turned and said, "I'll be leaving soon. Callright away if anything happens to Star." Lulu nodded and passed him his suit which he left on the couch.

Their fingers touched for an instant, and Zachary pulled away as if jolted.

He hurried to his bedroom, and returned to see Lulu acting perfectly neutral.

He hence hid his gloomy expression and left.

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Sue did not arrive even as noon arrived, and Lulu was about to call her when she called.

"M-Ms. Jones..." She was choking with tears.

Lulu immediately gets a foreboding sensation. "Mrs. Lambert? What happened?" On the other end, Sue was standing outside an emergency room with her son clenching on her hand. "I don't think can work anymore. Please tean apologize to Mr. Slate on my behalf..." Lulu was shocked-what on earth could have happened? Still, she said, "Tellwhat it is if you trust me, Mrs. Lambert."Sue was an earnest person, and Lulu felt comfortable working with her-being able to speak heart-to-heart made everything easier, especially without the need for petty squabbles. Content belongs to Find

"My husband's condition got very serious yesterday, and he's still in surgery sue eventually said. Lulu frowned-it had been an entire night, but the surgery was still not over? "How much does the surgery cost?" she asked.

"Two hundred thousand..."

There was no way Sue's family could afford it, and the surgical cost would make their already desperate circumstances worse!

"Mrs. Lambert, please cto Mr. ė Slate's house for now-just ask your son to hold the fort for the moment," Lulu said with a calmness almost unbecoming of her age. S "Oh... uh..." Sue was hesitant, unsure of what Lulu was planning.