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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1123
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Lulu then added, "Also, I'm being paid very generously-there's no need to paymore." She would not take more money from Zachary, not to mention that she was not short on money.

In fact, being allowed to work here for Zachary was something money could not buy.

Moreover, she could spend a month with Star in Zachary's absence.

Zachary nodded, "Thank you very much." Lulu rose to her feet and nodded as well. "It's nothing-it's my job. I'll be carrying my phone constantly, and I'll go bring my effects over if there's nothing else now." Zachary nodded, reclining against the couch once Lulu left, since it was one concern resolved.

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Lulu took smedicine and went to bed after reaching home-she was still too weak to stay up for too long. She was feeling muddled when she remembered that she should watch svideos online for a weaning diet, and she was getting up just as her phone rang. "Irene?" she answered-it was around noon in Franconia.

Irene was sitting at a cafe with her shades on, taking it off as she took a sip of her coffee.

"It's been so long since you started work at Zachary's, and you never called," she complained.

"Oh. I've just been busy taking care of my baby..." Lulu trailed off, since she could make tto call no matter how busy she was.

She was simply preoccupied since there was not a dull moment at work at Zachary's place, and she needed tto get used to Zidonia again.

"Just call if there's anything you need," Irene said.

"Yeah," Lulu replied, though she was already working on a mixed fruit juice, which had a richer flavor that Star might like.

"It's late-what are you doing over there? tellyou're still house!" Irene said, belongs to FindS"No, I'm just making a new juice for Star to drink tomorrow," Lulu replied, taking a sip after it was done.

It certainly tasted good, and Star might like it.

"Don't wear yourself out. Always get rest," Irene said, worried about Lulu's health after everything that had happened.

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"Don't worry, I will," Lulu said-she would not let anything bad happen to herself now that she had Star.

"Oh, by the way, there's been trouble at Slate Industries." Zachary was very busy, and she would like to know what was happening without asking him.

"Oh, he did call Isaac and I heard a

part of it, Irene replied. "There's strouble in the company, but don't worry-Zachary can handle that much." As Lulu nodded in realization, Irene chuckled. "Are you worried about him?"

"No, I was just curious," Lulu quickly replied. "He's going to work behind closed doors for a moment." "Y'know, explaining yourself like that means you have something to hide." Lulu sighed exasperatedly. "Fine, you got me." "You're not upset, are you?" Irene asked, suddenly serious.

"Why would I be? We're not dating," Lulu replied. "Also, it's fine that he's gone for a month. I can spend more En.

twith Star." "Aren't you worried he'd suddenly chand notice something?" Irene pointed out.

"Notice what?" Lulu shook her head and laughed. "I can't even recognize my own face." X