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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 Birthday Greeting

Alexander had no reaction to Evelyn's words as he picked up his glass and slugged another


In the corner, snickers rose from the others.

“I thought this woman was just a bit silly, but | didn’t expect her to have no brains at all. She dares to casually

mention looking for V Go d.”

“Doesn't she know that even Henry can’t find V G od?”

“Noah, you'd better go and persuade Henry that he’s totally pulling down the IQ of the next generation by

marrying someone like that,”

Noah leaned against the sofa, his cold gaze sweeping over Evelyn.

Evelyn was rapidly operating something on her phone, completely oblivious to the reactions of


Henry stared at the girl earnestly, having no doubts about her.

Ten minutes passed, and those who had been eagerly waiting for a show involving Evelyn had lost patience.

One of them gave Evelyn a disdainful glance and approached Alexander, making a toast to him.. “Alexander,

with so many people looking for V G od, it’s already difficult to trace any clues. As for V Go d's birthday

greetings, you shouldn't expect too much...”

Before he could finish his words, a notification sound from Alexander's phone interrupted him.

14:27 Fri, 23 Feb DG.

Chapter 106 Birthday Greeting.

Alexander opened the message and casually glanced at it.

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“Congratulations, you've received a birthday greeting. Please access the [URL] to view.”

It was clear that it was just a spam advertisement.

Alexander stared at it for a long time, a subconscious feeling telling him that this was a scam. However, his hand

obediently clicked on the link. It quickly went to that URL, and a little gpopped up right afterward.

As he watched the character bouncing on the screen, Alexander felt a bit disappointed, unsure of what he was


Just as he was about to close it, the scene suddenly changed.

After reading the contents on the screen, Alexander jumped up from the sofa.

“W-What did I... What did | see?”

After a dazzling display of formations, the once uninteresting gcharacters, spelled out “Alexander, Happy


These were normal operations and nothing extraordinary. What surprised Alexander was the final appearance of

V G od’s autograph, leaving him almost stunned.

“V...V G od, it’s really V Go d.” Alexander hugged his phone, and his eyes sparkled as he looked

at Evelyn.

The men who had just toasted Alexander and scored Evelyn were instantly frozen, their

faces extremely embarrassed.

At the stime, all eyes in the private room focused on Evelyn. Those people mingling with

Alexander were all genthusiasts and programmers. When encountering a programming expert, everyone

felt an indescribable excitement.

If Henry hadn't been present, these people would have surrounded Evelyn.

“Noah, am | dreaming? She actually managed to contact V Go d?”

“Did Henry contact V Go d early on to specifically support this woman to put on this play?”

Listening to the whispered questions around him, Noah's expression turned even colder. There

was absolutely no way it could be Henry. Henry even contacted him last night to keep on V Go d's

trail. There was definitely something wrong with this woman, Evelyn.

14:27 Fri, 23 Feb uDG*

Chapter 106 Birthday Greeting


After admiring the absolutely authentic signature, Alexander rushed to Evelyn's side with an exclamation,

“Evelyn, you are now my idol.”

Evelyn: “...”

“Evelyn, | have the latest smart gconsole at home. I'll send it over to you tomorrow. Also,

the C brand's new special gcard, whatever you want to buy. And | also have...”

He listed all the good things in his house to please Evelyn. Those who didn’t know might think

he was wooing a girl.

Evelyn clearly felt a chilling sensation behind her.

She glanced cautiously at Henry: it was obvious that he was angry. Henry was surrounded by a cold and

unnerving atmosphere, his eyes fixed sternly on Alexander

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Evelyn looked at the still talkative Alexander and kicked him with her foot, to which Alexander

was still oblivious. “Evelyn, I'm counting on you for the V Go d matter,” He said, handing her his

phone and said, “Let's friend each other. If you hear anything about V G od, please contact me


In an instant, Henry's expression turned even worse. Evelyn quickly grabbed Henry's hand and said, “Henry, did

you hear that? Someone seems to be begging me!”

“What did Alexander say when | offered to help at the villa last time?” Henry, without even lifting his eyelids,

perfectly reiterated Alexander's words, “He said, ‘No need, absolutely not.”

Alexander: “...” He really wanted to curse, ‘Henry, you son of a b*+*h.

“Evelyn, those were just nonsense | said when | was young and ignorant. | should be punished. Please forget it.

Now I'm mature and in desperate need of Evelyn's care.”


Evelyn really wanted to kick Alexander away, knowing that Henry would be jealous again in a moment. She said

coldly, “Sorry, | don’t want to be friends with mature men.”

“Baby, I'm tired. Let's go back.” She stood up and pulled Henry along, ready to go.

Alexander looked pleadingly at Henry, but Henry, expressionless, stood up and grabbed

Evelyn's hand, walking out directly.

“Ah! Henry the fellow. He's a fellow who forgets his friends for a woman,” cried Alexander in

despair: “He's so bad. He must be trying to use Evelyn in getting close to V Go d first.”

14:27 Fri, 23 Feb G.

Chapter 106 Birthday Greeting

“My goodness!”