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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Boss's Precious

The group arrived at a club.

Alexander pushed open the door to the VIP area, intending to invite Evelyn and Henry inside. However, he was

met with a terrifying scene that made his scalp tingle.

Absolutely dreadful!

Seeing Alexander's reaction, Noah seemed to have guessed what was happening inside. He leaned against the

door, adopting a stance of enjoying the show.

Alexander gave him a glare and then smiled, stopping Evelyn and Henry.

“Evelyn, how about we wait for a moment? It’s a bit messy inside. I'll have someone tidy up the


In her previous life, Evelyn had endured the dirtiest and messiest places, and there was nothing she couldn't


“No need.” She smiled and shook her head, ignoring Alexander's attempt to stop her, and pulled Henry inside


Watching the door close again, Alexander grabbed his hair in frustration.

“Oh no, Noah, do you know what's inside?”

Noah shrugged, “Probably... a cake?”

“Oh my g od, you beast. You knew what was inside and didn’t stop them. Do you realize how terrifying it is when

Henry gets angry?”

14:26 Fri, 23 Feb G

Chapter 105 Boss's Precious

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Alexander was in distress. Who would have thought that the business tycoon, Henry, who dominated the entire

economic sector in the country, had a phobia of cakes? When he was a child, someone accidentally smeared

cake on his face during a birthday celebration, then he triggered an explosive reaction that nearly overturned

the entire hotel. Since then, cakes were

strictly forbidden in his life, especially in private gatherings.

Alexander felt like crying; he really didn’t want to go inside.

Five minutes passed....

Evelyn silently picked up a second piece of cake, furrowing her brows strangely, “Isn't it. Alexander's birthday?

Why isn’t he coming in?”

Henry gently wiped off the cream from the corner of her mouth with an indifferent expression,

“Don’t bother about him.”

Evelyn nodded but still felt a bit upset.

Henry lightly patted the girl's shoulder and took out his phone.

Three seconds later, Alexander's message notification sounded. The content had only two



Seeing Henry's message, Alexander almost threw his phone away.

He turned to stare at Noah, “Noah, dear Noah, don’t you want my model racing set? I'll give it to you. Will you

helpget in there and see what's going on?”

Noah: “...”

Did he look that stu pid?

Noah sneered, pushed open the door abruptly, and, catching Alexander off guard, shoved him


“F uck, Noah, you beast.”

At this moment, what should have been a lively birthday party was unusually quiet.

Alexander was utterly despairing. In his mind, he cursed Noah a hundred and eighty times.

“Henry, I...”

Fri, 23 Feb p

Chapter 105 Boss's Precious


Alexander looked up and was shocked to see Henry was sharing the spiece of cake with


Henry! Was eating cake! Cake! Cake!

“Taste the cherry, it’s delicious.” Evelyn pinched a cherry from the cake and offered it to Henry's mouth.

‘He couldn't eat it. It was impossible. Henry would never eat it!” Alexander was still trying to

convince himself.

The next second, Henry calmly bit into the cherry, slowly chewed under the gaze of Alexander,

swallowed it.

Alexander: “...

Seeing Evelyn continue to enjoy her cake, Henry spared Alexander a glance.

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“What's the matter?”

Alexander shook his head, “Nothing...”

Henry mercilessly withdrew his gaze.

“I need a drink.” Alexander squeezed into the midst of a group of friends.

Noah silently sat in the corner, his expression icy as he glanced at Evelyn.

“Noah, is this the precious one from Henry's family?” Someone gossiped in a hushed tone.

Noah indifferently replied, “Just a momentary ty.”

“She looks good, but it's a pity; it's widely known that she’s an idiot. | wonder what Henry was thinking.”

At this moment, Evelyn, who had finished three pieces of cake, was in a great mood and said to Alexander,

“Today | didn’t have tto prepare a gift for you. If there's anything you want, just letknow, and I'll make it

up to you next time.”

Alexander silently looked at the two people constantly displaying affection in public, took a sip of his drink, and

said, “Since you're so capable, could you please make V G od appear before


Chapter 105 Boss's Precious

Speaking of this, Alexander felt quite miserable. He had solemnly vowed that this the would definitely

capture V G od, but V G od had disappeared without a trace. He had spent all the savings he had accumulated

over the years, hired countless hackers, but still couldn't hack V G od’s location.

Evelyn, looking at her ‘live fan’, sighed helplessly.

She did want to tell him directly, but her mask couldn’t be easily removed, and according to Alexander's attitude

last time, even if she said she is V Go d, he wouldn't believe it.

After thinking for a moment, Evelyn said, “Meeting her in person is out of the question, but | can ask V G od to

send you a birthday greeting.”